The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 962 Why is this man more narcissistic than her

Chapter 962 Why is this man more narcissistic than her

The two reunited after a long absence, and after a sweet kiss, Chu Tianci put his arms around her and sat on his lap, asking, "Why did you come here suddenly?"

"I'm worried about you." Bai Yingying told him the imperial decree of Emperor Chu, and then looked at him worriedly: "If Qin Yang's army is really transferred back, then only Emperor Chu's troops will be left here. At that time, if they don't listen to your husband, then your husband will be in danger."

Chu Tianci heard her speak hastily, but his heart was as sweet as drinking honey.

His little Jiaojiao cared so much about him, she didn't care what kind of situation he was in at all, she always supported him and loved him like that.

If he has a wife like this, what can his husband ask for?

Chu Tianci put his arms around her and kissed her deeply, and then said in a low voice: "I just got the news about this matter, so ah, I asked them to break up and reorganize the team overnight, three Qin Yang soldiers, with two Soldiers from other places, in this way, all the teams are under my control."

"Ah, that's a really good idea." Bai Yingying looked at him with admiration: "Husband, why are you so powerful that you came up with such a method?"

Chu Tianci smiled slightly: "Emperor Chu wants my king's 3 Qin Yang army, so I will give it to him. However, whether he can control it depends on his ability. Anyway, his [-] troops , this king can control it."

"High, really tall!" Bai Yingying curled her lips: "If I had known that my husband was so powerful, Yingying would not have come. Today, Song Song and I drove for more than an hour to find you."

"Come on, why don't you come?" Chu Tianci put his arms around her waist: "If you don't come, how does this king know that you worry about me and miss me so much? If you don't come, how can I relieve your thoughts?" This king's lovesickness?"

"Ah..." Bai Yingying blushed immediately, and said angrily, "No, I'm just worried about you..."

As she spoke, she stretched out her small fist, making a gesture to hit her, but was grabbed by Chu Tianci.

Chu Tianci was in a very good mood, and laughed: "Okay, okay, I guess I made a mistake, it should be, if you don't come, how can I relieve my pain of missing you?"

After hearing his change, Bai Yingying calmed down, grabbed his collar with both hands, and looked at his unparalleled handsome face, feeling both excited and joyful.

That's right, he was right, she missed him!I want to go crazy.

Seeing that he was safe and sound now, Bai Yingying suddenly realized that before she came, she knew that with his ability, there must be a way to resolve it, but she still came, why?
In fact, it was because I missed him too much!
Bai Yingying was suddenly a little annoyed, why didn't she have these troubles in her previous life, did she suddenly get enlightened?Or did the system cast a Gu on her?

Chu Tianci saw that her eyes were wide open, looking at him unblinkingly, with confusion in her eyes.

"What's the matter? Thinking of this king is so stupid?"

"That's not it!" Bai Yingying was a little mad, how could this man be more narcissistic than her.

She glared at him and muttered in a low voice, "I was wondering if the system had tricked me..."

"A Gu? What Gu?" Chu Tianci asked worriedly.

Bai Yingying continued to mutter: "In my previous life, I only liked to work and make money. I have never been so interested in any man. Why am I such a tall and advanced technology expert so obsessed with ancient people who lived thousands of years ago? This unscientific!"

(End of this chapter)

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