Stunning God

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Gongfei Xuyan began to think of her own.

Is it Gongling City?
So you did all of this?Then her father, and they are all in his hands?

The sickness looked at the concubine Xuyan without speaking for a long time, and was in a daze all the time, wondering what was wrong with her?
"What's wrong with you? Miss Mei?"

"It's nothing, by the way, let's go find it quickly. We've been out for so long. If we don't go back, we really won't be able to go back in the future." Now that she knows who the enemy is, she understands that in the future The direction of the effort.

"In that case, let's go find it quickly." The sick man became anxious when he heard Gongfei Xu's words, as if this was his own business.

After wandering around for a few more days, the imperial concubine Xuyan could no longer bear the illness, and it was time to bear it no longer.

"I said, illness, are you not busy? I am still very busy, what are you always following us for? Are you restricting our personal freedom? Or are you following us?"

"No, Miss Mei, I didn't mean that. I just want to help you find what you're looking for. I don't have any intentions." Even if there was, he couldn't admit it.

"Okay, let's look for it again. If we find it, let's go our separate ways." Anyway, we already know who is behind the scenes, so there is nothing to worry about.

The sick man said nothing, just nodded silently.

"Mother, come and see, what is that?" Suddenly, Long Er whispered from the side.

Concubine Gong Xuyan hurried over.

Following the direction of Long'er's finger, he saw a white figure hiding in one place. It looked like he was sleeping?

"White? Is that the monster you are looking for?" Before Gongfei Xuyan could say anything, the sick man had already asked and confirmed it.

"Yes, it's white, but I don't know what it looks like. We only heard from the people in the clan that they saw it. They said that a white shadow flashed by quickly, and the thing disappeared, and nothing else was there. Know"

"Then let's go and have a look." The sickness seemed particularly anxious and proactive.

Concubine Gong Xuyan and the others are a little curious, and it's not his business, so what are you in a hurry for?
After hiding his breath, he slowly approached the white figure.

The figure seemed to sense someone approaching it.

Immediately prick up your ears and listen around.

Then immediately got up and stared at them.

It's over, it was discovered, why did it make a noise?They don't seem to make any noise, how did this thing find them?
Is it?
Its vigilance is so high?

What kind of Warcraft is this, how can there be such a high level of vigilance?It seems unusual, and it would be great if it could be used by her.

The monster just looked at them, and didn't intend to run away or attack. It just got up and stood there watching them quietly.

Only then did Gongfei Xuyan realize that the white figure was a white elk.

There are no pure white elk in modern times, but there were in ancient times?
This is really a rare species.

"Ann, what kind of monster is this? Why does it look like this?" She didn't say why she looked like an elk, in case Lian An and the others would be curious, why what she said was different from what she said here. "This is an elk. It is the same existence as Tianma. They both represent purity and light. They are holy beasts in the God Realm. How could they appear here?" Lian An was also puzzled. Why, a holy beast in the God Realm Appeared in this Rainbow Mountain Range?

"Elk?" Did she hear correctly?The name is exactly the same as the modern one?
However, the practical use is worlds apart.

Since it was such a good thing, how could she miss it? Besides, the Warcraft with such high vigilance was really a good safety reminder for her on the way ahead.

"I want it" Gongfei Xuyan said these three words lightly.Then he went to the elk alone.

The elk, without the slightest timidity, seemed to know that the concubine Xuyan would not hurt it.

Standing there, watching Gongfei Xuyan approaching it step by step.

This demonic beast is so courageous, it is not afraid of the approach of humans?

Concubine Gong Xuyan was wondering while walking.

When she walked one meter away from the elk, the elk miraculously began to speak.

And what she said made her a little confused.

"You are here, I have been waiting for you here for a long time"

"Wait for me? Do you know me?" Concubine Gong Xuyan looked back, the few people who were still waiting for her didn't seem to have heard the elk speak.

It seemed like she was the only one who heard the moose talking? ?

Wouldn't this be another strange thing?

