Stunning God

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Both of them were wearing coarse cloth dresses covered with patches.

Fortunately, the sky has darkened now, and they can't see clearly, otherwise, the two of them would be the most prominent existences on the entire street.

Looking at my tattered clothes, can I buy some clothes? If I buy them, those women will find that their jewelry is gone when they go back. If they can’t find the thief, they will blame themselves. Although, those The things were indeed searched by myself, but those belonged to me.

It is also a matter of course.

However, now is not the time. If you are blamed, you will have no way to deal with it. For safety's sake, don't buy clothes.

Let's go and fill our stomach first, and we have to find a way to find out where the Xisui Pill is sold.

I just walked to a snack stall and sat down directly, "Boss, here are some of your specialties."

When the snack boss heard it, he immediately went to do it happily, but when Cui Lu heard it, he became anxious, "Miss, we don't have that much money." The voice was very small, but the boss still heard it.

He immediately put down what he was doing, and ran over to look at the concubine Xuyan and Cuilu. They were all dressed in rags. They looked very shabby, similar to beggars, but he didn't see them as beggars. Instead, the woman called Miss sat there with a calm face.

He has been setting up a stall here for some years, and he has seen all kinds of people, so he knows that you can't judge people by their appearance, "Miss, if you don't have enough money, you can make up for it next time, if you don't have it , even if I invite you." After finishing speaking, he continued to cook.

Concubine Gong Xuyan gave the boss a deep look. This person is not bad at heart, so it would be fine to give a little more at that moment.

After Cui Lu heard what the boss said, she thanked her happily, "Thank you boss, I will definitely make up the money if I have the opportunity."

Soon, the boss brought out four dishes, all of which were meat dishes. He could also tell that the two little girls were sallow and thin, and their bodies were seriously lacking in nutrition. Made a broth.

"Hurry up and eat, you must be hungry," he said with a warm smile on his face.

Concubine Gong Xuyan nodded, picked up the chopsticks and started to eat, but Cui Lu just sat there, not daring to move the chopsticks, just lowered her head.

"Hurry up, let's sit and eat together from now on. I don't like disobedient people." Gongfei Xuyan looked at the emerald green without moving her chopsticks for a long time, and she knew that this was the difference between superiority and inferiority in ancient times.

Cui Lu raised her head and looked at Gongfei Xuyan with emotion, then picked up the chopsticks and started to move immediately. The lady said that she doesn't like disobedient people, so if she wants to stay with the lady, she must be obedient.

Such a young lady will definitely not be bullied again. After thinking about it, my heart began to get excited. Although such a young lady is very cold and people dare not get close to her, she is not so unreasonable. The young lady will definitely become stronger.

After eating, the imperial concubine Xuyan pretended to reach out for money in her sleeve, but in fact, she was withdrawing money in Qianling.

Take out two gold coins and put them on the table, "How much is the boss?"

The boss originally said that no money was needed, but after seeing the serious expression on Gongfei Xuyan's face, he said "fifty silver coins"

Concubine Gong Xuyan put the two gold coins in the boss's hands, "Take the extra as it is, so that we can pay for people who have no money to eat like us in the future."

Be the first to turn around and leave the food stall.

When Cui Lu saw the concubine Xuyan taking out the gold coins, she was a little flustered in the wind. Miss, when did I have gold coins, and I gave the boss two, that was their food expenses for nearly a year.

The boss was also a little shocked when he saw the gold coin in his hand. She was able to take out the gold coin?
It seems that this girl is not simple.

"Cuilu, take me to a place where I can buy herbs," Gongfei Xuyan said after walking for a while.

Cui Lu was originally a little distance away from Concubine Xuyan, but after hearing Concubine Xuyan's words, she immediately trotted over, "Miss, do you want to buy herbs? This servant will take you there right now."

(End of this chapter)

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