The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 915 So that he can no longer use conspiracies and tricks

Chapter 915 So that he can no longer use conspiracies and tricks
Chu Tianci turned around to meet him, stretched out his hand to grab Bai Yingying's hand, and said in a low voice, "It's the person who listens to the wind, and I want you to treat him."

Only then did Bai Yingying remember that Yue Tingfeng was attacked by her own poison bottle in Qiluan Hall before, and now she is probably not recovering.

Thinking of what Yue Tingfeng did before, Bai Yingying felt that she should not save him.

However, thinking that he had saved her once, Bai Yingying felt that she had to repay him for saving her life.

Bai Yingying looked at Chu Tianci: "Husband, you make a decision, I'll go back to the room to rest first."

She knew that if she offered to save Yue Tingfeng, Chu Tianci would definitely not agree, so, in front of Liu Guang, Bai Yingying handed over the decision to Chu Tianci.

Chu Tianci looked at Liu Guang: "You step back first."

When Chu Tianci returned to the bedroom, he saw Bai Yingying sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for him.

Chu Tianci walked over, touched her cheek with his hand, and asked with a smile, "Didn't you say you're going back to the house to rest? Why are you sitting here?"

Bai Yingying looked at him with wide eyes: "Husband, do you remember that time at Haodu Restaurant?"

The smile on Chu Tianci's face slowly disappeared, and after a while, he nodded: "How can I not remember? That day, you really made me so angry."

Bai Yingying stood up suddenly, stretched out her hands, put her arms around his neck, and kissed her deeply on the cheek.

"That day, Yingying didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but her husband made a fuss out of a molehill."

Chu Tianci's face changed, and he was about to speak, but Bai Yingying said seriously: "Husband, that night, Prince Chuli's subordinate Lin Xiu grabbed me and threw me down from the fifth floor. Brother Yue caught me. Although I also knew later that my husband also rescued me, Brother Yue's life-saving grace cannot be erased."

"So, you still want to save him?" Chu Tianci was a little unhappy.

Bai Yingying: "If the injury on his body was not caused by me, then I have a reason not to save him, but I caused the injury on his body, even if I can't repay him for saving his life, then I can't repay him with revenge, right? .”

Chu Tianci took a deep look at her, feeling a little helpless with her.

Seeing that he was silent, Bai Yingying said again: "Besides, I think Brother Yue is quite talented. This time, if I can persuade him not to oppose my husband, then maybe my husband will have another helper in the future."

"Forget it." Chu Tianci felt uncomfortable when he thought of Yue Tingfeng: "Aside from plotting and plotting, what talent does he have?"

Bai Yingying hugged his arm coquettishly: "Husband, you should repay him Yingying for saving his life. If you can't persuade him well, then from now on, I will get rid of both grievances and grievances, how about it?"

Chu Tianci hesitated for a moment, before finally nodding and agreeing: "Forget it, this king will promote him tonight and accompany you to his house in person, so that the emperor will know how close his confidant and love will be to this king. Don’t trust him in the future, so that he can’t make any more tricks.”

Seeing that Chu Tianci agreed, Bai Yingying was very happy, and ignored the sting in his words.

She got up and went to the closet to get the clothes and cloak, and helped Chu Tianci put them on and fasten the cloak belt herself.

Seeing her being so obedient and obedient, Chu Tianci felt a little uncomfortable: "In order to save that Yue Tingfeng, you just wronged yourself like this?"

"How can I wrong myself?" Bai Yingying tilted her head and smiled: "Yingying is the husband's wife, shouldn't she help him change clothes?"

(End of this chapter)

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