The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 968 Even if a soldier like this goes to the battlefield, he is going to die!

Chapter 968 Even if a soldier like this goes to the battlefield, he is going to die!

As soon as Zhao Yong heard it, he knew that he was bewitched by the rumors, and quickly said: "Your Majesty, now is not the time to let Nanchu go, there are still so many soldiers outside Luo Suguo. If King Qin leaves, the soldiers of Luo Suguo will surely Comeback."

When Nan Yi heard this, he was not happy, "General Zhao, you can be regarded as a veteran of our Nanzhao. Now that the soldiers and horses of Luo Su have withdrawn from Taihe City, as a veteran, you should find a way to organize our own army to fight against the enemy. Luo Suguo, how can you pin all your hopes on Nan Chu?" How can you pin all your hopes on Nan Chu?

Zhao Yong blushed from embarrassment, and bowed his head in shame: "Your Majesty has taught you the lesson, and the old minister will follow His Majesty's imperial decree, but after the purge of Luo Su Kingdom, there are not many young and middle-aged people left in our Taihe City. The two cities are occupied by the Russell Kingdom, which is equivalent to half of the territory of the Nanzhao Kingdom. Now it is difficult to gather enough troops to compete with the Russell Kingdom.

Therefore, the old minister still suggested to His Majesty to leave King Qin of Southern Chu in Taihe City first. With him around, Luo Su Kingdom would not dare to act rashly. "

"Who said that?"

Just as Zhao Yong finished speaking, a thunderous voice sounded from outside.

When Nan Yi heard this, he immediately stood up happily: "General Meng, you are back. Gu thought that you were killed by the people of Luo Su."

This man's surname is Meng and his first name is Da.

Munda has been a big man since he was a child, with a burly body and strong martial arts skills.

He and Nanyi grew up together, and he made contributions to Nanyi being the king of Nanzhao.

But after Nan Yi came to power, the two gradually drifted away because of some misunderstandings.

Afterwards, Munda went to Andi to guard the border. When the army of the Russell Kingdom was pressing down on the border, he led a team of his confidantes to break out from the siege of the enemy and narrowly escaped death.

They did not choose to go back to Taihe City, but found a hill outside Taihe City to live temporarily, waiting for the opportunity.

Now, King Qin of Southern Chu has driven Luo Su's army out of Taihe City, and now such rumors spread in the city again, Mengda felt that the time was right, so he led his men to Taihe City. .

Mengda bowed down in front of Nanyi, and said with a sad face: "At the beginning when the Luosu army attacked the city, I led my soldiers to resist desperately. Ashamed of Your Majesty."

Meng Da paused, and continued: "At first, I escaped from the dead, and I didn't want to live in vain, but thinking of His Majesty, who was still living in dire straits, I had to bear the humiliation and secretly accumulate strength to help His Majesty regain Nanzhao. territory.

Now, the minister has assembled tens of thousands of soldiers and horses for His Majesty, and he can definitely help His Majesty defeat the Luo Su country, and he will be ashamed with one blood. "

"Really?" Nanyi was very happy: "You really assembled tens of thousands of soldiers and horses?"

Munda nodded: "Before, the cities of Andi and Lindi were destroyed, and many people were living in the wilderness. I gathered them together, and now we have this group of troops. Moreover, as long as His Majesty issues another imperial edict to recruit troops, I promise that Within three days, call another [-] soldiers and horses for His Majesty, so that the Luo Su Kingdom will not be afraid."

Zhao Yong found it inconceivable: "How can the soldiers recruited just now go to the battlefield without training? Even if such soldiers go to the battlefield, they are going to die!"

Zhao Yong looked at Nanyi: "Your Majesty, in another month, it will be the season of spring plowing. Now, if all the men of Nanzhao Kingdom are called together to fight, then the spring plowing in the coming year will be delayed. There will be major problems in the people's livelihood of Zhao."

(End of this chapter)

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