The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 989 From that moment on, Nanzhao was destroyed

Chapter 989 From that moment on, Nanzhao was destroyed

Zhao Yong nodded: "I promise, get up quickly."

As soon as he agreed, others came to beg Zhao Yong one after another, begging Zhao Yong to help them not to go back to be slaves.

Zhao Yong raised his hands: "Everyone, be quiet and listen to me."

Everyone be quiet.

Zhao Yong: "Everyone, please rest assured. After dawn today, no one needs to go back to be a slave. His Royal Highness Qin Wang has already prepared a big boat, waiting to pick us up on Linhe."

"His Royal Highness King Qin? But King Qin of Southern Chu?" one person asked.

"Exactly." Zhao Yong nodded: "A few days ago, when I was defending the city, I was seriously injured. It was the King of Qin who sent someone to rescue the old man. His Highness the King of Qin has a kind heart. With his protection in Nanzhao, we will be safe and sound."

"What? His Highness King Qin is willing to protect us?" Everyone was shocked.

There were also objections: "King Qin is the King of Qin in Southern Chu, why is he willing to protect us? General Zhao, did you promise King Qin something?"

Zhao Yong lamented: "Brother, you said that the old man is like this now, what else can he sell to the King of Qin? Taihe City was also attacked by the Luosu Kingdom before, His Majesty was defeated and killed by Su Xiao, and finally hung at the gate of Nanzhao Kingdom Come on, from that moment on, Nanzhao will be subjugated."

As soon as Zhao Yong said this, everyone bowed their heads sadly.

Although they don't want to admit it, it is an indisputable fact.

Zhao Yong said again: "His Royal Highness the King of Qin brought troops here, of course it is for Nanzhao, after all, Nanzhao is between Nanchu and Luosu Kingdom, if Nanzhao is not protected, Luosu Kingdom will also be a great threat to Nanchu Kingdom.

Now, the Nanzhao state is broken, and the capital Taihe City is also occupied by Su Xiao. Everyone here, the young ones have been reduced to slaves, and the old ones have been robbed of their belongings. Under the rule of the Luosu Kingdom, Everyone has become a pariah, not to mention dignity, even having enough food and drink is a problem.

But His Royal Highness King Qin is different. Logically speaking, His Royal Highness King Qin now has an army of [-]. He can completely ignore everything and order the attack on Taihe City, but he didn't do so. Do you know why? "

The big guys looked at each other, and the young man stood up suddenly and asked, "Does His Highness King Qin not want to hurt us ordinary people?"

"Impossible, he is the King Qin of Nanchu, and Nanchu and Nanzhao were still at war before."

"The last time the war broke out, the King of Qin didn't solve it through a large-scale war. He just surrounded Taihe City and forced the Nanzhao soldiers to return to the army to save the country."

"From this point of view, His Royal Highness King Qin really has a kind heart."

At this moment, Zhao Yong said: "Everyone guessed right, His Royal Highness King Qin asked the old man to find a way to summon you all because of his concern for everyone's safety, and the food is actually planted by everyone hard After they came out, His Royal Highness King Qin couldn't bear to have them occupied by the bandits of Luo Su, so he asked everyone to move them out and store them in the Guangku."

At this time, there was a flute sound outside, Zhao Yong's eyes lit up immediately, and his face was full of joy: "The boat sent by His Royal Highness Qin Wang to pick you up has arrived. If you believe in His Highness Qin Wang, you are willing to support His Highness Qin Wang in the future. Let the old man board the boat together.

If you don't believe His Highness King Qin, you can go back. "

These people heard that there was a boat coming to pick them up, and whoever was willing to stay and continue to be the slave of Luo Su's army expressed their willingness to support King Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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