"You don't have to be curious, I set up an enchantment, so they can't hear it"

"Well," suddenly, Gongfei Xuyan realized that just now she was just thinking in her heart and didn't speak. How did the elk know?
Could it be that it can read minds?
"It's not that I can read minds, but I can see it from your expression." Mi Lu once again expressed the doubts in Gongfei Xuyan's heart, and explained to her.

"Expression?" Does she have rich expressions?Rich enough to think in the heart, what can be seen on the face?
By the way, she wanted this elk to be her partner, not to chat.

"I want to know, when you saw me coming, why didn't you hide or leave, or attack?"

"Because you are kind-hearted and will not harm innocent people, and you are the reincarnation of the sword spirit"

"What?" This elk, how do you know that she is the reincarnation of the sword spirit?
"Didn't I just say that I have been waiting for you here for a long time. You are my master. Thousands of years ago, when you fell, I came down to the human world and cultivated here. "

"Master?" That means, this elk is her contract beast?
"You are my contracted beast?" When did her reaction become so slow?
"Yes Master"

"Well, if that's the case, then you try to keep that man away from us. I still have business to do. He is the apprentice of my enemy. He was ordered by his master to wait for me here. Now, he doesn't know my identity. You Can it be done?"

"Okay, master, don't worry." After the elk finished speaking, he removed the barrier, approached the concubine Xuyan, and supported the concubine Xuyan on his back with the tentacles.

Then turn around and run in the opposite direction.

Seeing this, Lian'an and the others immediately used magic and chased after him.

The disease followed closely.

The elk looked at Lian An and the others who were chasing after them.Especially the disease.

A little annoyed, why can't that human being get rid of?

"Master, you just need to be wronged." Before the concubine Xu Yan understood what it meant, she was already put down by the elk, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

When Lian An and the others arrived here, it was already empty, nothing at all.

"It was still here just now, why did it suddenly disappear?" They would not have thought that a holy beast's portable space would store living things, for example.people…

A second ago, Lian'an and the others were still anxiously looking for the trace of the concubine Xuyan and the elk.

In the next second, Lian An, Ling Yue, Huo Qing, Long Er, and Xue Wuhen disappeared in place.

Only the sickness was left alone, looking at the place where Lian An and the others had stood in a daze.

After the elk took Lian'an and the others into his portable space, he immediately returned to its territory in the Tianhong Mountains.

Heavenly God Cave Mansion.

Arriving in the Tianshen Cave Mansion, Mi Lu hurriedly released the imperial concubine Xu Yan and Lian An, who were taken in later.

After Gongfei Xuyan came out, her first reaction was to be curious, the space just now belonged to the elk?

"The space just now is your personal space?" She was not sure when she asked, because Long Ze and Bai Yu also had personal space, but they could only store their own things, and they were still dead objects, so she was not sure. ask.

"Yes, master," the elk replied, which surprised them.

This is the first time I heard that Warcraft's portable space can store living things, or living people.

"You are that elk?" Lian An and Long Ze looked at the elk, a little surprised.

"Yes, I am the elk, the green dragon, the son of the god king. It is normal for you not to recognize me. After all, at that time, I appeared in the God Realm in human form, not my real body."

"What? You know us?" They have been in the human world for thousands of years. Who would have thought that someone would recognize them?
"Yes, that happened a long time ago when you were very young." The elk originally wanted to miss the past, but seeing the concubine Xuyan staring at it, it suddenly remembered that it was waiting for its master here , and something important to tell.

"Master, do you know about the Demon King?" It felt that the master had been reincarnated so many times, and those things might have been completely forgotten long ago.

"I know, I came here to look for the relics left thousands of years ago to restore memory and cultivation, and prevent the birth of the Demon King."

"That's great, the master remembers this matter, I'm here waiting for the master's arrival, and it's also for this matter"

"Tell me." Gongfei Xuyan felt that what the elk was going to say next must have something to do with Gong Lingcheng.

"In order to let their king be born smoothly, the demon spirits teamed up with a group of people from the human world. I heard that the demon spirits appeared in the Snow Country Imperial Capital not long ago, but they were killed on the spot."

