The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 936 A woman is a woman, without the support of a man, a woman cannot succeed

Chapter 936 A woman is a woman, without the support of a man, a woman cannot succeed

Emperor Chu signaled Li Dezhong to bring up the list.

After Emperor Chu received the list, Bai Yingying was indignant: "Except for the people who ticked above, everyone ignored my orders, so I beg the emperor to issue an order to remove all these people from their positions."

Hearing Bai Yingying's angry voice, Emperor Chu felt an inexplicable sense of joy in his heart. This Bai Yingying's small appearance was completely like a pissed off daughter-in-law, which made people inexplicably want to stand up for her.

This also made him feel that a woman is a woman, and without the support of a man, a woman cannot achieve anything.

In this way, Emperor Chu trusted Bai Yingying more and became less defensive.

"Where is Habayashi?"

A Habayashi guard in white armor came out next to him, bowed and bowed his hands in salute: "The end is here."

Emperor Chu handed the list to Li Dezhong. Li Dezhong took the list and walked down to hand it to the guard of the forest.

Emperor Chu ordered: "General He, take people to the inner treasury immediately, and degrade those who are not on the list, no matter what their original positions are, to the lowest level of eunuchs, and send them to Yongxiang."

Then General He quickly agreed, and then went with the list.

Emperor Chu looked at Bai Yingying and asked with a smile, "How is it? Is Bai Aiqing satisfied now?"

Bai Yingying bowed and saluted: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Emperor Chu asked again: "There used to be more than two hundred people in the inner treasury, but now more than half of them have been removed at once. The remaining manpower may not be enough. I don't know where Bai Aiqing is going to find people to fill the vacancy in the inner treasury."

Bai Yingying: "Going back to the emperor, I am going to openly recruit in the palace. All eunuchs and court ladies who wish to work in the inner treasury can apply for the job."

"The maids are okay?" Emperor Chu was slightly surprised: "In the past, the internal treasury was managed by eunuchs."

Bai Yingying said with a smile: "The advantage of women is that they are careful and appropriate in managing the internal treasury. Of course, men also have the advantages of men. Each has its own strengths, so it is the most suitable to work together.

Besides, didn't the emperor also hand over the management of the internal treasury to the minister? "

"Oh, hahaha..."

Emperor Chu burst out laughing immediately: "It's reasonable, then do as you say, and I'll make a decree in the palace, so that anyone who wants to work in the inner treasury should apply for the job."

Bai Yingying nodded: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

When Bai Yingying came to the inner library, there was a lot of noise inside.

Soon, General He came out with Habayashi Guard and a group of eunuchs.

Eunuch Huang walked in the front. When he saw Bai Yingying, he couldn't wait to see her. He stared at Bai Yingying, wishing to see a hole in Bai Yingying's body.

The eunuchs were taken away weeping and walked into the inner warehouse, where it was finally emptied.

In the following time, for the remaining 50 people, Bai Yingying had an individual conversation with each of them, and got to know all aspects of their information very clearly.

In the next few days, Bai Yingying re-adjusted the organizational structure of the internal treasury. For the management of the internal treasury, she announced the implementation of two methods: internal competition for posts and external recruitment, with priority for internal selection.

After seven days of busy work, the personnel in each position of the internal warehouse are finally fully equipped.

Bai Yingying posted the rules and regulations and work procedures that had been drawn up early in the morning, and the functions and responsibilities of each position were also clarified. In this way, the affairs in the internal treasury developed in a new direction in an orderly manner.

The reason why Emperor Chu asked Bai Yingying to manage the internal treasury was to let her earn more money for him.

Therefore, after Bai Yingying handled her internal affairs well, she shifted the focus of her work to the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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