Stunning God

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

"Brother, why didn't you let me kill that stinky woman just now, she dared to call you a monster, I really wanted to tear her mouth apart, I was picking her tendons, crippling her dantian, and turning her into a Trash, it's disgusting to see how arrogant she is." Long'er's face turned red with anger.

Even the eyes on the face are a bit purple in ink, which seems to be a sign of Longer's anger.

"Long Er, don't be angry, it's still useful for my brother to keep her. When she's useless, let Long Er play with it." Gongfei Xuyan's smile is very, very beautiful at the moment, but the words she speaks are very, very free. ruthless.

This proves that the more beautiful the more poisonous.

"Okay, I'll listen to mother." Long Er shouted out mother when she was happy, but fortunately, the surroundings were chaotic and no one noticed.

However, Gongfei Xuyan thought that no one was paying attention, but someone noticed and heard it.

Gongfei Xuyan brought Longze and Longer to the largest auction house here, "Tell your boss, I'm here to consign something."

The doorkeeper heard that it was a consignment, and this person had silver hair and red eyes that he had never seen before. Not only that, but also extremely beautiful, even if he was the most beautiful man in the Snow Country, Master Guoshi was a bit inferior.

"You, wait a moment, I'll report right away." A guard rushed in to report.

After a while, a middle-aged man came out. When he saw the concubine Xuyan, he was also shocked, and then quickly returned to his original state, "Excuse me, is the young master going to consign something?"


"Then please come with me." The middle-aged man saw that the concubine Xuyan was not a talkative person, so he stopped asking too much. After entering, he knew what he was going to sell.

Go into a room on the second floor.

Concubine Gong Xuyan didn't wait for them to speak, and with a wave of her hand, five bottles of pills appeared on the table, "These are the pills. As for the order in which to auction them, that's up to you. I'm only responsible for taking the money."

She knew that if she didn't stop these people's mouths in advance, they would definitely ask questions, and those were the things that bothered her the most. She was not a prisoner, so why should she answer other people's questions.

"Okay, I'll find an appraiser to come to appraise it." The middle-aged man also saw that the concubine Xuyan was a man of few words, and the cold breath enveloped his whole body. It could be seen that this person was not good. It's not an easy master.


"I'm Chen Kai, the owner of the Yadong Auction's Kyoto branch in the Snow Country. I don't know how to call you."

"Yan Xu" anyway, his own appearance is the most prominent existence in the entire continent, even if it is a random fabrication, you still have to look at your appearance.

It seems that the next time you do a secret thing, you will have to change your face.

Such a unique existence is easy to attract attention.

"Yan Xu,?" Chen Kai muttered for a while, and suddenly remembered that the genius everyone was talking about, when the Skyscraper Academy signed up, there was a genius who was even more powerful than the third prince back then. He was 13 years old and his name was Yan Xu.

And the most obvious appearance is silver hair, red eyes, delicate face, isn't the person in front of them the person they said?
"My brother is the Yan Xu that everyone talks about, there is no second." Long Er looked at Chen Kai's expression of surprise for a while, and puzzled expression for a while, a little contemptuous.

Just kidding, who dares to pretend to be his mother, this unique silver hair and blood-colored eyes, can it be faked?
"It's really a loss of composure. At such a young age, I have already cultivated at this level, and I will become a great weapon in the future." Chen Kai looked at the concubine Xuyan sitting there calmly, without pride, arrogance, or superciliousness.

Just sitting there coldly, as if he himself was a piece of ice that would not be melted.

There are such strange people in this world, it seems that I have to report to my master.

"Boss, these are the extremely pure Juyuan Pills, Detoxification Pills, Buqi Pills, and Xuanqi Pills of the fourth grade." A small poem came in with five pill bottles.

Report to Chen Kai respectfully.

"Fourth grade? It's still pure, Mr. Yan, this"

"You don't need to know the origin of the elixir. You are only in charge of the auction. If you are satisfied with the cooperation this time, then I will come here often. If not, then this is the only time. Do you understand?" Gongfei Xuyan waved her hand Interrupting Chen Kai, what she hates the most is being asked questions.

"Okay, I understand. I hope we will have better opportunities for cooperation. This is the most noble purple card in our Yadong Auction. You can enjoy [-]% off for auction treasures, and [-]% off for consignment. Hope, cooperate." joy"

Concubine Gong Xuyan took the purple card and looked at it carefully. Yes, this Yadong is the largest auction in the mainland, and she can make alchemy. Doing business with this auction will be regarded as having half of the backstage in the future. , although she doesn't need to rely on outsiders, but for some things, it is not the best solution to do it by herself.

Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds to borrow the hands of outsiders to do what you need?

"Okay, when was the last auction?" She knew that there were good things at the auction, and if they weren't good, they wouldn't appear at the auction. In her previous life, she also participated in the auction, It's just that you didn't get what you wanted.

"Tomorrow afternoon, at noon, there are some good things in this auction. I hope Mr. Yan will come to join in the fun." Chen Kai hopes to have a long-term cooperation with the concubine Xuyan, regardless of whether he is in selfish desires or mutual desires.

Just kidding, if you bind an alchemist, there will be no shortage of pills after the auction, and the master will be happy.

"Okay, let's go." Gongfei Xuyan flashed out of Yadong's gate before Chen Kai could react.

"Xu Yan, are you consigning the pills for money or something else?" Long Ze thought that the concubine Xuyan had so much money, it was impossible for money, but isn't selling pills at the auction house just for money?
"Alchemists are rare, but their status is honorable. There is still a long way to go. I can't do everything myself. I must have a little power for me. Otherwise, with my own strength, can I fight against these powerful enemies, especially Within this year?"

"Well, I understand." Long Ze looked at Gongfei Xuyan's rare serious eyes.

Although he has lived for more than 1 years, he has never been involved in the complex relationships and intrigues between human beings. At first he thought that the concubine Xuyan was just bloodthirsty and cruel, but now it seems that she is also very cunning and insidious. However, he agreed, after all, it was those people who came to provoke Xu Yan first, not Xu Yan to provoke right and wrong.

"Slowly you will know what kind of person I am. At that time, if you dislike or cannot accept it, I will try to terminate the contract and set you free." She is not a kind person, but she will not force others.

Especially, people who consider themselves partners and friends.

YouQi was unwilling to stay by her side unwillingly, it would be better to let them be free.

(End of this chapter)

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