Stunning God

Chapter 168

Chapter 168

"Yan'er, go ahead and do it. No matter what you do, I will support you as a father." Gong Lingqing's words made Concubine Xuyan once again confirm her determination to completely eradicate Gong Lingcheng.

As long as that person doesn't die for a day, they can't even think about living a stable life for a day.

Before, she had been unable to make up her mind, because her father still had brotherly feelings towards him, which made it difficult for her to make up her mind.

However, it is much better now. Since her father supports her so much, even if she fails herself, she cannot fail him.

Let her accept it from her heart, dear father.

"Father, don't worry, I will take care of everything and never let you worry about anything." This was her promise to him.It is also a promise to myself.

When it was getting dark, an invitation letter came from the palace, saying that it was the emperor's birthday, and the heads of the major families and ministers of Wang Gong were invited to the banquet.

Not long after receiving the invitation letter, Mo Xuanyu, Mo Linger, and Leng Shuangwu came in successively.

"Xu Yan, do you think the emperor invited us with ulterior motives?" Mo Xuanyu looked at the slightly frowning concubine Xu Yan, and knew that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.

"As far as I know, isn't the emperor's birthday today next month? Why, this month will be over, even if there is no problem, there will be problems."

Leng Shuangwu, who had been silent since entering, suddenly spoke.

"Yes, what Shuang Wu said is correct, the emperor is drunk and doesn't want to drink?" Gongfei Xuyan's sigh made everyone understand.

"Then, Xu Yan, what should we do?" Mo Ling'er was the one who couldn't bear it the most.

"Just let nature take its course, well, it's almost time, we should set off, but, will you two stay with me or separate?" Gongfei Xuyan who walked out suddenly turned her head to look at Mo Xuanyu and Leng Shuangwu The two said.

"We'd better go separately. After all, we are going to the imperial palace, and there are many people talking about it." Mo Xuanyu thought for a while before saying, mainly to prevent the concubine Xuyan from getting the reputation of co-opting the two aristocratic families.

Although they are her friends, on the face of it, they can still be contacted in the name of the family, otherwise, it will bring her inconvenience. After all, she has already made many enemies for herself.

"Okay, I'll go first, you guys later" Gongfei Xuyan was talking, and she got into the carriage with Lian An, Long Ze, Ling Yue, and her father, and Gong Li drove the carriage.

"Yan, at this banquet, you can't be too aggressive, maybe people from other countries will also come, so it won't do you any good." Lian'an roughly calculated, feeling that something bad will happen tonight Only then did he tell the concubine Xu Yan.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Besides, I'm not someone who likes to show off." She understood Lian'an's hint, maybe he figured something out, otherwise he wouldn't have said that.

"Master, you seem to have forgotten to contact the emperor about the waking up of Lord Shenzun." Suddenly, Ling Yue closed his eyes and opened his eyes to look at Gongfei Xuyan.

"Well, I'll say it now." Gongfei Xuyan took out the microphone given to her by Hua Mingzun.

Input mental power, "Uncle Hua, my father woke up, and I also took the Xueguo Palace home. Now I am the owner of the family. How are you doing?"

"Yan'er, I've been waiting for your news. I'm almost dying of anxiety. If you don't hear from me again, I'll just go there," Hua Mingzun talked endlessly, like a resentful woman.I heard Gongfei Xu say that the first one is as big as two.

"Uncle Hua, I have one more thing I want you to help me with."

"Have you learned to be polite to me? Tell me, what's the matter," Hua Mingzun immediately put away his resentful tone and became dignified as soon as he got down to business.

"Look, is there any evil thing in the devil world? Three years ago, I encountered an evil thing in the body of a friend of mine, but now there is no evil thing in that friend's body. I don't know if it is gone or hidden in his body, so , help me see, evil things only exist in the demon world, how could they appear in the human world?"

"There is such a thing? Why didn't you mention it to me before?" Hua Mingzun's voice immediately became low.

"I didn't see him, I ignored it, I saw him yesterday, I just thought of it"

"Okay, I'll investigate right away and let you know." After finishing speaking, the contact was cut off.

This is not a small matter, if the evil things go to the human world to make trouble, the peace that the demon world and the human world have achieved for many years will be ruined.

Moreover, this evil thing can actually control the human body, which means that he must have a purpose, otherwise he would not host it, but would just take it directly.

"Master, we're here." After a period of silence, Gong Li's voice came in from outside.

"Oh, I see"

"Here we go, get out of the car"

When they got out of the car, they saw that many people had already arrived at the gate of the palace, and they were all entering one after another.

"Oh, isn't this the Patriarch of the Palace? It's a pleasure to meet you here, it's a pleasure to meet you." At this time, Xie Wang had a gentle smile on his face, like the sunshine in March.

However, only the concubine Xuyan knew that this person was not what he appeared to be.

"Evil king, you are so polite. This master is also one of the invited ones. There is no luck or misfortune. Let's go in."

"Patriarch of the palace. Please." Xie Wang made a gesture of invitation to the concubine Xuyan.

The concubine Xu Yan was not polite either, she passed Xie Wang and walked in side by side with Lian An and her father.

When she came to the imperial garden, before she had time to admire the flowers, Xue Wuhen hurried over.

After glancing at the concubine Xuyan, he pulled the Xie Wang in front and walked aside.

"Second brother, the emperor asked you to meet people from the Kingdom of Chen, the Kingdom of Song, and the Kingdom of Ming."

"They? Didn't they not have an invitation? Why didn't they come?" Xie Wang was displeased after hearing this.

"Let's not talk about this now, the main thing is to meet them quickly, they have already arrived at the gate of the palace." The more anxious Xue Wuhen became, the more anxious the evil king became.

"Okay, seeing you are in a hurry, I'll leave this place to you, I'll go." Then he walked slowly towards the gate of the palace.

Xue Wuhen walked up to Gongfei Xuyan and the others, and said with a smile, "Second brother has something to go, so I'm here to accompany you, and please don't mind the palace master and everyone." One cannot fault him.

Such a modest and cheap Xue Wuhen made the concubine Xuyan look at her with admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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