Stunning God

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

After hearing this, Mo Xuanyu behind Mo Linger had a strange expression on his face.

He always had a bad feeling that he was the one Gongfei Xuyan was going to talk about next.

Sure enough, Concubine Xuyan's eyes fell on Mo Xuanyu who had a strange expression.

"Xuan, you are not young anymore, and now you are the head of the family again, it's time to get married"

At this time, the concubine Xuyan was like her instructions before parting.

If she didn't make arrangements to finish things, she would feel uneasy.

"Xu Yan, what's the matter with you today? Isn't it strange?" Mo Ling'er noticed that something was wrong with the concubine Xu Yan.

After being reminded by Mo Ling'er, everyone realized that Gongfei Xuyan's eyes were dull, her hands were clenched tightly, and her complexion began to turn pale.

This scares everyone.

"Yan'er, what's wrong with you? Don't scare Weifu." Gong Lingqing clasped Gongfei Xuyan's arm tightly with both hands, shaking it back and forth forcefully.

Lian'an and the rest of the people also stared at Gongfei Xuyan's face in panic, hoping to see something.

It took half an hour like this.

Concubine Gong Xuyan's complexion slowly returned to normal, and his eyes changed from dull to sparkling.

"What are you all looking at me for?" After recovering to normal, the concubine Xu Yan found that everyone was looking at her, and each of them showed worried eyes.Especially, her father.

"Yan'er? Everything just now. Don't you have any impression?"

Concubine Gong Xuyan shook her head in a daze, not understanding what her father meant?
"How is this possible? Just now, your eyes were dull, your face was pale, and your whole body was as stiff as a rock, but you were scared to death as a father." Gong Lingqing is still trembling in his heart. When he mentioned the scene just now, his face was even more tense to death .

Concubine Gong Xuyan was silent for a moment, and then said solemnly, "Father, please don't worry, it's not a serious problem. This is a martial skill I practiced, and it hasn't formed yet, so the scene just now appeared. It's all right"

Seeing her worried father, she could only lie. This was the first time she lied. Although it was the first time, she did it smoothly, without any knots in her tongue and no hesitation in her brain.As if, this is the fact.

Lian An and the others at the side were taken aback when they heard her say this, but after thinking about it carefully, they knew what was going on, so they acquiesced to her words.

Gong Lingqing obviously didn't believe it, but he knew that this was a nonsense made up by Yan'er to prevent him from worrying. How could he expose Yan'er's truth?
"Oh. That's how it is. If you have anything in the future, you have to inform your father in advance. Today's situation can't happen again."

“I promise there will be no next time”

Lian'an and the others looked at the concubine Xu Yan's deep affection for father and daughter, and were very envious.

"Okay, why are you standing here? Let's go in and talk about it," Gong Lingqing took the hand of Gongfei Xuyan and walked in first.

Go to the main hall and sit down.

The servants immediately served tea and snacks.

When Gong Yanzi heard that the concubine Xuyan had returned, she immediately ran over from the backyard.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted loudly, "Master, you are finally back,"

Before Gongfei Xuyan could speak, Gong Li walked over quickly and reprimanded Gong Yanzi who had just entered, "What does it look like to be yelling, master, and all the masters are here, you look like that!" What kind of appearance is it, it really disgraces the face of the master."

"I, am I so happy to hear that my master is back, so I was so excited that I forgot the etiquette?"


"Okay, Gong Li, we are all one family, so there is no need to be so polite. Didn't I tell you, why can't I remember?"

"Master, I"

"Okay, I know. I know that in your concept, there is order in order, but you don't need to care so much. When there are outsiders, I don't care about order. But when there are no outsiders, you don't need to be so concerned." Pay attention to etiquette. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I remember"

"Swallow, come here, do you see what I brought you?" Gongfei Xuyan took out a magic wand from the ring.

"Ah, the magic wand? It's still holy, master, is this for me?" Gong Yanzi held the magic wand tightly with both hands, almost jumping up with excitement.

"Of course I gave it to you, otherwise what would I give it to you?"

"Thank you, master, that's great. I finally have a holy magic wand. Brother, look at what the master gave me. That's great." Gong Yanzi showed off the wand in front of Gong Li, looking very much like a child who was rewarded.

