Stunning God

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

"What's the point of coming here?" She didn't want to listen to these false words, and she didn't want to look at the fake face.

"Yan'er, what level of cultivation do you have now? Are you sure you will win?"

"You will find out tomorrow, but, Patriarch of the Palace. I haven't had a drop of water in retreat for half a month. Now I am going to eat. Can I pay for the meal?" Although she is not short of money, why doesn't she happily accept the voluntary offer?
"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you as a father" As long as you can get the top three, it doesn't matter how much you spend.

He took out a card, "Here is 20 yuan, you can take it to eat first, and when you come back, how about I give it to you as a father?" Afraid that Gongfei Xuyan would be satisfied, she quickly added, "I came out in a hurry for my father just now, so I didn't bring many. , when you come back, the father will definitely give you more, how about it?"

Concubine Gong Xuyan took over the gold card, and she felt a little happy in her heart, but her face was still as expressionless as before, "Yes, when I come back, I will send it to my yard immediately."

"Don't worry, I'll let the housekeeper watch over you for my father, and I'll send you over as soon as I see you come back." After getting the response from Gongfei Xuyan, Gong Tianshou finally achieved his plan.

"Okay, let's go"

Mo Shi and Leng Shi looked at the figure that was gradually going away, with a hint of malice in their eyes at the same time.When Gong Tianshou turned around, he retracted it in time without letting Gong Tianshou see it.

Several people came to the street.Looking at the streets with people coming and going, "It seems that there are a lot more people"

"You are stupid. Tomorrow is the Four Nations and Twelve Families Competition. This year it will be held in the imperial capital. How can there not be so many people?" Mo Ling'er looked like she was educating children, and hit the back of Gong Yanzi's head.

"Hey, I didn't expect that just now." Gong Yanzi's simple and honest expression made everyone laugh.

"Yan, there are a few people coming to face us. They are quite strong. They are probably from other countries. They should be coming towards us." When he was relaxing, Lian An suddenly said something that made everyone immediately alert.

"It's okay, they should be coming for me, but I believe they won't be so stupid to do something on the street, let's wait and see what happens, and see what they want to do. The main purpose of coming out today is to have fun,"

They agreed with Gongfei Xuyan's words very much.

While speaking, those people had already approached them.

The leader was an eighteen or nineteen-year-old man, dressed in a white long gown, with his hair tied on top of his head by a jade crown. He had a handsome face, fair complexion, and an elegant temperament. He held an exquisite folding fan and looked at Gongfei Xu with a smile Yan Helian

Finally, I fixed my eyes on Gongfei Xuyan, "You must be the first daughter of the palace family who has become famous this year, Gongfei Xuyan, right? A 13-year-old genius?"

The tone was bland, and nothing could be heard in it, but Gongfei Xuyan saw doubts and disbelief in his eyes.And amazing~~~
"Whether it is true or not, we will know tomorrow." The former trash suddenly became a genius, she wouldn't believe it, would she?

When a woman behind the man saw Lian An beside Gongfei Xuyan, her eyes showed naked infatuation, and when she saw Gongfei Xuyan, she immediately turned into jealousy.

Anyone who looked at the two of them would think that they were a match made in heaven, with silver hair in a simple bun, and the rest of the long hair falling down the back, one red and one white, matching so perfectly. .Like a fairy couple.

People can't help but feel envious when they see it.

"The second son of the Yu family of Chen State, Yu Helu, this is the younger sister Yu Heyun, that is the third younger brother Yu Hetu, the fourth younger sister Yu Heduo, and that is the youngest fifth younger brother Yu Heqin. I don't know how to call them?"

Mo Xuanyu saw that the concubine Xu Yan, Lian An, and Long Ze had no intention of speaking, so he had to introduce for them, "This is Xu Yan's fiancé Lian An, this is Xu Yan's senior brother Long Ze, and this is Gong Li." , This is Gong Yanzi, this is my sister, Mo Linger, I'm next to Mo Xuanyu" Mo Xuanyu introduced Yu Helu one by one.

When they heard that Lian An was the concubine Xu Yan, they showed surprise and jealousy, especially Yu Heyun.

Sensing You Dao's eyes looking at him, Gong Fei Xu Yan looked over, hum, Yu Heyun?Look at her like that?Is it because of Ann?

"Ann, this face of yours is the root cause of my troubles, but fortunately, I am good enough, otherwise, I would be pushed away by those flowers and plants, which would be troublesome."

"Yan, what are you talking about? No one in the world can compare to you. Except for you, other wild flowers are just miscellaneous things, not as good as my eyes." Lian An also sensed Yu Heyun's hostility towards Yan, and dared to look at his Yan like this. He was about to make a move, but when he heard the words of the concubine Xu Yan, he logically satirized Yu Heyun, who was overwhelmed.

The implication of this is that she is a miscellaneous thing, and in people's eyes and hearts, only Gongfei Xuyan is alone.

After hearing this, Yu Heyun frowned, "Hey, who are you talking about? You are not necessarily a good thing if you are deceived by a vixen." Although he was infatuated, he didn't put her in front of so many people and call her a bastard. No one can bear it, not to mention that she is the eldest lady of the Yu family who has been doted on since childhood.

"Hehe, it's up to whoever makes the excuse, right, An?" Concubine Gong Xuyan got up on a whim, and was in the mood to play tricks.


"Xuyan, I'm hungry. I can go eat first. After filling my stomach, what can I do with the sundries?" Mo Ling'er looked at the concubine Xuyan and became interested in playing, and also cooperated.

"Okay, let's go to eat first, um, what, if you can wait, you can wait here, if you can't wait, you can argue on the competition stage tomorrow." Even if she wants to play now, she must first fill in full stomach.

"You~~~" Yu Heyun was pissed off, and after a long time, she could only pass out.

Yu Helu, who had sharp eyesight and quick hands, hugged the fallen Yu Heyun, and looked at Gongfei Xuyan with a hot face, "Gongfei Xuyan, start'I think you are the lady of the Gong family, don't care, why do you keep saying it again and again?" How about embracing them and humiliating my sister?”

"Humiliate your sister?????? Why did you say that???? Are they referring to their names? Or are they making judgments? You should pay attention to the facts. If you don't have any, don't jump to conclusions and frame good people." I thought this Yu He Lu is a smart man, but now he looks like an idiot.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is her pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, and he is really stupid for asking for an explanation.

Just as Yu Helu was about to refute, Yu Heqin, who was behind him, stepped forward, cupped his fists and apologized to the concubine Xu, "Miss Gong, I will apologize to the next brother and third sister. We were the ones who were rude just now, and I hope Miss Gong will forgive me." After hearing this, He Lu looked at Yu Heqin with disbelief, and even more anger.

Yu Heqin ignored it, but patiently waited for Gongfei Xuyan's answer.

This Yu Heqin surprised Gongfei Xuyan. She looked about the same age as her, but she was more stable and mature than those adults. Moreover, just now, she discovered that this Yu Heqin had been observing them. Fine, then this guy is also considered a fox.

"Okay, since this is the case, let's go to eat, you can do it yourself"

No longer talking to Yu Helu and the others, he went straight past them and walked towards Fumanlou.

"By the way, Yanzi, Gong Li, you guys go and bring your mother here, just now you have time, check her condition, and eat here by the way." After walking a few steps, Gongfei Xuyan suddenly remembered that Gong Li said before that he Mother is seriously ill.

(End of this chapter)

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