Stunning God

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

The Treasure Pavilion has already entered, and the next step is the pagoda.

"Let's go." After Ye Xingyu and the three behind him finished speaking, they took the lead to leave this place where the dark tide was surging.

Even so, he didn't get into an argument with Helian Buchen, and he didn't mean to curry favor.

When they came to the place where the pagoda was, there were already many people around. It should be said that there were a lot of talents, including freshmen, second graders, and third graders.

They all wanted to see who the No.1 of this freshman group was.

When seeing the silver-haired concubine Xuyan.They were all shocked, there is such a beautiful person in the world, that silver hair, not only does not look weird, but also has a special sense of beauty.

Especially those in the second and third grades who had never met Concubine Xuyan, who was dressed in an ice blue brocade robe, long silver hair, and red eyes, Concubine Xuyan was so dazzling that it attracted everyone's attention.

"Xu Yan. Look, those people are all looking at you. You are so charming." Mo Ling'er looked at the women and men who were staring at the concubine Xu Yan, envious.

"Is it good to be seen as a monkey?" This feeling of being watched by others is what she hates the most, especially with so many people, there is always a feeling that animals in the zoo are appreciated by tourists.

"Monkey?" Mo Ling'er looked at Gongfei Xuyan very puzzled.

The latter, there is no meaning to explain at all, just.Blindly walked towards the pagoda.

At this time, a figure quickly rushed in front of Gongfei Xuyan, looked at her shyly, and said in an unusually gentle voice, "Master, may I ask, which son are you?"

"What's the matter?" Concubine Gong Xuyan thought at first that this woman was looking for Ye Xingyu or Mo Xuanyu, but unexpectedly, she walked up to her and asked her about her family background. Without thinking, she knew that she had fallen in love with her.

The woman didn't get closer because of Gongfei Xuyan's indifference, timidity and shrinking back, "I want to know the young master, can you tell me, my name is Leng Shuangqing, and I am the second lady of the Leng family."

"This is Ye Xingyu, you need to get acquainted, I don't have time" Gongfei Xuyan didn't expect that this woman named Leng Shuangqing would be so persistent, would ancient women be so generous?

Didn't it mean that women in ancient times were very conservative and introverted?Why can't she see it at all, conservative and restrained?

He could only pull Ye Xingyu by his side and act as her shield.

When the woman came to her senses, Gongfei Xuyan had already reached the door of the pagoda, Mo Xuanyu and Mo Linger followed closely behind, and Ye Xingyu also ran over immediately.

"Teacher, this is the jade token for our pagoda trial." Ye Xingyu handed over the jade token that his mentor gave him when he handed over the task.

"Are you No.1? Just four of you?" The instructor was surprised, No.1, just a combination of four?The general combination is between six and ten people, and it may not be possible to get No.1.

"Well. Just the four of us"

"Okay, you guys go in, it's a month, and if the time is up, if you haven't come out, you will be responsible for the consequences," the instructor has seen. There are only four people in the group, but it is No.1, and there is also the legendary silver-haired A genius with red eyes.

The team members of No.2 and No.3 who rushed over after seeing Gongfei Xuyan and the others went in, followed closely to the instructor and handed in the jade token.

The instructor glanced at the jade card in his hand, looked at Gong Linxue and the others group, "You guys have tried for half a month" and then said to the other group, "You guys have ten days, you can go in now."

Gong Linxue and Gong Linzhu heard that it was fifteen days, and they entered at the same time now. It seems that they can clean up the trash inside.

After the two exchanged glances with each other, they immediately followed the team members into the pagoda.

(End of this chapter)

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