Stunning God

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Xue Liuwen walked into the hall under the support of many maids and eunuchs.

It was a good feeling to see all the officials worshiping. Suddenly, several figures stood out from the crowd and sat there.

Turning the head to take a look, what a beautiful group of men and women.

Especially the silver-haired woman and man?

No, there seems to be no other men and women with long silver hair in the entire continent, except for Gongfei Xuyan and her so-called fiancé, right?

Then who is that silver-haired, red-eyed man now?
Xue Liuwen walked and meditated, walked to the dragon chair and sat down before officially saying, "Everyone, let's get flat."

After all the ministers stood up in a clatter, Xue Liuwen continued, "My dear friends, please sit down."

Everyone just sat down.

"It's really an honor for me to be able to show up on my birthday. I'm very happy today. I would like to offer you a toast." Xue Liuwen raised his glass to the people below.

The ministers followed suit.

Concubine Gong Xuyan was unwilling to do so, and signaled Longze and Lingyue to toast.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yue tilted his head, and the meaning was already very clear, while Long Ze took the snack and ate it on his own.

Concubine Gong Xuyan had no choice but to raise the wine glass and put it on the table.

Although Xue Liuwen was displeased, he could only endure it.

"The Ice King of the Underworld has arrived, and the Yi King has arrived." Following the eunuch's announcement, two handsome men walked in from the entrance of the main hall.

One is as cold as frost, and the other is as warm as jade.

Two extreme images, walking together, are actually very harmonious.

"Binghe, Bingliu has seen the Snow Emperor." The two walked to the center of the hall, and saluted Xueliuwen with fists together.

"Well, excuse me, Emperor of the Underworld, if you are interested, please sit down." Although the words were very polite, there was no kindness in his eyes.

Gongfei Xuyan saw all this, but pretended not to see it, and continued to eat her snacks.

Ming Binghe and Ming Bingliu sat directly opposite Gongfei Xuyan.

Ever since they sat down, their eyes never left Gongfei Xuyan.

She couldn't stand being looked at, so she had no choice but to look up.

Just looking at Ming Bingliu.

When the four eyes met, Ming Bingliu was like a child who was caught stealing food on the spot, and immediately lowered his head with a blushing face, not daring to look at Gongfei Xuyan.

And all this happened to be seen by the emperor and Xue Wuhen.

The look in the emperor's eyes was gloomy and unclear, while Xue Wuhen's face was full of hurt.

"Yan'er, don't care so much, just eat your own snacks." Gong Lingqing reminded in time, not wanting her daughter to become a prize in their eyes.

"Well, I'm just uncomfortable being stared at all the time, like a prey stared at by a hunter, it's really uncomfortable"

"Both King Bing and King Yi know you?" This is what Gong Lingqing was puzzled about. If he didn't know him, the gentle and jade-like prince would not have come in and stared at Yan'er, and there was still a smile in his eyes. Thick emotion.

"Well, I met them in the college, but they gave me a strange feeling. I asked Jing to investigate before, and their national teacher is a prophet. It seems that they are looking for someone. Once, Ming Binghe told me It confuses me, so I suspect that they approached me on purpose, and their purpose is definitely not ordinary."

"Then what are you going to do?" Gong Lingqing didn't expect that things would be like this, if it was true what Yan'er said, then Yan'er was the legendary Daughter of Destiny?That is, the object that the entire human world and even the god world must look for.

"Continue to let Jing investigate who the prophet is looking for, and let people keep an eye on Ming Binghe and the others, so that they can get some news and deal with it."

"Well, that's fine. Where you need to contribute to your father, just open your mouth. Don't think it's your business. You can't do anything for your father." He has already seen that his daughter is not only subjective, but also relatively independent. Handling his own affairs by himself, this is what he is proud of, but also what he is worried about.

"Father, don't worry, I still have them." Gongfei Xuyan raised her chin towards Lian'an, Longze and Lingyue, the meaning was obvious.

"That's good."

"Everyone, today is my birthday, everyone must drink to the fullest and talk freely." He did not forget the purpose of inviting these people today.

(End of this chapter)

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