Stunning God

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Bai Yu, when Long'er heard that there was something delicious, especially the meat roasted by the concubine Xu Yan, wouldn't he be excited?

One person and one beast immediately started to act, those who were looking for firewood looked for firewood, and those who were looking for food looked for food. Although they often ate the barbecue of the concubine Xuyan, the taste was never tired of eating.

Ye Xingyu, Mo Xuanyu, and Mo Linger were shocked when they saw the busy figure of one person and one beast. They didn't expect that the concubine Xuyan would barbecue in person, and that Long'er and Bai Yu actually so excited.

Could it be that, as Long Er said, his craftsmanship is really the best in the world?
"Brother, everything is ready, and it's you next." Long Er ran over, his little face was full of excitement.

"Well, eat some fruit on the side, wait for a while, it will be ready soon," Gongfei Xuyan took out some fruit from the ring, put it on the clean cloth, and started, looking after herself barbecue.

Longze and Lian'an, on the other hand, picked up the fruit skillfully and began to taste and wait.

The same is true for Bai Yu and Long'er. Only Jun'er stays by Gongfei Xuyan's side, and carefully observes Gongfei Xuyan's barbecue skills from time to time. He wants to learn it. My sister eats, so I don't have to tire my sister anymore.

Huo Qing was on the side, looking at the skilled concubine Xuyan, Jun'er who was always by her side, Lian An and Long Ze who were eating fruits leisurely, and Ye Xing who was surprised and curious. Yu three people.

Suddenly, he felt that it was right for his father to let him follow this human girl this time. That Long Ze, if he felt right, must be a divine beast. As for that Lian An, he still couldn't tell.

Long'er seems to be a weapon spirit, but her cultivation base and age seem to be higher than him, and she is surrounded by people with superb strength and abilities, who can make divine beasts follow her willingly, which shows that this human girl is really not easy. characters.

Then he will follow, and the future prosperity of the race is really hopeful.

On a towering tree not far away, He Lianchen and his bodyguard, Ming Xuan, were leaning on the branch of the tree, looking at this side with their eyes motionless.

"Mingxuan, tell me, her proficient barbecue technique seems to be acquired by people who are often away. Tell me, she is a woman, and she is also the daughter of the palace family. Why does she have these things?"

"Master, have you forgotten, her life and status in the palace family? Maybe this is what she trained herself in order to survive and fill her stomach." He still admires Gongfei Xuyan, Especially, the current momentum and strength.

Although he has never seen it with his own eyes, Gongfei Xuyan has used her strength and fought, but he has heard from Qingfeng that her lightness skill is first-class, even the master is a little behind, and the speed of her shots is even more like lightning. The coming and going freely makes people look a little dazzled.

And that, an icy temperament, and a bloodthirsty, fierce aura exuding from his whole body.Let those who are close to her dare not have any crooked thoughts.

This is also what he has never understood.

It is obviously a waste, why did it become so powerful in a few days, and no one has discovered it yet?
In particular, the few people around her are not ordinary people. All of this, it seems, is very strange.

"Master, do you want to investigate her affairs in detail, isn't it a little too strange?"

"No need, since she concealed the fact that she can practice, she explained that she has a reason. Let's not get involved anymore." He really didn't want to let her misunderstand him again. The previous misunderstanding has not been resolved. Now, there must be no new misunderstandings.

"Yes, this subordinate knows." Ming Xuan looked at He Lianchen's almost obsessed eyes, and shook his head helplessly. Could it be that the master is really infatuated with that woman?
However, she seemed to hold grudges and hated her master. In this case, in the end, will the master be able to embrace the beauty as he wished?

Ming Xuan, He Lianchen, the master and servant are here, looking at Gongfei Xuyan's group with their own concerns.

And the concubine Xuyan here is completely unaware of the things here, and she is still very devoted to roasting the meat.

"Jun'er, give it to them to eat, for those who don't have it, there will be it soon." Gongfei Xuyan handed the barbecue in her hand to Jun'er beside her.

Mo Xuanyu, Ye Xingyu, Mo Linger, the three took the barbecue and it took a long time to eat it. They always felt that it was embarrassing for them to watch while eating by themselves.

Ye Xingyu started to eat first, just took a bite, and immediately started to take a second bite, and said inarticulately while eating, "It's really delicious, this is the first time I've eaten such a delicious barbecue since I grew up. , Yan Xu, you are amazing."

"Yes, it's delicious." Mo Xuanyu, with only four words, can describe all his current languages.

Mo Linger just nodded in agreement.

Gongfei Xuyan just smiled back, and then continued to barbecue.

Half an hour passed, and finally a red flame pig was roasted, and everyone ate it up, and now only the concubine Xu Yan and Lian An were eating.

"Yan, your craftsmanship is really good now, they are all conquered by your craftsmanship"

"That's true, but when, let me taste your cooking skills. You seem to have seen my barbecue many times, even if you are not good at it, you can do it." She just wanted to make a joke with Lian An, after all, like Lian An Such a fairy-like person, barbecue, really never thought about it.

I don't know what his barbecue looks like. Although she has a cold face, she still has a heart.After all, she's just one person, isn't she?
Lian An, she is aware of her meticulousness and affection, but she doesn't know, how long will his love last, one year, two years, or a long time?
"Okay, tomorrow, I'll let you taste my handicraft tomorrow. However, it's the first time I'm making it, but it's only for you to eat. Others, who don't have good food, can't do either." Lian An looked into Gongfei Xuyan's eyes, very He said it affectionately, and he really wanted to tell frankly that the woman in front of him was the one he believed in all his life, but he was worried that his frankness would scare her away, or that he would never Will be talking to him.

After all, Yan is a taciturn person. Although he understands a little bit of Yan's character and temper, he still doesn't understand everything. He really can't bear to see her embarrassed or unhappy because of his affairs.

"Hehe, okay, your first time is mine." Gongfei Xuyan spit out such a sentence without thinking about it, but when she finished speaking, Lian looked up when she didn't speak for a long time. After going there, I realized that Lian An's face was already red.

The eyes are also a little dodgy, such Lian An is showing pure love, and the heart of the concubine Xu Yan trembles slightly when she sees it.

This kind of feeling is something she has never had before. It comes from the heart, the trembling of the spirit, not fear, nor anger, but a kind, a little itchy, a little sweet, and a little indescribable feeling .

When she confirmed that this was a feeling she had never felt before, a word suddenly popped into her mind, love?
Is she tempted by Lian An?
Then, after carefully looking at Lian An, the more she looked, the stronger the trembling in her heart, and she slowly stroked the position of her heart. Could it be that she really fell in love with Lian An?

Lian An looked at the actions of the concubine Xu Yan, and asked with some doubts, "Yan, what's wrong with you?"

"I, nothing?" Concubine Gong Xuyan hurriedly put down her hands, avoiding Lian An's eyes.

Lian'an saw that the concubine Xuyan dodged, thinking about all the actions just now, and slowly understood.

(End of this chapter)

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