The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 938 That is, would they be so kind?

Chapter 938 That is, would they be so kind?

And coincidentally, this time, the general representing Luo Su's country was none other than Mo Xiao who was the national teacher in Southern Chu.

Mo Xiao took control of King Nanzhao and made him stand on top of the city tower, shouting to Chu Tianci below the city.

"To King Qin of Southern Chu, Gu has reconciled with the Luosu Kingdom and does not need assistance from Southern Chu. Please also ask King Qin to lead his troops back and explain everything to the Emperor of Southern Chu."

Under the tower, Chu Tianci was riding on horseback. Before he could speak, Chu Yi beside him had already spoken.

"Come and go as soon as you are called, why are you playing us like a monkey in Nanchu?"

Chu Li didn't want to fight, so he quietly said to Chu Tianci: "Uncle Emperor, since the King of Nanzhao has reached a settlement with Luo Su, I don't think we should fight this battle. Let's go back to the court, how about it?"

The King of Nanzhao looked at Chu Tianci eagerly. A sharp dagger was being compared to the back of his waist. As long as he said something nonsense, the dagger would pierce into his body.

"His Royal Highness King Qin, it's Gu's fault. Gu shouldn't ask for help from Nanchu. This time, Gu has really reconciled with Luo Suguo. You can go back."

Chu Tianci fell silent, and at this moment, a soldier rushed over: "His Royal Highness King Qin, a group of ordinary people came in front and asked His Highness to lead troops to withdraw from Nanzhao, saying that they did not want war."

Chu Tianci: "Bring them all up."

The soldier promised, turned and left, and after a while, he brought a group of ordinary people over.

Chu Tianci saw that those people were old men and women, most of them had gray temples.

An old man at the head asked: "You are the King of Qin in Nanchu, right? We in Nanzhao don't want war, so you should retreat quickly."

"That's right, our king has already negotiated with Russell, you should go now."

Chu Yi immediately became angry: "You old man, why don't you know good from bad? We sent troops all the way from Southern Chu to help you, but you don't know good from bad."

The old man was also angry, and said harshly: "Don't think that we don't know your thoughts, you just want to take the opportunity to occupy our Nanzhao.

Hmph, Nanchu and Nanzhao had just fought a battle before, how could you be so kind?Just help out, it's fine if you don't come to rob. "

"That is, they will be so kind?"

Chu Li was also furious: "What a white-eyed wolf, you Nanzhao are not worthy of our Nanchu sending troops to rescue."

"Shut up!" Chu Tianci shouted sharply.

Chu Li was startled and shut up quickly, but he frowned on the first day of the junior high school, but he was also shocked in his heart.

Chu Tianci looked at the source, and said in a low voice: "This expedition is a decision made by the previous high-level leaders of Nanchu and Nanzhao Kingdom. The reason why your Princess Nanxin married Nanzhao is to exchange reinforcements for the people of Nanzhao. .”

Chu Tianci paused, and continued: "When your Princess Nanxin got married, she brought a lot of well-prepared gifts, you should know that these gifts are all from the people.

Now that we are here, you want us to go back. Maybe you are ordinary people and cannot see the crisis hidden in the Nanzhao Palace, but you have to use your own thoughts and think about it carefully. Not to reconcile with you?

Just because we came, Russell Kingdom reconciled with you? "

These ordinary people are pure-minded, and when they are instigated by others, they come here regardless of their own safety.

Hearing what Chu Tianci said now, my heart was a little shaken.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Nanzhao King shouted hoarsely.

(End of this chapter)

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