The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 891 Regardless of whether he is the King of Qin, he must die!

Chapter 891 Regardless of whether he is the King of Qin, he must die!
Lin Xiu was overjoyed, and immediately stuffed the letter into his bosom, turned around, then withdrew from the battle circle, turned around and ran forward.

Yue Tingfeng was shocked, and quickly flew down to chase Lin Xiu. However, the masked man didn't give him a chance to chase him, and entangled him until Lin Xiu ran away with the letter and disappeared. He took a few steps back quickly, then turned around, opened his arms, and flew into the sky quickly like a white eagle.

Yue Tingfeng quickly fell to the ground, started his lightness kung fu and ran towards Lin Xiu's running direction. However, he ran more than ten meters away, but he didn't see any shadow.

At this time, Habayashi Wei caught up, "Master, are you alright?"

Yue Tingfeng waved his hands: "Where is Concubine Duan?"

Habayashi: "In that room."

Yue listened to the wind and didn't speak, and rushed to the yard just now. When she entered the room and saw Concubine Duan lying on the ground covered in blood, she was completely dumbfounded.

"Who killed Concubine Duan?"

Yue Tingfeng turned around and looked at Habayashi Wei: "Didn't I ask you to keep someone here to guard Concubine Duan?"

Seeing that Yue Tingfeng was so angry, the Habayashi guards all lowered their heads, not daring to look at him or speak.

At this moment, a Habayashi guard brought in the boy in white who was going to replace King Qin just now.

"Master Yue, just now a masked man wanted to kill this young master, but he pulled the concubine to block the sword..."

"No, Master Yue, it was the concubine who was reluctant to part with me and wanted to protect me, so she was accidentally injured by the masked man."

Before that Habayashi Wei finished speaking, the boy in white anxiously interrupted him to explain.

Yue Tingfeng was furious, raised his hand and pulled out the long sword from the waist of the guard beside him, and aimed the sword at the belly of the boy in white.

The young man in white was stunned. He covered the bloody wound stabbed by Yue Tingfeng with both hands, and asked with difficulty: "Master... Your lord, didn't you say that I... I am Qin... King Qin Is it?"

"Without Concubine Duan, you are nothing!"

As Yue Tingfeng said, he sent the long sword forward, and the tip of the sword passed through his body. The boy in white didn't even have time to say another word, and died.

All the people present were so frightened that they stood dumbfounded, not daring to say a word.

Yue Tingfeng pulled out the long sword, raised the sword, gently blew off the blood beads on the blade, and glanced at the bloody blade, looking at the ground not far away.

For the present plan, the emperor can only order Chu Tianci to be arrested and brought to justice on the charge of King Qin committing murder in the palace with a sword, with the intention of treason.

As long as the emperor gives an order, he will die regardless of whether he is the king of Qin or not!

Yue Tingfeng inserted the blood-stained long sword into the scabbard around Yu Linwei's waist, and then calmly ordered: "Bring up the corpses of Concubine Shangduan and this... son, and go with me to Xiluan Hall to meet the emperor. "


This courtyard is not far from the Crown Prince's East Palace. Lin Xiu snatched the letter and returned to Chu Li's side. The two of them rushed back and soon arrived at the East Palace.

The two entered the gate of the East Palace. Lin Xiu closed the door with his backhand. After that, he took out the letter from his arms and handed it to Chu Li.

Chu Li opened it and looked at it, and immediately smiled: "It really is Uncle Qin Huang's trick, oh no, with this evidence, he is no longer the King of Qin at all, and he has no blood relationship with Ben Gong at all, he is A traitor pretending to be King Qin."

Lin Xiu asked: "Now how does Your Highness plan to use this piece of evidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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