The regent's little Jiaojiao is so troublesome

Chapter 993 Does the land in Nanzhao belong to the emperor or the king of Qin?

Chapter 993 Does the land in Nanzhao belong to the emperor or the king of Qin?

"That's no problem." Emperor Chu smiled and said, "How long will it take you to go out?"

Bai Yingying: "At least half a month, at most two months."

Emperor Chu nodded slightly: "Before you leave, just explain the affairs in the palace."

"Yes." Bai Yingying replied.

Emperor Chu looked at the beautiful young girl below, she seemed to have a holy light on her body, which made people yearn for it.

"Yingying, this time you go out, you should also go to Runan City, just in time to welcome King Qin back there."

Emperor Chu had a faint smile on his face, but in his heart he was holding his own little Jiujiu.

No matter what the reason is for this woman, Bai Yingying, she can no longer be allowed to stay by Chu Tianci's side.

Moreover, Chu Tianci was originally the king of Southern Chu and Qin with great achievements, and now he has achieved such a great victory. This contribution is simply much higher than that of his elder brother who is the emperor.

If Chu Tian was allowed to resign, would he still be able to sit firmly on the throne?
Therefore, we must get rid of him before he comes back.

And this woman, Bai Yingying, happened to be his weakness. Letting this woman go over was to restrain him so that he could get rid of this political enemy in his heart smoothly.

A bright smile bloomed on Bai Yingying's face: "Yes, I will leave immediately."

Bai Yingying turned around and left with brisk steps.

As soon as she left, Nan Xin ran in crying, knelt down in front of Emperor Chu, hugged his leg and cried.

"Your majesty, the younger brother of the concubine, he... he is dead. In order to win the Nanzhao, the King of Qin allowed Luo Su's army to enter Taihe City and killed the concubine's younger brother. Please ask the emperor to make decisions for the concubine."

Seeing Nan Xin crying like pear blossoms with rain, Emperor Chu quickly reached out to help her up: "My concubine, get up quickly."

Nan Xin stood up from the ground crying, tears rolled down one after another like pearls in her big crystal clear eyes.

Emperor Chu took out his handkerchief, and while wiping Nan Xin's tears, he comforted her: "My concubine, this matter, no wonder King Qin, after King Qin entered Taihe City for the first time, it was your younger brother who felt that Nan Xin was no longer needed." The Chu army drove King Qin away.

Later, Luo Su's army made a comeback, and it wasn't the king of Qin who asked them to come. "

"Your majesty, my concubine serves you sincerely and puts you first in everything, but King Qin is not like that. What the emperor said just now must have been the message from the king of Qin. This information may not be the truth at all."

Nan Xin cried and said.

Emperor Chu asked: "How to say?"

Nan Xin: "Your Majesty, think about it, the order you gave the King of Qin was to assist Nanzhao, but the result now is that the King Qin occupied Nanzhao, and the younger brother of the concubine died. Is this the handwriting of the King of Qin? , the emperor can guess it after careful thought.

Now that Nanzhao is under the command of King Qin, the emperor thinks that the land of Nanzhao belongs to the emperor or the king of Qin? "

In fact, there is no need for Nan Xin to say these words, Emperor Chu's heart is like a mirror.

Now that Nan Xin said it, Emperor Chu wanted to comfort her instead: "My concubine, the King of Qin has always been loyal to Nan Chu. This time, what happened to my younger brother must be a misunderstanding."

Nan Xin was about to speak, but Emperor Chu suddenly sighed: "My dear concubine, when the king of Qin was in Jinling, he didn't obey my big brother. Now that he has left Jinling and is thousands of miles away in Nanzhao, I care even more about it." He is gone.

However, his contribution this time is indeed great. Even if it is true as you said, there is nothing I can do about him. After all, I can't be a tyrant who kills the brothers and sisters of meritorious officials. "

(End of this chapter)

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