Stunning God

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

It was already the afternoon of the second day when I returned to the academy.

Gongfei Xuyan did not go to the dormitory.Instead, she went directly to the dean's office, which was the office of her master Ling Tian.

"Master, I'm back"

"Well, then you go to rest first, and when the rest is over, I will tell you something for the teacher." Ling Tian's worried look made Gongfei Xuyan feel that something must have happened to the master, and if she guessed right, she must be with you She is related.

In order to be confirmed, she still decided not to rest.Not anyway.Let's see what's going on first.

"Master, what's the matter, just tell me now, I'm not tired"

Ling Tian was really not tired looking at the concubine Xuyan, and he really wanted to know what she looked like, anyway, sooner or later, it was not a big deal anyway, but.Everything is up to her.

"It's like this. This morning, people from the Gong family came to pick you up. As soon as the college is on holiday, they will pick you up immediately. They have already stayed in a town outside the college and waited for your holiday. Look..."

"So that's what happened? It's okay, master, I'll go back, and I have to go back too." Otherwise, how could she hide her identity? Of course, she couldn't say this, she could only say it in her heart.

"Have you decided? Or, you'd better go home with Teacher Wei"

Seeing the master's worried eyes, Gong Fei Xuyan smiled contentedly, without the love of her parents, it is not bad to have a master who loves her.

"It's okay, it's really okay, master, don't worry. Can't you trust my ability?"

Ling Tian looked at Gongfei Xuyan who was very persistent, and finally compromised, "Okay then. But you must pay attention to safety when you go back, it is a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, there are dangers everywhere, and someone will harm you at any time, remember it."

"Understood, I will protect myself, I have to wait until I become stronger, and I will repay the master."

"Well. This is for you. If you encounter something you can't handle, don't fight hard. Just inject spiritual power into it. No matter where you are, the teacher will arrive immediately and help you deal with everything."

Concubine Gong Xuyan held the whistle in her hand, and her heart was overwhelmed. She was once framed by her most trusted or relatives, which made her feel unkind and indifferent. Similarly, she had long forgotten what it was like to be cared about.

Now, this old man from another world cares about her like a grandfather, making her believe again that there are still true feelings in this world, such as Lian An's love for her, Long Ze's trust in her, and Xiao Yu's intimacy with her. , Longer's dependence on her.Jun'er's affection for her, Ye Xingyu's kindness to her, Mo Xuanyu's protection of her, and Mo Linger's admiration for her.

This is what she got in this world, and it is also the key to open her heart.

"Master, thank you. In the future, no matter where I am, as long as you need me, I will always be there for you."

"Okay. Let's go to rest." Seeing the concubine Xuyan completely open his heart, he was very relieved. Such a good talent should not ruin his future because of inner knots.

"Okay, master, I'll go back first."

After arriving at the dormitory, I immediately started to organize things.

Before she could tidy up, someone knocked on the door.

Open the door and look, it's Ye Xingyu?

"You're back?" Ye Xingyu asked before she could open her mouth.

"Well, I hope you can understand what happened yesterday." Although it wasn't her fault, she left without saying hello, and even made her dizzy, so she should say sorry.

"It's okay, we all understand that you are doing this for our own good, so don't say that, by the way, I'm here for your business, I heard that someone from the Gong family is here, and they said yes, when the college is on holiday, we will Take you back, is that right?"


"Then you go back? Or, come with me to my house." After he finished speaking, he realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said, and it seemed very abrupt to say it now.Very annoyed.

After all, men and women are different. Even if there is a marriage contract, the woman must be accompanied by her family when she goes to the man's house. Generally, women are not allowed to go to the man's house before they get married.It is even more inconvenient for ordinary friends to go alone, so as not to be gossiped.

Seeing Ye Xingyu's embarrassment and annoyance, the concubine Xu Yan said in a slightly joking tone, "I'm afraid to go, you can't be a landlord."

"How could it be? I will treat you well." Ye Xingyu didn't expect that the concubine Gong Xuyan was not only not angry, but also joked like this to relieve his embarrassment and annoyance, and his heart calmed down a lot.

"Hehe, thank you for your kindness. I have to go to the Gong family this time, and I have to go back. When I have time, I will go to your house again. When the time comes, you must treat me well."

"Okay, sure, by the way, I will leave a few hidden guards to protect you, although you may not need them. However, that palace family is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair, I don't worry about it, so you must not refuse, you must accept it" Ye Xing Yu Yi changed from his previous gentleness, serious expression, and strong tone, which Gongfei Xuyan had to accept.

"Okay, I accept, thank you" This is the first person who was kind to her and helped her when she came to another world. She remembered that no matter what happens in the future, she will protect him. For sure, this is her A vow to myself.

"Well, I'll leave first, and I'll see you off on the day of the holiday." Before leaving, Ye Xingyu took advantage of Gongfei Xuyan's inattention, quickly put down something on the bed, got up and left.

Xu Yan, although I know it's impossible, I still hope to see you all the time, even if I'm just by your side to protect you. I don't know when we will see each other again. I hope that when we meet again, we will still be as friendly as we are now …Looked at the dormitory building for a while, then turned and left reluctantly.

Concubine Gong Xuyan continued to pack her things. When she got to the bed, she found something on the bed. Take a closer look, Yupei?

It is engraved with dragon and phoenix harmony, and the word "night" is engraved on the other side.

Is this left by Xingyu?For her?

Looking at the high price, it should only be worn by Ye Jia who has a certain status, but why did he give it to her?

No, he has already given Jun'er such a valuable thing, she can't take it anymore, and just return it to him when we meet in a few days.

If Concubine Xuyan knew that the jade pendant of dragon and phoenix represented the identity of the Ye family's mother, she would not keep it even if she died. However, at that time, in order not to bear to hurt Ye Xingyu, she kept this jade pendant again This jade pendant caused self-contradiction on the road to love in the future.

Of course, this is a follow-up.

(End of this chapter)

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