Stunning God

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

The game is finally over......

No.1 is obviously the concubine Xuyan, No.2 is Ye Xingchen, and No.3 is the Qin family of Song Dynasty.

Seeing the right to use jade token in her hand, Concubine Gong Xuyan curled her lips, "Although it is a small jade token, you can only use it to enter the Tianhong Mountain Range. Although it is small, it is very useful."

"Yan, when will you leave for the Tianhong Mountain Range?" Lian An knew that it was impossible for the concubine Gong Xuyan to let people from the palace family and the royal family take advantage of the Tianhong Mountain Range. leave here.

"You can pack your things now, and we'll set off right away, or the followers will come." How could she just hand over the things she desperately brought to others at will?Even if it's cheap, it won't do, especially for people from the palace family and the royal family.

"Master, shall we go too???" At this time, Gong Li hesitated for a long time before speaking out, fearing that the master would not agree.

"Of course, but if your mother has no one to take care of you, it's fine for you to stay alone. If you all go, make arrangements for the family." It was originally for training, how could it be done without them.

"Ze, notify Shuangwu immediately, bring your brothers and wait for us outside the north gate"

"I'm going right now"

"Jing, tell the people in the Shock Tower to wait ten miles outside the north gate." This time, she wants all her people to go to the Tianhong Mountains to practice. Such a good place, it's a pity not to use it.

"Yes, I'm going now." Jing was so excited for the first time. He never expected that the master would take them to the Tianhong Mountains. There is a place where practitioners dream of going. Now, with the blessing of the master, they can finally go. up.

As for the Charming Snake, it's better not to summon them, because there are too many people at once, and it is easy to attract the attention of others.

An hour later......

The north gate of the imperial capital.

"Xu Yan, we left like this, what should those people do if they send people to look for us or follow us?" Mo Ling'er was still a little worried, after all, the other party was the royal family.

"No problem, the right to use the Tianhong Mountains is only half a year. If we are in the Tianhong Mountains for half a year, how will they follow them???"

"Really??? We stayed until half a year later, when the right to use ended??"

Oh, it's really a big profit. Being able to stay for a month is already a big gain, and now I can actually stay for half a year. That's a dream?Totally impossible?

"Did I say that I will come out in half a year?" She planned to dig out all the treasures inside before planning to come out. The Tianhong Mountains are so big, how can they walk over in half a year?so.Or stay in there for a while.

"Xuyan, what do you mean???" Mo Linger looked at Gongfei Xuyan in surprise, and didn't even say the following words.

"Hehe, since you understand, you don't need to say anything." She couldn't guarantee if there was any eyeliner around here.

After leaving the north gate.Not far away, I saw Leng Shuangwu and Long Ze standing there.

"Master, brothers are waiting"

Leng Shuangwu seems to be more refined than when he started, and he is becoming more and more mature and stable.

"Okay, take me to have a look." If you let them all come out, there will be hundreds of people, and they will attract attention.

Concubine Gong Xuyan followed Leng Shuangwu to a forest, only to hear him whistle, hundreds of figures appeared in front of her, each of them looked much more refined.Everyone is in high spirits.

"see master"

"There is no need to be too polite. I asked you to come here today to tell you that I will take you to the Tianhong Mountains to practice. Quite a lot. I can only let you stay in my space, and I will let you out when the time comes.”

"Follow the teachings of the master and the son, and obey the orders of the subordinates"

Concubine Xu Yan waved her hand, and hundreds of people disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared at all.

"Xuyan. Is it appropriate to let them go to Xiaoyu's space?" After all, this is Xuyan's patriarch token.

"Okay. They're all our own people. Besides, I'm talking about space, so they won't think too much about it. Okay, let's go back." There are people from the Shocking Building ten miles away.

Ten miles away, likewise, only Jing is there now.

Concubine Gong Xuyan got out of the car and came to Jing, "Take me to see them"

She has never met those people. Although she is a subordinate of her mother, after all, she has become the master now, and she was a waste who could not cultivate before.


He Jing came to a gazebo.

"Master, they are nearby, do you want to show up?" As expected of the boss of the Shock Tower, he acted vigilantly.

"Well, show up"

Jing took out a jade card, and after inputting his mental power, the jade card changed from white to green. Soon, groups of people appeared in front of him. The formation was spectacular and full of aura.

After all arrived, Gongfei Xuyan took a visual inspection, and there were actually thousands of people. Oh my god, it seems that her mother left her a lot of backers.

The voice of "See the host" is loud and powerful, worthy of being someone from the Shock Tower.

"Okay, the master will take you to practice,"


There is no way, with so many people, Xiaoyu can't stay in the space, so he can only be taken into the Qianling Mausoleum, where Bai Yu is still sleeping, Jun'er is also practicing in seclusion, and Xiaohuo is recuperating, it seems that Ze can only go inside to see caught.

"Ze, you go to Qianling with them and help me take care of Jun'er and Xiaoyu"

"Okay," although Concubine Gong Xuyan said very tactfully, but he still understood, who made them have a contract?
After dealing with the group of people in the Shock Tower, Gong Fei Xuyan quickly returned to the carriage and "started." She already felt a lot of people walking towards them in the distance. If she guessed right, it should be the royal family and the palace family. people came after me.

"Xu Yan, is someone chasing you?" Mo Ling'er asked nervously when she noticed that the concubine Xu Yan's expression was a bit serious.

"It's okay, let's go." As long as you speed up, it's impossible for that group of people to catch up.

The Gong Li brothers and sisters didn't think too much, and immediately threw off the whip.


Half a month, day and night, finally arrived at the foot of the Tianhong Mountains.

Those people were just thrown away a few days ago, otherwise, they would not have traveled such a long distance to Tianhong.

"Master, we've arrived in Tianhong Town, should we rest or continue on?" Gong Li looked around carefully before asking.

"Rest here today, you are tired after driving for so long" If it wasn't for getting rid of those messes, would they travel day and night?It's all the fault of those bastards.

"Yes, I'll make arrangements now." Gong Li handed the whip to Gong Yanzi, jumped off the carriage and made arrangements.

Spent a night safely in Tianhong Town.

As soon as the sky dawned, the imperial concubine Xu Yan immediately gave orders to set off.

Otherwise, those guys will follow again, and they will get the advantage.

At the intersection of Tianhong Mountain Range, indeed, there are four teams standing there.

This is the Guardian of the Four Kingdoms.

Take out the jade token and hand it to one of the four teams.

The man glanced at Gongfei Xuyan, then at the jade tablet, and finally returned the jade tablet to Gongfei Xuyan, "Let go" and ordered the people around him.

After entering the Tianhong Mountain Range, an old, primitive breath instantly entered the internal organs.

This is the Tianhong Mountains that everyone dreams of?

It is indeed the only place in Kirin Continent that everyone dreams of, it is really the right place~~~~
The concubine Xuyan released Leng Shuangwu and the brothers from Jingshoulou.

When each of them was released to see the scene in front of them, they were all stunned.

This is where they've always dreamed of coming to? ? ?Rainbow Mountains? ? ? ?A cultivator's paradise? ? ? ?
"Okay, everyone tidy up things now, the experience will start soon"

After a quarter of an hour~~~~

"Is everything ready???"

"Ready~" The people in the Shock Building and the people led by Leng Shuangwu replied in unison.

"Let's go" Following the order of Gongfei Xuyan, a team of thousands of people began to shuttle in the Tianhong Mountain Range.

(End of this chapter)

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