Chapter 921
Emperor Chu was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but looked at the big guy and asked, "What's your opinion?"

As a result, everyone began to express their opinions one after another. There were only two candidates for the command, one was Chu Tianci proposed by Hou Zewen, and the other was Taiwei Feng Shen proposed by Feng Zian.

The two sides were arguing very loudly. Emperor Chu was agitated and raised his hand to calm everyone down. He looked at the prince and King Yi and asked, "Prince, what do you think?"

Chu Li hurriedly came out: "I...I also think that it is most appropriate for Mr. Feng to be in command."

As for King Qin Chu Tianci, staying in Jinling City to ensure his safety is the most important thing.

Emperor Chu looked at Chu Yi again, and asked, "King Yi, what do you think?"

Chu Yi came out and stood beside Chu Li: "Royal father, I thought it would be better for the King of Qin to send troops, and it just happened to test whether he is loyal to the royal father and Nan Chu."

Emperor Chu's eyes lit up slightly, he looked at Chu Yi, and waved his hand lightly: "Let's retreat, King Yi stays here."

Chu Li turned his head and glanced at him, frowning slightly, and following the officials hurried out of the palace, Xun Chutian resigned.

Chu Yi came to the Qiluan Hall and said to Emperor Chu: "Father, Concubine Duan is dead, and the identity of King Qin can no longer be verified, but King Qin is now a hero of the war king loved by everyone in Southern Chu. Punishment may cause chaos.

That being the case, why not take advantage of this opportunity and let King Qin go to fight in Nanzhao. If he didn't take the opportunity to rebel, it means that he is loyal to his father. Since he is loyal to his father, his identity is not so important. "

Emperor Chu thought for a while and asked, "What if he rebels? Nanzhao is adjacent to Qinyang City, and Qinyang City has his [-] troops."

"This is easy." Chu Yi said confidently: "In the court today, my son only said that King Qin would lead the troops to go out, but he didn't say that he should be in command. My son thought that there is another way to test whether he is loyal. .”

"What way?" Emperor Chu asked.

Chu Yi: "Royal father sent a confidant to take command, with King Qin as his deputy. In this way, he can be coerced, and his loyalty can be tested at the beginning of the army."

At this moment, a eunuch came to announce: "Your Majesty, Lord Yue is here, saying he is here to bid you farewell."

Emperor Chu pondered for a while, then raised his hand: "Let's declare."

He also has something in his heart that he wants to ask Yue Tingfeng, especially for this Nanzhao expedition, he also wants to ask him what he means.

Emperor Chu asked Chu Yi to retreat first, and after a while, Yue Tingfeng came in.

"The guilty minister sees the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

Yue Tingfeng knelt on the ground, with respect and piety all over his body.

Emperor Chu looked at him, feeling a bit of reluctance in his heart.


"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Yue Tingfeng stood up and faced Emperor Chu: "Your Majesty, the sinful ministers who came here today are saying goodbye to the Emperor. If we go today, the mountains are high and the roads are far away. Maybe we will never see the Emperor in this lifetime."

Yue Tingfeng's eyes were still covered with a white scarf, but at this moment, tears moistened the white scarf, and tears leaked from the edge of the white scarf.

Emperor Chu looked at it, moved slightly, and asked, "Your eyes are still not healed?"

Yue Tingfeng nodded: "In the past few days, Princess Qin came to see the sinful minister every day. Although she was better, she was injured too badly after all. I am afraid that she will never recover. With the current body of the criminal, I am afraid that if I go to Ninghai There was no return, so the guilty minister knew that he shouldn't bother the emperor, but before he left, he couldn't help but want to see the emperor for the last time.

Even if the sinner's eyes were lost, but it was the emperor's voice, the sinner would be satisfied if he could hear it again. "

(End of this chapter)

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