"Well, then you should practice hard, and don't disappoint the master's expectations of us." The master's kindness to their family will never be exhausted in their lifetime, and they can only serve the master together in the next life.

"Okay, put it away, go prepare food, we are on our way, but we haven't eaten for several days"

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now." Gong Yanzi quickly put away her magic wand, and happily ran out to prepare meals.

Even if she is excited and happy, no matter how important her own affairs are, she can't let the master go hungry. The master's affairs are bigger than the sky.

After everyone had eaten, it was nightfall.

Looking at the starlight shining in the night sky, there are bursts of birds chirping.

This primitive ancient environment is really her favorite.

Lian An beside her has been standing in obscurity, watching the stars with her.

Not far away, Helian Chen stood there quietly, feeling the harmonious figure under the night.

"Master, go in and rest, your injury hasn't healed yet, so you can't blow the cool breeze outside for too long"

Mingxuan really didn't want to see his master always put his mind on the concubine Xuyan.

Although, he is not so hostile to her now, but the master has done so much for her, but in the end he is blind, not to mention unable to return home.

"Well, go back." For the first time, He Lianchen did not refute or scold his subordinates for persuasion.

One hand was supported by Mingxuan, and the other hand was groping, trying to balance the body by supporting the objects around him.

Before dawn, the concubine Xu Yan was awakened by a hasty knock on the door.

"Who?" She was very depressed and growled angrily.

"Master, it's me, Yanzi, something happened, come out quickly." Gong Yanzi's voice was hurried and anxious.

"What? What's the matter?" Concubine Gong Xuyan straightened up like a carp, and quickly picked up the clothes on the screen and quickly put them on.

"There was a crazy woman who said she was Young Master Ye's younger sister. She insisted on coming in, but the guards refused to let her in, so she started killing. Now several guards have been killed."

"What?" Gongfei Xuyan snapped angrily as she opened the door.

"Where is the person now?" Gongfei Xuyan walked forward with the fastest pace, Gong Yanzi followed closely for fear of falling.

"At the gate, Mr. Lian and the others have already gone, and Mr. Ye has also gone, but he said he didn't know that woman, so Mr. Lian asked me to come to you"

"Yeah, got it, let's go"

Ye Xingyu said he didn't know her, and that woman said she was his sister. What's going on?

Concubine Gong Xuyan was thinking about this issue while walking. Now is an eventful time, so there must be no problems.

"Yan. You're here." Seeing the imperial concubine Xu Yan who was coming quickly, Lian An hurried up to meet her.

"Well, what's going on here?"

I believe Lian An has already understood some of the reasons, right?

"It's strange to say that Xingyu said he didn't know her at all, but that woman insisted on saying that she was his sister, and whenever Xingyu denied it, she would kill someone. Until now, they have been deadlocked at the door."

"Is it true that my people can be killed if they say so?" Gong Fei Xuyan was very angry after hearing this. This dead woman dared to do something to her people, and she seemed to be impatient.

While the three were talking, they had already reached the gate.

The blood stains everywhere made Gongfei Xuyan furious instantly.

This early in the morning, someone died at the gate, and there were blood stains everywhere.

Is this the rhythm of sincerity and her?
"Where are the corpses?" Qi returns to Qi, but the dead are the most important, let alone her subordinates, so they can't be left alone. After collecting their corpses, they can take revenge for them.

They can't just die without knowing why.

So I looked around, but I didn't see the body, so I asked.

"Young Master Lian has someone moved into the courtyard." Gong Yanzi was a little scared when she saw the gloomy concubine Xu Yan, who was like a storm coming.

"Come here, show me the bodies of those brothers who died, and put them at the gate. I want them to see with their own eyes how the thief who killed them was cut to pieces by me."

"Yes" the rest of the guards were very excited and moved when they heard Gongfei Xu's words to avenge those dead brothers.

"Hey, who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be our famous eldest princess, the head of the palace family? Why, with such a noble status, you care about a few dogs that open the door? You are really a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be merciful."

A strange voice came from behind a tree.

Why did she find it strange that it wasn't a woman who came to cause trouble, but why she didn't see anyone when she came out, because she was hiding behind a tree.

