Stunning God

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

"Passing by? Passing by here at night?" Gongfei Xuyan clearly saw that he was lying, so he didn't want to question him.

"Okay, I'm here to see you, Shiism has issued a new order, I'll come to see you" Wen Jing said hesitantly, on the one hand, it was his own master, on the other hand, it was this person who made him a little worried .

Caught in the middle, he really doesn't know how to choose?

"Come and see me? Do you have anything else to say?" Concubine Gong Xuyan didn't think that Wen Jing came to see her specially, so there should be other things to say, but now, she doesn't know how to say it.

Wen Jing didn't expect that Gongfei Xuyan would guess that he didn't come here specially for this matter. It would be great if she was not the master's opponent.

Unfortunately, everything has long been a foregone conclusion, and it is an unchangeable fact.

"I'm here to tell you, pay more attention to Xue Wuxie, the master seems to have a connection with him." After Wen Jing finished speaking, he took a deep look at Gongfei Xuyan, and immediately disappeared into the sky.

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at the direction where Wen Jing disappeared, and her mind was full of thoughts.

Is there any connection between Gongling City and Xue Wuxie?Is this the handover person between demon spirits and humans?

Thinking of this, she has thought through a lot.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he caught sight of a figure hiding in the dark from the corner of his eye.

"Who? Come out"

I was too engrossed in my thoughts just now, and I didn't notice any strange aura around me. If the other party had any evil intentions, wouldn't she have been injured already?

It seems that her vigilance is really too low now.

We need to be more vigilant in the future.

Lian An slowly came out from the darkness, looking at the vigilant concubine Xu Yan, her face was a little sad.

"Yan, it's me. I'm worried about your safety. It's inconvenient to show up just now, so I'm in the dark."

He believed that Yan could understand him.

"Well, I know, you should have heard what Wen Jing said just now, what do you think?"

It has become her habit to discuss things with Lian An.

"Although this person is a subordinate of Gongling City, he should not lie in front of you. Besides, haven't the facts proved the truth of his words?"

Although he really didn't want to admit that Wen Jing's feelings for Yan were sprouting, but, the fact was, he had to admit it.

"Ann, do you have something to say in your heart? If you have something, it's better to say it."

Concubine Gong Xuyan always felt that this time, Lian An's attitude seemed to have changed a lot, which seemed a little weird.

Lian An didn't speak, just watched the concubine Xuyan remain silent, just watching in silence, the concubine Xuyan felt strange.

Finally, the concubine Xuyan couldn't stand Lian'an's eyes
"What's the matter with you, just tell me if you have something to do, otherwise, I'll be leaving, you know. I'm very busy now, and I don't have the time to spend here"

In fact, Lian An couldn't help but have something to say, just in time, the concubine Xu Yan spoke up and gave him a head start, so it was easy for him to say it.

"Yan, you know, my heart is very small, I have already filled you up, and I can't hold anything. You are very good, and you have a special charm. There are many people who are obsessed with you and fall in love with you. I am really a little scared. I'm afraid that one day you will be snatched away by others, what should I do?" At this moment, Lian An was like a child about to lose her doll.

His face was full of pain.

Seeing Lian An like this, Concubine Gong Xuyan felt very sad. Although she couldn't understand Lian An's mood, she knew that Lian An's affection for her was deep in her bones.

She also knew that there were many people who fell in love with her, but she pretended to ignore or refuse them all.

It's just that the other party is very persistent, and she really can't control other people's hearts.

All you can do is manage your heart and put your attitude right.

"Don't worry, if others love me, it doesn't mean that I will repay them. You should know that we have known each other for so long, don't you know me?" When did she give Lian An such an insecure feeling.

Concubine Gong Xuyan stepped forward and gently hugged Lian An in her arms.

Gently patted Lian'an's back.

After about an hour or so, Gongfei Xuyan felt that Lian'an's mood was much better.

Then he asked softly, "Ann, let's go back."

"Well, let's go." Lian'an replied very simply, got up quickly, took Gongfei Xuyan's hand, and brought Gongfei Xuyan into her arms.Then fly away.

After returning to the palace.

As soon as the Gong family saw Gongfei Xuyan coming back, they immediately ran out to greet her.

"Welcome Patriarch!" They all stood in two rows, leaving a path in the middle.

Concubine Gong Xuyan led Lian An into the palace gate step by step from the road in the middle.

