Stunning God

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

For everyone's safety at night, Concubine Xuyan spent [-]% of her magic to set up a barrier for the entire tent, so that even if everyone sleeps soundly at night, there will be no danger.

"Yan, you used up a lot of mana just now, sit down and rest now." Although Lian An was happy to see Gongfei Xuyan being so responsible to her subordinates, she was also very worried. wear and tear.

"I'm fine, it's only [-]%, it's not a big deal." Lian'an's concern made her feel warm and satisfied.

Originally, Mo Linger and Gong Yanzi were worried when they heard Gongfei Xuyan spend a lot of mana to set up the barrier, but now they heard Gongfei Xuyan say that only [-]% was spent on setting up the barrier. The two were surprised to see With the imperial concubine Xu Yan.

It's really hard to imagine, what is the cultivation level of the girl in front of them? ? ?

Such a large enchantment cost only [-]%, such strength and cultivation were beyond their imagination.

"Miss, are you really okay?!?" Gong Yanzi had to confirm again in order to calm down the surprise and disbelief in her heart.

"I'm really fine, Ann is just too worried, well, you all rest." She still has things to do.

"Alright then." Gong Yanzi and Mo Linger were relieved to see that the young lady was indeed fine, and went to rest respectively.

When the day dawned, Mo Ling'er was already chattering excitedly.As if something good happened.

"Ling'er, just be quiet for a while, Xu Yan is still resting." Mo Xuanyu looked at the concubine Xu Yan and closed his eyes.She didn't intend to open it, she was afraid that Mo Ling'er would disturb the concubine Xu Yan, so she reminded her.

As soon as Mo Xuanyu finished speaking, the concubine Xuyan opened her eyes and glanced at the quiet Mo Linger and the worried Mo Xuanyu.

"Have you all gotten up? Eat now, and get ready to enter the cave after the meal." She thought about it, no matter what, she decided to enter this cave today, just for the treasure that might help Long Ze.

"Yes. This subordinate will make arrangements now." After receiving the order, Jing and Leng Shuangwu went to make arrangements immediately.

Within an hour, everything was ready.

This speed made Gongfei Xuyan very satisfied.

"Everyone, get ready, enter the cave"

When everyone approached the entrance of the cave, Gongfei Xuyan felt a strange aura, "Everyone wait a moment," and immediately stopped them.

Although she didn't know what this strange smell was, for everyone's safety, she had to test it out herself, otherwise, if they got hurt, she would feel uneasy.

"You guys wait again, I'll go and have a look, don't come in without my order, just keep yourself safe"

"Yan, let's go together." Lian An stepped forward and held the concubine Xu Yan's hand tightly, with a very serious expression and an undeniable affirmation in his tone.

Before the concubine Xu Yan could speak, Long Ze also came over and stood on the other side of her, with the same firm expression, "Xu Yan, I must be together" They are the contractors, so.No matter where you are, you will sense the situation and location of the other party.

"Okay, then let's go in." I knew that they were worried about her, and they might have sensed that strange aura. No matter what, she was very happy in her heart.

It turned out that she was really no longer alone......

"Master..." Jing and Leng Shuangwu were just about to say something, but Gongfei Xuyan stopped her with a look, and then she looked at the silent Mo Xuanyu again.

"Xuan, here, I will trouble you and Jing, the three of Shuangwu are watching, you must always be vigilant around and pay attention to your own safety"

"Don't worry, we will protect ourselves and our brothers," Mo Xuanyu said to the concubine Xu with a serious face for the first time.

"That's good." Then he turned to Lian An and Long Ze and said, "Let's go in."

When the three of them entered the entrance of the cave, the strange aura disappeared without a trace.

This phenomenon made Gongfei Xuyan and the three of them both puzzled and worried.

Immediately use a secret voice to pass to Jing and Mo Xuanyu, Leng Shuangwu and the three, "You should always pay attention, be vigilant, and notify me immediately if there is any change."

"Yes" the three of them could hear the unprecedented seriousness in the tone of the concubine Xu Yan. I know, the matter is not that simple. Don't let go.

After giving the order, the concubine Xu Yan left with Lian An and Long Ze and walked cautiously into the cave.

After Gongfei Xuyan and the others entered the cave, they realized that the strange aura had long since disappeared without a trace.

After seeing such a situation, she was both worried and nervous.

The imperial concubine Xuyan who came back to her senses immediately contacted Mo Xuanyu, Jing, and Leng Shuangwu, "You should always be vigilant, and you must not miss anything. If there is any situation, please notify me immediately."


After receiving the instructions, the three of them can take preventive measures to make everyone more vigilant just in case.

Gongfei Xuyan and the three of them continued on their way.

Not far away, the concubine Xuyan stopped, explored around, and then activated her consciousness to search everything here.

"Wait..." Suddenly, Lian An grabbed the imperial concubine Xu Yan who was still walking, her tone obviously nervous.

Long Ze heard Lian'an's nervousness, and immediately went to check, and found that there was a barrier less than one centimeter in front of the concubine Xuyan, if you don't observe carefully, you can't see it.

The most important thing is that this barrier actually contains a highly poisonous substance. If you accidentally touch it or touch it, you will be poisoned and die immediately. There is no antidote at all. Fortunately, Lian An discovered it just now. Otherwise, Gongfei Xu Yan Yu, now I'm afraid... the consequences are really unimaginable.

"An, what kind of poison is this???? I haven't seen it before?" At this time, the concubine Xuyan also discovered the barrier in front of her and the poison on it.

Lian An shook her head, her face was very heavy, "I don't know, anyway, there are many unknown dangers hidden here, we'd better be careful."

Hearing Lian'an's worry, Gongfei Xuyan also began to hesitate. There are so many unknown dangers here, if they insist on entering, they don't know what unexpected things will happen. Injury is a trivial matter. If it is related to life, it is not worth it. up.

As long as there is something wrong with her, Lian An and Long Ze will be harmed.Bai Yu, Long Er, Huo Qing, there are five of them at once, this kind of situation is the last thing she wants to see.

So, for their safety, she must be safe too.

Concubine Gong Xuyan carefully checked the poison on it. After looking at it for a long time, she didn't know what it was. She has excellent medical skills and has been exposed to many unexplored toxins in modern times. However, the poison in front of her is really her. , Poison has never seen, heard of.Simply, unheard of, unseen.

How can this be good? ? ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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