The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 902 These demons and ghosts can't hurt me

Chapter 902 These demons and ghosts can't hurt me

Those Habayashi guards who surrounded them fell to the ground one after another.

At the same time, Bai Yingying and Wang Song arrived, Bai Yingying grabbed Han Mingjiang, and the black hole of the system swept them up and disappeared in the local area.

"Your Majesty, they're gone again."

Yu Linwei stepped forward and reported to Emperor Chu.

"I have eyes!" Emperor Chu frowned and walked forward.

Li Dezhong stepped forward quickly: "Your Majesty, be careful."

"I am the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, protected by dragon energy, these monsters and goblins can't hurt me."

The Habayashi guards hugged Emperor Chu and walked forward.

Walking to the place where Han Mingjiang was lying just now, Emperor Chu lowered his head and looked at it seriously.

The bloodstains were still there, and the smell of blood was still in the air, but no one was there.

What exactly is going on?

Emperor Chu suddenly felt a chill in his heart. If the other party could come and go at will, wouldn't his life be guaranteed?
No, there is no such fairy art in this world.

Emperor Chu made a move with his right hand: "Come here, dig this land three feet, and I want to see if there is a secret passage underneath."

The guards of the Habayashi found an iron catalpa hoe and dug three feet into the ground, but there was no secret way under the ground.

At this moment, Emperor Chu felt scared in his heart. If they used this technique of flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, they quietly came to his side and stabbed him to death, then there would be no safety for him.

"Get up and drive back to the palace."

Emperor Chu didn't dare to stay here for a long time, so he hurriedly ordered people to return to the palace.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Chu Li, and the anger in his heart suddenly rose.

Emperor Chu didn't speak, but just ignored Chu Li and rushed out the door with all the feather forest guards.

As for Chu Li, he felt very uneasy. Just now, he clearly saw the incomparable disgust in Emperor Chu's eyes.


But it was said that Bai Yingying came out with Han Mingjiang, and the moment Wang Song landed, Bai Yingying's hand was grabbed by someone.

Bai Yingying looked up, but it was Chu Tianci, who was still following Cui An.

Bai Yingying immediately thought that the hidden weapon was released by Cui An just now.

Before he had time to ask, Chu Tianci pulled her into the carriage, and Cui An was responsible for carrying Han Mingjiang, who was unsteady, into the carriage.

Wang Song hurriedly followed, flapped his wings and climbed into the carriage, squatting in the corner.

Cui An drove the carriage to Yaogui Valley, while Bai Yingying knelt down and took out the golden sore medicine, preparing to stop Hanmingjiang's bleeding.

However, Chu Tianci took the golden sore medicine from her hand and personally healed Han Mingjiang's bleeding.

When the carriage arrived outside Medicine Ghost Valley, Cui An stepped forward and knocked on the gate of Medicine Ghost Valley. Immediately, several men in white clothes came over carrying a stretcher, put Han Mingjiang on the stretcher, and carried the stretcher inside.

Bai Yingying followed Chu Tianci, walked all the way in, looked around all the way, and she found that this place has been renovated.

Originally, I just thought that this place was relatively safe, but I didn't expect that there was a hole in the sky here.

"Husband, have you cultivated this medicine ghost valley?"

Chu Tianci nodded slightly: "This is the foundation you laid down. After it was destroyed by Bei Chenyue last time, I always felt it was a pity, so I asked someone to repair it quietly. I wanted to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect that you discovered it yourself first. "

"I was pleasantly surprised when I found out."

Bai Yingying turned her head and smiled at him, then turned and ran inside.

Chu Tianci quickly caught up, and the two ran all the way to the small building in front.

The small building was built bigger than before, and there were still noisy voices coming from inside.

Bai Yingying probed curiously: "Who are there?"

(End of this chapter)

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