Looking at familiar faces, familiar environment, and familiar atmosphere.

Yimumu's familiar scene flashed across his eyes like a movie version.

The scene of the past is still there, but the person is no longer the person of the past, no matter how I say it, I feel very uncomfortable.

Walking into the compound step by step, looking at the familiar scene, the uncomfortable feeling in the concubine Xuyan's heart intensified.

Lian An saw that something was wrong with the concubine Xu Yan, and immediately went forward to hold her hand.

"Yan, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah, it's okay, it's just that I feel a little uncomfortable seeing the old scene." Father, how are you now?You wait, it won't take long before I can rescue you.

"Don't think about it so much, we will be able to rescue Uncle and the others in a short time."

Seeing the sad expression on the concubine Xuyan's face, Lian'an felt bad too.

It would be great if he could bear it for her, but unfortunately, this kind of thing will never happen.

Concubine Gong Xuyan and Lian An walked side by side. In the eyes of everyone in the Gong family, this pair of talented and beautiful women is destined to exist.

After spending the night quietly, a new day was ushered in.

Just after dawn, a guard ran to knock on the door of the concubine Xuyan.

"dong dong dong"

The concubine Xu Yan who was just about to get up immediately put on her clothes and stepped forward to open the door.

Looking at the guard at the door, "What's the matter?"

"Patriarch, Mo Patriarch is here and wants to see you"

"Master Mo?" Isn't it Xuan?What is he doing here so early in the morning?
"Please go to the main hall, and by the way, inform Mr. Lian and the others to go to the main hall together."


After the guards left, Gongfei Xuyan quickly turned around, arranged her makeup, and then prepared to go to the main hall.

When they came to the main hall, they saw Mo Xuanyu and Lian An having a lively chat.

"Yan, you're here." First, when Lian An saw Gongfei Xuyan coming in, she got up and greeted her.

Mo Xuanyu also stood up immediately, looking at the concubine Xuyan.

"Xuan, why are you here? Did something happen?" Gong Fei Xuyan nodded to Lian An who rushed to meet her, and then asked Mo Xuanyu who was standing still.

"I'm here to help you" clearly expressed his purpose of coming.

The concubine Xuyan was stunned, why would Xuan come to help her?

She looked at Long Ze and Lian An beside her with a puzzled expression.

"That is, he will be by your side from now on. If you don't leave, he has already been handed over to Mo Ling'er in the Mo family." Lian An carefully explained the meaning of Mo Xuanyu to the concubine Xuyan.

Hearing Lian'an's words, Gongfei Xuyan completely understood what Mo Xuanyu meant.

She looked at Mo Xuanyu's firm eyes, it seemed.He has eaten the weight and made up his mind.

No choice but to agree.

"Okay, since you've already made a decision, that's fine." I don't know when, her temper was so good?

Is she being too kind or has she really become human?
"That's great." Mo Xuanyu roared excitedly when he heard Gongfei Xuyan agree.

From now on, I can finally see her every day and stay by her side.

God treats him really kindly.

"Okay, it's time to have breakfast. After breakfast, you and I will go to the palace together. I want to see how much Xue Liuwen knows about Xue Wuxie." Comparing the safety of the country and her children, she thinks, Xueliuwen would choose a country. In her eyes, Xueliuwen was a pretty good emperor, at least he really cared about the people.

Unlike some emperors, who only care about power and prosperity.

An emperor who cared about the people and the country, if he had to choose between his children and the country, he would choose the country.

If Xue Liuwen knew what Xue Wuxie would do, although she guessed the result, she still wanted to hear the truth face to face, otherwise, when the time came, she would accidentally hurt or kill Xue Wuxie, Xue Liu If Wen quit, that would be bad.

"Go to the palace..." Mo Xuanyu didn't know anything about Xue Wuxie yet, so when he heard that the concubine Xu said that he was going to the palace, and that they were going together, he was inevitably a little curious and puzzled.

"We're just going to see Xue Wuhen, and to confirm one thing like Xue Liuwen"

Although her patience has improved a lot now, that's only occasionally. Under normal circumstances, she still seldom does such patient things as explaining and explaining.

Lian An and Long Ze looked at Mo Xuanyu's puzzled eyes, but the concubine Xu Yan had nothing to say.

It was only then that Long Ze kindly became the spokesperson for the concubine Xu Yan.

