The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 924 Whatever You Do, I Will Be With You

Chapter 924 I will be with you no matter what

Chu Tianci took out a token from his pocket and handed it to Yu Juechen.

Yu Juechen took the token and nodded cautiously: "Yes, Your Highness, the next news about Fengyun Pavilion will be in charge of my deputy Yu Li, contact Your Highness."

Chu Tianci nodded.

As soon as Yu Juechen left, there was a knock on the door.

Chu Tianci stepped forward to open the door, and saw Bai Yingying standing in front of him.

"Husband, will you go out?"

Chu Tianci: "Chu Li told you?"

Bai Yingying nodded: "I met Chu Li just now, and he said that you are likely to go to Nanzhao to help fight the Luo Su Kingdom. He told me to persuade you not to go."

Chu Tianci reached out and touched the top of her head, and asked in a low voice, "What about you? You don't want me to go either, do you?"

Bai Yingying shook her head: "I respect your decision. If you think it is necessary to lead troops to go out, then I believe that it is definitely necessary. I will not hold you back. I will support you and fight with you Let's go to battle together."

"What? You want to go too!" Chu Tianci's face darkened slightly: "Nonsense! You little girl, what are you going to do on the battlefield? Let men do the killing of enemies on the battlefield."

"But, you and I are husband and wife, we are one, and I will be with you in everything we do."

Bai Yingying said stubbornly.

Hearing what she said, Chu Tianci was very moved, but in his heart, he still insisted on his point of view.

"Yingying, when you are away on an expedition, eating and sleeping in the open air is the next best thing. The key is that the battlefield is dangerous. This king cannot let you go to such a place."

Bai Yingying blinked: "Husband, have you forgotten? I have Song Song Ya, he will protect me."

"This king knows." Chu Tianci stretched out his hand to hold her hand: "It's just that this time, Emperor Chu probably won't let me come back so smoothly. If you stay in Jinling, you can help me pay attention to Emperor Chu's movements. If the situation changes, you can come and inform me in time.

Besides, Jinling City now has Jiulixiang and Baiguang who need your care, and the disciples and grandchildren of Yaoguigu who need your guidance. Therefore, you should leave the rough work of fighting to your husband. "

Hearing what he said, Bai Yingying finally compromised. She nodded: "Okay, I will help you pay attention to the court's dynamics in Jinling City, but, my husband, if you go to war, you must be extremely careful."

Chu Tianci nodded, and the two of them held hands to see, and the true feelings flowed in their eyes.


In the Qiluan Palace, Emperor Chu summoned the crown prince and King Yi to discuss matters concerning the expedition.

After the two saluted, the Emperor of Chu cut to the chase and said, "For the past two days, I have been thinking about who will lead the battle in Nanzhao, and finally decided that, to be on the safe side, it is more appropriate to send the God of War of Southern Chu, King Qin, in command."

Chu Yi immediately complimented: "Father is wise."

Chu Li's nose and eyes were all wrinkled.

Seeing that he was silent and his face was not good-looking, Emperor Chu asked, "Prince, what do you think?"

"Father is wise." Chu Li could only squeeze out a smile, he gritted his teeth, and knelt down towards Emperor Chu: "Father, please allow me to go to Nanzhao with King Qin. Come, you can also watch King Qin on behalf of your father."

Chu Yi turned his head and glanced at Chu Li, and quickly expressed his opinion: "Father, my son is also willing to share the worries of father, and my son also requests to go out with the army."

Emperor Chu nodded just as he had this intention: "Okay, my sons are all good. For a while, you go outside the hall to be kind first. I have something to say to the crown prince."

Chu took a look at the prince, then turned and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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