"It seems that you were the so-called open door dog before? Otherwise, how could you bark so smoothly?"

Isn't it just bickering, will it make it difficult for her?What a joke.


"Don't be complacent, and you can't laugh." The woman was dressed in black, with a black hat on her head, and a black gauze on the hat, covering half of her face, leaving only her mouth and chin. The rest of the features were covered by black veils.

Concubine Gong Xuyan observed for a long time, but did not see who she was.

It's just that her breath is so strange?
"When you can't laugh, it happens to be the time when the master kills people. So you want to try it so much, then the master will not be polite." Just as the last word of Gongfei Xuyan fell, her magic was also playing at the same time. .

One after another, fireballs, ice blades, and wooden spikes flew towards the woman's different acupoints at high speed.

Because the concubine Xuyan had already launched an attack before she had any preparations.

Although the woman came to her senses, it was still difficult for her to hide, and after several rounds, she looked particularly embarrassed.

Finally got some free time.

Looking down at the torn clothes and bloody wounds, a pair of eagle eyes glared at Gongfei Xuyan.

"You actually attacked?"

"Sneak attack? That's called soldiers are not tired of deceit. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Okay, accept the trick, this time I will let you know what the consequences of angering the owner are."

Concubine Gong Xuyan just warmed up just now, she hasn't really used magic for a long time, this time let her practice her hands well.

"Thousands of arrows are fired!" shouted violently, and the sword that Gongfei Xuyan transformed with profound energy flew towards that woman like ten thousand swords in unison.

The speed is fast.It's not something she, a little evil that hasn't matured, can dodge at all.

In an instant, the woman was tied into a hedgehog, and some directly penetrated her body.

The blood flowed all over the place, and it was even more vivid.

"Hahaha, do you think you can kill me like this? I am immortal now, you will never kill me, I will make everything you have now disappear slowly, I want to see it with my own eyes You, after losing everything, people don’t look like humans, ghosts don’t look like ghosts, hehehe”

In the end, she actually let out an inhuman laugh.

After discovering this situation, the concubine Xuyan immediately created a barrier to protect the entire palace family.

Lian An and the others also became vigilant, staring fixedly at that woman.

"Who are you? The real purpose of coming here is me, not Ye Xingyu, right?" She couldn't believe that the person who was looking for Ye Xingyu would target her everywhere, and even utter wild words to make her lose everything.

"Quack quack, are you scared? However, I don't want to tell you, so that you will understand when you die."

"I am Ye Jingting, but it's not her. To be precise, she sold her body to me, and I will help her get rid of you. It's as simple as that."

"Are you that evil thing?" They didn't arrive just now, and they let this thing find the host.

It seemed that the flashing picture in her mind that day was real.

"Evil? Only you laymen call us that. We are demons, not evil. If you call me that again, I won't be polite, and you have to call me Venerable. Otherwise, I'll see you "

"Devil? What is your purpose in coming to the human world?"

monsters?It was the first time she had heard that if Lian An hadn't told her in a secret voice, she would be so stupid that she didn't know anything.

It is the soul of the demons, because they did not practice the right way during their lifetime, leading to madness. However, although their bodies die, their souls are not destroyed, so their souls continue to practice and become demons.

However, they must find a suitable host, otherwise, over time, not to mention the reduction in cultivation, the soul body will gradually disperse, so they are generally trapped in the forbidden area of ​​the demon world.

But, this, I really don't know how it came out.

"This is the problem of the deity, and you don't need to be a human being to take care of it." The demons are very arrogant and always look down on human beings. In their eyes, human beings are insatiable besides selfishness. They are not as ambitious and far-sighted as they are.

"I don't care about you? Does this palace allow me to have the right to govern you, huh?" The concubine Xuyan immediately transformed into the costume of the princess of the devil world.

A bright red floor-length dress, with large mandosahua flowers embroidered with gold thread on the sleeves, and a crown design representing identity embroidered with silk embroidered with black crystal unique to the Demon Realm at the neckline.Her silver hair was tied on top of her head with a crimson crystal crown.

When the demon saw the beautifully dressed concubine Xuyan, he froze in place, then slowly backed away, ready to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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