Stunning God

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

Xue Wuhen looked at the back of Gongfei Xuyan walking out, the excitement in her heart was still high.

After Concubine Xuyan returned home, Jing Dai had been waiting for the news for a long time.

"Master, according to investigations, the effective information of the Destiny Daughter calculated by the Master of the Underworld is that she is extremely talented, her future cultivation is immeasurable, and she has appeared in the mainland. The guess is you, so I have been close to you, and it is also for better confirmation."

"As for the Ye family, there is no big move at the moment. It is just that next month there will be a succession ceremony for the head of the family, and the successor will be Ye Xingyu."

"Wait, you said that Ye Xingyu will take over as Patriarch this month? Is the news reliable?" She always felt that this matter was not that simple, and there was something weird about it.

"Yes, the whole Emperor of the Underworld is well-known, it is absolutely true"

"Well, let's keep announcing, and always pay attention to the movements of the Ye Family and the Royal Family of the Kingdom of the Underworld"

As soon as Gongfei Xuyan's words fell, Feng Yu and Feng Yu rushed in.

"Master, there are rumors outside that you are the Daughter of Destiny, and practitioners, families, powerful forces, and royal families from the entire continent are all rushing here,"

Seeing the worried eyes of the two, Gongfei Xuyan was silent at first, and then said calmly, "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up, if they can come, the master will dare to see, what are you afraid of?"

She was originally the daughter of destiny, this is an unchangeable fact, but, how to choose is not based on her will?

Besides, if she doesn't admit that she is, what can they do with her?
"Yan, it's time for us to make a certain counterattack, otherwise, it's not a good way to always be passive."

"Okay, then let's start fighting back." Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at Lian An who walked out with a half-smile, and had already figured out a plan in her heart.

"Feng Yu, this morning I asked Xue Liuwen to post a notice in the form of an imperial list, saying that all this is just a plot by someone with a heart for Xue Nation, and I hope that the people of Xue Nation will resist these foreign forces for the sake of their homeland, so that we can also investigate and deal with the people behind the scenes. "

"It turns out that the master already knew about it. Then let's investigate and deal with the people behind the scenes now." Just as Yu Yu was about to leave, Gongfei Xuyan called them back again.

"Don't go, there is no one else except Mingbinghe, you just need to keep an eye on their brothers. Don't miss even the birds"

birds?Why didn't she think of using this trick?
"Xiaoyu, if I remember correctly, you should be the king of beasts."

Bai Yu, who was practicing in the Qianling Mausoleum, immediately stopped practicing when he heard Gongfei Xuyan's voice.Qianling flashed out.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

The sudden appearance of Bai Yu made Feng Yu stunned. They had never seen Bai Yu before, so it was no surprise that someone appeared suddenly like this.

"Tell those inconspicuous but powerful monsters to keep an eye on Brother Ming Binghe's every move, and even write down their conversations verbatim, as well as Ye Xingyu."

"Oh, Yan'er, do you really think, have they all become your trackers?"

"Why keep what can be used as waste? Hurry up, you wait for me to be picked out by so many people to be the daughter of destiny?"

"Okay, okay, I'll tell them right now." Seeing Gongfei Xuyan's unhappy expression, Bai Yu immediately made a gesture of surrender.

"Master, this trick is really powerful, much better than ours."

"Well, then you should go to the dark place and spread the news that someone with a heart is deliberately spreading such news in order to disturb the peace of Xue Country, so as to take the opportunity to succeed in their shady plot."

"Yes, master's move is really ruthless." Feng admired the concubine Xuyan this time. This master is not only extremely beautiful, but also very intelligent. He is not only wise and brave, but also talented.

"Okay, let's go"

After Feng Yu and Feng Yu left, Gong Fei Xu Yan turned to look at Lian An.

"An, Yueye Xingyu takes over as Patriarch this year, what do you think of this matter?"

"It's not that simple, there should be something tricky in it." Lian An lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then said slowly.

"Well, I think so too, or, before he takes over next month, let's go and see how it goes?"

"It's up to you, decide when to go, we can set off together"

Lian An always understands and supports her in this way, never asking her why and having conflicts and confusions with her.

He loves her deeply, she understands.

She will remain with him till death, he knows that.

Therefore, no matter what they do, the other side will support it.

"It's good to have you." Gongfei Xuyan said that this was the first time she took the initiative to embrace Lian'an, and their relationship has been three years, right?
Although they haven't been together for three years in the devil world, their hearts are full of each other. No matter where they are, as long as their hearts are together, they will be together.

"Loving you is the continuation of my life" I don't know when, this cold-faced woman occupied his heart, and made him dreamy.

The two beautiful people hugging each other is so perfect.

Looking at the picture at this time is like a painting and calligraphy of a couple of immortals.

It made Bai Yu, who just came back, very jealous.

However, he was unwilling to break this beauty.

He was also happy when they were together, although he felt a little flustered, but as long as she was happy, he was content.

I only hope that in the next life, he can meet her sooner.

"What are you thinking about? So engrossed?" Bai Yu, who was wandering, was suddenly patted on the shoulder. He was about to fight back, but when he saw that it was Long Ze, he withdrew his hand in time.

"They are very suitable." Bai Yu's voice was very soft, and he couldn't hear any emotions contained in it, but Long Ze could tell that he was the same as him, as long as she wished her happiness, he would be happy and satisfied.

"Hey, where are you doing? Why don't you come over?"

The separated concubine Xu Yan saw Long Ze and Bai Yu standing aside muttering, so he decided to make a joke.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to tell you that the situation outside is not optimistic." Long Ze originally went out to inquire about news.

When he knew about the Daughter of Destiny's news, he guessed that someone was against her, so he rushed back immediately to discuss countermeasures.

"Well, it seems that the effect is not very great. Benefits are always greater than peace and happiness." Whether in ancient times or modern times, people are always so selfish. For their own benefit, betraying others, using others, and various means are useless. No need to.

Concubine Gong Xuyan was just about to say something, but was interrupted by lightning that rushed over.

"Master, there is news"


"At the junction of the Snow Country and the Nether Country, the whereabouts of the Daughter of Destiny appeared. Many people who came here changed their direction and went there."

"The junction? Where is that?" Although Gongfei Xuyan has been here for more than three years, nearly four years, she still doesn't know the distribution map of the Snow Country's territory and continent.

"Where is a city called Dongcheng, which is very rich. Because it is a junction, the flow of people is very mixed, but the law and order is very good. I heard that there was a new city owner not long ago. He managed the place in an orderly manner. The people all admire him."

Lei reported everything he knew to Gongfei Xuyan.

"Dongcheng? Since someone is willing to impersonate, let her impersonate, but, don't play tricks behind your back, otherwise, I can't spare her"

(End of this chapter)

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