Stunning God

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

When they came to the door of the dean's office, the concubine Gong Xuyan no longer just pushed the door in like before, but knocked on the door very politely, "dong dong dong"

Ling Tian's voice came from inside, "Come in"

Concubine Gong Xuyan led Ye Xingyu and the three of them through the door.

Looking at Ling Tian who was bowing his head and practicing calligraphy, Gongfei Xuyan sat down on the empty chair beside him very wisely, picked up the teacup and began to taste it.

The three of Ye Xingyu also sat down with the concubine Xuyan, and each took a teacup to drink water.

After a cup of tea, Ling Tian finally put down the brush, looked up at the concubine Xu Yan, nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "That's right, your stamina has improved a lot."

"Master, I still have something to do. Do you still remember the reward the academy gave me after the pagoda trial? There is a request"

"Oh, you're here to honor the reward and request"

"Yes, I don't know. Is there a limit to what the college asks me to make?" She thought for a while, and it's not too late to make a request before she makes a request. If she makes a request and the college doesn't agree, isn't that exposing her? If you want to save those monsters, it will be counterproductive by then.

Although Ling Tian didn't know what the imperial concubine Xuyan wanted to ask, but he knew that she would not do anything to harm the academy.

He always felt that this apprentice's future would definitely not be easy.

"The restriction is that the academy and innocent lives cannot be endangered,"

"That's all right, I said, master,"

"Let's talk." Ling Tian was very curious. Concubine Xuyan, who is usually a decisive person, is so verbose this time. She is even more curious and looking forward to her request.

"Master, please give me the souls of those trapped monsters in the pagoda, and I will send them back to the Lost Forest. This is what I promised them, and I can't just keep my word."

The three of Ling Tian and Ye Xingyu looked at Concubine Xu Yan in surprise. No one thought that the reward given to her by the academy would be used to redeem those trapped monsters?
Such a requirement is unique among human beings. Generally, it is impossible for human beings to use their own interests to redeem their fellow humans, let alone monsters.

"Are you sure this is the request?" Ling Tian reconfirmed in disbelief.

"I'm sure, since I haven't violated the college's regulations, then give it to me, master. It's been a month, and it's been too long."

She didn't want that monster to think that she was dishonest and a treacherous person who didn't keep her word.

"Okay, I'll give it to you as a teacher." Looking at Gongfei Xuyan's firm expression, Ling Tian was convinced, but he was also happy in his heart. This apprentice was not in vain. Only a kind-hearted and upright person can go further on the road of cultivation. , longer.

Concubine Gong Xuyan was very happy after getting the soul lock Ling Tian gave her, but she still kept a calm face, "Master, tell me how to release them, but I guarantee that they will not hurt innocent people, just, If someone deliberately murders them or obtains them, then how many people will die at that time has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with them. After all, animals, like people, will protect themselves when they encounter danger. Even if they hurt people, it is their right. Defense, it's not their fault"

Listening to what Gongfei Xuyan said, what Ling Tian and Ye Xingyu heard was misty, but in the end they knew that Gongfei Xuyan said so much, meaning that as long as someone hurts those monsters , Warcraft will attack people, and the deaths and injuries have nothing to do with them.

Conversely, as long as humans don't hurt them, they won't hurt the innocent.

"Xu Yan, why do you protect those monsters like this? Are monsters inhuman?" Mo Linger asked curiously.

"Wrong, monsters are not human, of course they don't have human nature, but they know how to protect their companions and compatriots better than humans. Although they are not human, they are better than humans. Humans are the most ruthless, selfish, and lowest of all species. exist"

Revenge for kindness similar to evil spirits, thinking of the helplessness of the former master, thinking of her father and mother, her aunt being persecuted by that beast, her anger instantly rushed to the top of her head, why are human beings not as affectionate as animals?
A head of silver hair fluttered freely without wind, a pair of red eyes were dripping with red blood, and his face was as cold as ice.The aura around him was released, and the coercion was strong, making Ye Xingyu and Mo Xuanyu.The three of Mo Linger couldn't resist, kneeling on the ground pale, spitting blood.

Ling Tian looked at such a concubine Xu Yan with a look of surprise, and was stunned for a moment, forgetting to set up an enchantment to protect Ye Xingyu and the three of them.

Concubine Gong Xuyan's anger finally slowly disappeared, her hair fell down, her pupils turned red normally, and there was a little warmth on her face.

Feeling that the breath in the space was a bit wrong, and the elemental force was too strong, it was only then that she remembered that she had vented her anger and released her coercion just now.

Not good, Ye Xingyu and the others?

Turning around, the three of them were lying on the ground and passed out, Ling Tian was still staring at her motionless.

"Girl, tell me the truth, what level is your current cultivation?" Concubine Gong Xuyan had Qianling as a cover-up, hiding her actual cultivation, and most people would not be able to see it, unless it was the God and Demon Lord. Unfortunately, on this continent, there is no God Demon Lord anymore.

"I just broke through to a holy magician today, master, this matter must not be leaked, otherwise, you know." She believed that her master, who is not such a talkative person, also knows what dangers she will face in the future, otherwise So she won't be given the token of the Charming Snake.

"Girl, this matter ends today. The three of them, I will erase the memory just now. You must remember that in the future, you must not release coercion at will. You must learn to control your inner anger and dissatisfaction. Otherwise, it will bring What kind of trouble, you know better than me."

"I see, okay, let's do it, Master." She will remember and repay Master's worry and concern for her. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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