The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 888 You Don't Want to Lie to Aijia

Chapter 888 You Don't Want to Lie to Aijia

However, before the medicine powder in the medicine bottle in her hand was spilled, her wrist tightened. The next moment, her wrist and fingers hurt, and the medicine bottle flew out of her hand. Yue Tingfeng reached out to grab it and put it into her clothes .

At the same time, Yue Tingfeng moved up with his right hand, and knocked her neck lightly, Bai Yingying tilted her head and passed out.

Seeing Bai Yingying being controlled by Yue Tingfeng, Concubine Duan shouted sharply: "Yue Tingfeng, let Yingying go."

But at this time, how could she have room to resist, and was soon restrained by Habayashi Wei.

Habayashi guards escorted Concubine Duan to Yue Tingfeng.

Yue Tingfeng helped Bai Yingying to sit in a chair beside her, then raised her hand and tapped the ink, paper and inkstone.

"Ma'am, please write."

At this moment, Concubine Duan finally saw the other party's true face, she frowned: "I don't write about my family."

Yue Tingfeng: "I advise the concubine to write, so that she can make a contribution in front of the emperor, otherwise after the emperor gets rid of Chu Tianci, what will be the fate of the concubine, I don't need to tell you Imagine."

"You don't want to lie to Aijia, if there is no Tianci, Aijia is really the meat on your cutting board." Concubine Duan suddenly became wise: "If you really have a way to deal with Tianci, why bother to let Aijia Write this thing? Without the identification of Aijia, people in the world will not believe that Tianci is not the child of Aijia and the late emperor."

Yue Tingfeng: "You don't need to write, Song San!"

Song San took out a piece of letter paper from his bosom, and shook it open in front of Concubine Duan.

"This is a letter written by the concubine to His Highness the Fifth Highness. His Highness was young at the time and missed his mother. He would often hold the letter and cry all day long. This letter is full of tears from His Highness the Fifth Highness."

The boy in white quickly knelt down in front of Concubine Duan, hugged her leg and cried, "Concubine Mother, do you really deny your son?"

Yue Tingfeng suddenly raised his hand, and pulled out the big knife from the waist of Habayashi Wei beside him. The sharp blade landed on the neck of the boy in white.

"Since the concubine refuses to recognize him, then this liar who tried to deceive the emperor will be punished on the spot."

As he spoke, he exerted a little force on his hand, and the sharp blade cut through the skin on the neck of the boy in white, and beads of blood burst out immediately.


Concubine Duan was so frightened that her face turned pale.

She pointed at the boy: "Didn't you find this? Why did you kill him?"

It is true that Concubine Duan chose Chu Tianci just now in terms of interests, but she still placed great hopes in the young man in front of her. He is her own son. After all, the birthmark on his waist is too real.

Yue Tingfeng was indifferent and ruthless: "There is only one King Qin in Southern Chu, and the emperor can only recognize one King Qin. I will ask the concubine to choose which one she wants."

Yue Tingfeng raised his head and glanced out of the window: "It's getting late, the emperor may be in a hurry, now, I'm counting to three, if Concubine Duan hasn't made up her mind, then I will make this decision for Concubine Duan."


Yue Tingfeng only said "one", Concubine Duan took a deep breath and picked up a pen from the table: "You let him go first, Aijia writes."

The big knife in Yue Tingfeng's hand fell down and was inserted back into the scabbard of that Habayashi guard.

Concubine Duan held the brush, closed her eyes, and began to write.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Concubine Duan finally finished writing. She put down the brush, picked up the piece of paper, and handed it to Yue Tingfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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