"Xue Wuxie practiced the forbidden technique, and even tried to kill Xue Wuhen, but was stopped by Xu Yan. Xu Yan just wanted to know whether Xue Liuwen knew about Xue Wuxie, and how he dealt with it."

After Long Ze's explanation, Mo Xuanyu understood a lot, that's why.

He nodded, which was a response to Long Ze's explanation.

After breakfast, Concubine Gong Xuyan invited them to go to the palace to find out the outcome of the matter.

After arriving at the palace, the concubine Xu Yan did not go to the emperor, but went directly to Xue Wuhen.

Before they reached the gate of Xue Wuhen's palace, they heard the screams of ghosts and wolves coming from inside.

Gongfei Xuyan, Lian An and the others all turned pale with shock after hearing this.

In this palace, and it was still Xue Wuhen's palace, and it was broad daylight, why did there come out such terrifying screams, what happened here?
Thinking of the scene that happened at Leng's house yesterday, Gongfei Xuyan still has lingering fears.

If what happened yesterday happened here again, wouldn't Xue Wuhen be finished.

"Not good" After a low growl, Gongfei Xuyan disappeared like an arrow from a bow.

Hearing Gongfei Xuyan's low growl, Lian An, who was closest to her, noticed Gongfei Xuyan rushing out, and quickly followed, and the others also followed behind.

Concubine Xuyan came to Xue Wuhen's palace, and when she saw the messy people lying on the ground, her heart skipped a beat.

Did something really happen to him?

"Xue Wuhen, where are you? Come out for me, do you hear me?" Gongfei Xuyan didn't care where she was, or if she could make loud noises about the rules, she wanted to know if Xue Wuhen was okay.

However, after shouting for a long time, Xue Wuhen didn't respond, only the corpses she came in and lying on the ground slowly moved, as if they were about to struggle to get up.

Seeing this, Concubine Xu Yan hurried over, grabbed a palace maid by the collar and asked, "Where is Xue Wuhen now? How is he? Why are you injured?"

This is the palace compound, where ordinary people would dare to do anything, let alone in the Prince's Hall.

The more Gongfei Xuyan thought about it, the more she felt that this incident had something to do with Xue Wuxie. However, looking back, Xue Wuxie was injured so badly by them yesterday that she couldn't wake up for a while. For a good pill, it will take three to five days to wake up, it can't be so fast.

Well, if the person who did the murder here wasn't Xue Wuxie, who else would be so bold as to do the murder here?

Which palace man was so frightened by the red eyes of the concubine Xuyan that his whole body trembled.

"Why are you shivering. Tell me where Xue Wuhen is right now? Otherwise, I'll strangle you to death." Gongfei Xuyan saw which palace servant was so frightened, she had no choice but to use scares and threats to make her The palace people were afraid of death and told Xue Wuhen's whereabouts.

"My lord, the study" the palace man stammered and finally revealed Xue Wuhen's whereabouts.

Concubine Xuyan threw down the palace servants, got up and flew towards the study.

Lian An and the others who followed closely saw the direction Gongfei Xuyan was flying towards, and flew there without even thinking about it.

"Xue Wuhen, are you inside?" When he came to the door of the study and looked at the closed door, the concubine Xu Yan didn't push the door directly, but called Xue Wuhen first, wondering if he was here in.

However, she shouted for a long time, but there was still no response from Xue Wuhen, what's going on?Isn't it in the study?
Suddenly, a strange element came from the study.

Concubine Gong Xuyan realized that something was wrong with this element, just as Lian An had just arrived.

"Ann, do you think this element is right?"

"It's not right, it doesn't seem to be normal elemental power," Lian An frowned slightly, what's going on in this human world?

Unknown objects and unknown elements appear again and again.

Could it be that the matter of the Daughter of Destiny triggered the appearance of such a thing?
He is becoming more and more invisible now.

"Let's go in and have a look..." She didn't want to see anyone around her being controlled by demon spirits, like a pair of martial arts. Now she tried to help him, but couldn't help him. It was such a troublesome thing.

"Let's go. Let's go and have a look." Lian An took the lead and slowly entered the study incognito.

In the study room, the furnishings are very simple, except for a set of tables, the rest are desks, two rows of bookshelves, a bookcase, and some calligraphy and paintings, nothing else.

There is not even an inner room, so where is Xue Wuhen?
Didn't the palace man say that he is in the study?

(End of this chapter)

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