The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 943 To teach them what to do and what not to do

Chapter 943 To teach them what to do and what not to do
"Yes." The soldier bowed his head in agreement, and then asked cautiously, "General Lei, what about our people?"

"What can we do?" Lei Yan said angrily, "It must be done, no matter whether it succeeds or not, it must be done, otherwise it will be difficult to explain in front of King Qin."

"Yes." The soldier agreed again.

Lei Yan thought for a while, "In this way, you let the fifth team go over, bring hooks and ropes, no matter whether you can enter Taihe City or not, let His Royal Highness King Qin see our attitude towards Jianyang City."


The soldier agreed and went down.

After that, Lei Yan hurriedly turned around, picked up the teapot on the table and poured tea, who knows, but no tea came out.

He lifted the lid of the teapot and saw that the tea inside had been frozen into ice cubes because of the cold weather.

Lei Yan frowned, and put the teapot heavily on the table.

At this time, Qi Ming opened the tent door and walked in from the outside.

"Have you heard?"

Lei Yan smiled at Qi Ming: "I just heard that."

Qi Ming walked quickly to his side, and asked in a low voice, "How did you arrange it here?"

Lei Yan was a little helpless: "How else can we arrange it? Let someone bring the tools with us. How can we make a show for the higher-ups to see?"

Qi Ming said in a low voice, "That's not what I asked."

Lei Yan looked back and forth, and after confirming that there was no one, he whispered: "Even if you and I join forces, do you think we have that confidence?"

Qi Ming nodded, deeply convinced: "That's the truth, but how do you and I explain to the emperor?"

"Let's just wait and see." Lei Yan thought for a while, "Didn't you see that King Yi and the crown prince are here too? Let's wait for the opportunity."


At this time, Liu Guang was reporting in Chu Tianci's tent.

"Lei Yan and Qi Ming sent a team of troops to follow behind my Qin Yang army. They didn't bring anything with them. When they saw Qin Yang's army climbing the city wall, they each sent someone back to report to their general.

Half an hour later, they each sent another team to Taihe City with ropes and iron hooks.

On Tong Dashan's side, he personally led a team to climb up Taihe City from another direction. "

Chu Tianci nodded slightly: "It seems that Tong Dashan can be trusted. As for Lei Yan and Qi Ming, after seeing the strength of our Qin Yang army today, they will definitely not make a move easily.

However, Lei, Qi, and Qiu should always be on the lookout for any conspiracy, especially Qiu Yichen. "

"Yes." Liu Guang nodded: "Your subordinate has already let our special forces who are the best at disguising watch them. Even if they want to conspire, they cannot escape His Highness's eyes."

Liu Guang was a little puzzled again, and asked, "Since His Highness is most worried about Qiu Yichen, why did he keep him?"

Chu Tianci: "Qiu Yichen's army in Anyang City is quite prestigious. Besides, what he committed is not a crime that must be killed. This king keeps him, just to be able to show the Anyang army, so that they can teach them to understand. , what to do and what not to do.”

Liu Guang suddenly realized.


Taihe Palace.

Su Xiao sat on the large tiger-skin chair, listening to the reports of his subordinates.

Hearing that many people climbed up from the top of the Taihe City wall last night, they were so angry that their eyes lit up with sparks.

"They climbed up the 30-meter-high city wall? Are there no guards on the city wall?"

"There are guards, but those guards couldn't stop them, and some of them were killed."

Su Xiao asked: "A member of Qin Yang's Army?"

(End of this chapter)

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