Concubine Gong Xuyan and the others looked at each other in dismay, wasn't she the one that the elk was talking about?
Could it be that the demon spirit at that time was one of them?

"Go on"

"The group of human beings who are with the demon spirits seem to be people from the No. [-] family in the world thousands of years ago. I don't know who they are. This is why I am here. I heard the demon spirits who came in occasionally talking to each other. I just heard it"

"What? It's him?" In the end, after going around, they still came to him.

Did they form a deep bond in their previous life?

Otherwise, why would everything she encounters be related to him.

To be precise, it should be said that he gave instructions behind the scenes.

"Is there any other news?"

"Also, people from the demon world seem to have come to the human world. I don't know why?"

"The Devil Realm? Uncle Hua? Well, I see. If there is nothing else, you should get to know them first." Gongfei Xuyan originally wanted to contact Hua Mingzun to ask what was going on, but she thought about it for a while However, the most important thing right now is her restoration of cultivation.

She pointed to Xue Wuhen, and introduced to the elk, "This is Xue Wuhen, the third prince of Xue Country, my current elder brother,"

Then he pointed at Huo Qing and Long'er, "This is Huo Qing, the son of the Gryphon King, and this is the spirit of the Purple Dragon Cauldron"

"This is the elk, the contracted beast of Sword Spirit, which is also the contracted beast of my previous life"

"Xuyan, what kind of monster is this elk? Why have I never seen it before, and I have never heard of it?" Xue Wuhen was very curious about the elk, and also very puzzled. rare.

"It's a Warcraft from thousands of years ago. It doesn't exist now. You must have never seen it." She has never seen it. Although she has seen it in modern times, this is the first time she has seen the white one.

"By the way, master, there seems to be information about ruins behind this cave, do you want to go and see it?"

"how do you know?"

"Master forgot, we have a contractual relationship, so of course I am familiar with the breath of the sword spirit."

"Oh, let's go now" If they can recover sooner, then there is hope for their father to be rescued.

Following the elk, turning and turning, he finally walked out of its narrow path and came to a spacious and bright place.

Gongfei Xuyan observed the place under her feet.

The space is not big, only about [-] meters, but the height is very high, even more than [-] meters high, and it is still covered in a conical shape.

Where is this?How could it be this shape?

"Elk, where is this?"

"This is where I can feel the familiar breath, master, feel it carefully"

Concubine Xuyan let go of her senses and consciousness.I want to use this to feel the existence of the ruins.

However, after feeling it for a long time, I couldn't feel the existence of the ruins, and I couldn't even feel any familiarity.

A little lost.

"No feeling, it's not here"

"Master, go and have a look at those things. I haven't touched them." The elk also saw the disappointment of the concubine Xuyan. In fact, it was also very disappointed.

Gongfei Xuyan followed the direction pointed by the elk and came to a corner.

There is a pattern on the ground. I can't see the pattern on it clearly, but I can only roughly see that it is a pattern, and I can't see anything else clearly.

Then, on the other side of the pattern, there was a stone button.

"This is..." The elk and others also found this button and asked questions at the same time.

"I'll go and have a look, you'll just wait here" Whether it's dangerous or safe, she has to try, and the people around her can't make any mistakes for her.

Concubine Gong Xuyan walked carefully to the stone button, and slowly squatted down.

Stretch out your right hand, place it lightly on the button, and press it hard.

no response?
Is it too light?

Then press it down again, still no response?

By the way, spiritual power.

Then, Gongfei Xuyan input the mental power into the button bit by bit.

Half pay, still no response.

what's the problem?Isn't this a button?Why no response?Is it broken?
Gongfei Xuyan turned to look at the elk with puzzled eyes.

What does this mean?Why there is no response for a long time, how to open it?

The elk gave her the same answer, helpless and ignorant.

Forget it, come by yourself.

"Yan, try dripping a drop of blood." If the sword spirit left behind, for the sake of safety, it will not be obtained by those who want to, and it will definitely be opened in a way that only reincarnation can open.

that's blood...

(End of this chapter)

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