The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 985 But those people don't listen to the old general's orders?

Chapter 985 But those people don't listen to the old general's orders?
Zhao Yong showed embarrassment on his face: "Actually, I also have a little selfishness in this matter.

Around the leader, some people think that the Nanzhao people in Taihe City are an eyesore, and want to get rid of them. I find something for them to do, so that the leader can see their value and give them a way out. "

Seeing his sincerity, the two believed him.

In addition, they really didn't want to do the carrying job anymore, so they agreed to Zhao Yong's proposal.

Next, everyone gathered the remaining common people in Taihe City and prepared to move them.

Zhao Yong saw that these people were all old men and women in their 60s and [-]s, or young children under the age of ten, and some of them were still in their infancy.

There was forbearable hatred in the old people's cloudy eyes.

Zhao Yong looked at it from left to right, and then pulled the young general aside.

"General, why are they all old people and children? What about those young people?"

The young general said in distress: "The young ones, some of them were transferred away by the superiors, and the other part was locked in the captive prison."

Zhao Yong asked: "Can the captives be released? Although these old people can move, they must not be as physically strong as young people."

"This..." The young general was very embarrassed: "Without an order from above, I dare not be the leader. Isn't General Zhao a popular person in front of the leader now? Why don't you ask for an order."

"Okay, no problem." Zhao Yong turned around and left, just took two steps, he turned around again and said, "It's just that the inside of the treasury is damp, and the roof is leaking again. If it catches up with the rain, the food inside will be all gone." It's ruined, and at that time, we can't afford to blame the leader for it."

The young general asked, "Then what does General Zhao mean?"

Zhao Yong: "I'm going to the palace now to ask for instructions, and the two generals will release the captives first and let them do their work. In this way, after I invite the leader's order, won't there be no delay?"

The young general: "What if the leader disagrees?"

Zhao Yong smiled slightly: "If you don't agree, then take all those captives back. The entire Taihe City is your people. Are you afraid that they will escape?"

The two teenagers thought about it, so they nodded in agreement.

The three of them discussed and decided that one young general would escort the old, weak, sick and disabled to carry food, and the other young general would take people to the prison to release all the captives to work.

When Zhao Yong entered the palace, Su Xiao saw him and asked: "General Zhao is here, but the food in the treasury has already been transported to Guangku?"

Zhao Yong shook his head, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "My lord, I am here to apologize to you, and to ask you to resign."

"Why did the old general say that?"

Su Xiao asked suspiciously.

Zhao Yong sighed: "I'm old, and I'm an ex-Nanzhao official again. He should be reused by the leader of the Nanzhao. He should have been devastated, but why can't he convince the public."

Su Xiao's face darkened slightly, and he asked: "But those people don't listen to the old general's orders?"

"It's understandable that they have resentment in their hearts." Zhao Yong excused himself for the sake of those people: "After all, they are all soldiers fighting on the battlefield. Letting them do the work of carrying food really wronged them."

As soon as Su Xiao heard it, he understood that the emotional guys didn't want to do this rough work.

For what Zhao Yong said, he firmly believed in it. After all, he was very clear about the personalities of the soldiers he led and those people under him.

When I was in the Russell Kingdom, these activities were always shamed by the superior people.

(End of this chapter)

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