Play Naruto

Chapter 1 Naruto

Chapter 1 Naruto

The line of sight gradually became clear, and there was an extremely dimly lit room in front of him.

The furnishings of the room are casual, or rather messy.In addition to the wrenches, pliers and other mechanical repair tools all over the place, the most eye-catching and the most numerous in the room in front of him are the complete, incomplete, or even fragmented human bodies.

human body!corpse?
No, to be exact, there was only one corpse, and judging from his appearance in the air, it was a male.At this time, he had wounds and blood all over his body, and he only used a worn black cotton cloth to cover important parts casually.As for the others, they are just nude dolls of unknown material.

Under the dim light, the room was filled with all kinds of dolls, and some of them were only slightly humanoid.But one of them was indeed a corpse, and it was a fresh product that had just passed away. Based on Yuan Xuan's experience, he would definitely not be mistaken.

And looking at everything that suddenly appeared in front of him, even Yuan Xuan, who has always been quite courageous, couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive. Such a scene had to be associated with scenes in some horror movies.

"Where is this? Why am I here?"

Although the first impression of this room was a bit scary, Yuan Xuan had also been to a mortuary that was even more eerie than this, so he soon regained his composure.Only then did I remember why I suddenly appeared here.

I remember that before, I was still doing experiments on cell activity and resistance, but I suddenly felt dizzy, and then I came here.Could it be that his illness has occurred again?But that should be in the emergency room by now, right?

Recalling what happened before waking up, Yuan Xuan became even more confused.I was in the hospital at the time, and I was still around. Those guys who performed the surgery and stitches must have been tired of rescuing him, so they just threw him here after he fainted, right?
"Including this time, it's only 112 times. In the past ten years, the average is less than once a month. Those guys are really"

Thinking of this, Yuan Xuan wanted to stand up a little angrily, and planned to argue with those guys who threw him here.However, it was tried several times, but failed.Puzzled, this made him turn his attention to his own body.

"This is"

There is no pain or weakness that should have occurred after the onset of the disease, and what is even more incredible is that the current body does not even have a sense of touch!
Looking at the bodies in front of him that were the same as those of the dolls not far away, Yuan Xuan realized that his body was quite different from before.The failure to stand up was also because the current him hadn't adapted to this puppet-like body.

Trying to move his arms and fingers, he found that he was miraculous and obedient, moving according to Yuan Xuan's thoughts.Yuan Xuan, who had to see all this, lost his mind for a moment.

"Ugh it hurts!"

But at the moment Yuan Xuan lost his mind, a powerful flow of information, without warning, but extremely rude, forcibly rushed into Yuan Xuan's mind.Even though he covered his head with his hands, the pain caused by the sudden expansion of information still did not ease in the slightest from his heart.

"Why does the headache come from the heart?"

At this moment, Yuan Xuan was a little proud of his willpower, and he was still keenly aware of something wrong.This is the willpower gained from hard work!
However, he can only go here.Because with the continuous increase of those information, Yuan Xuan, who had a splitting headache, finally fainted magnificently.


I don't know how long it took before Yuan Xuan's consciousness felt his own existence again.But at this time, because of the information that had penetrated into his mind, Yuan Xuan had already thrown away the things that caused him a lot of headaches because of these information.

"This is the world of Naruto"

If Yuan Xuan wasn't in the body of a puppet at this time, he would definitely be able to see his rich expressions of crying, laughing, excited and worried at the moment.However, Yuan Xuan, who was in such a body first, just sat blankly on the dirt without a floor, and occasionally let out a weak, inaudible, but slightly weird laugh.

It took a few minutes to get familiar with the current body, but during this not too long time, Yuan Xuan thought of a lot, more.

Yuan Xuan was originally a doctor. In fact, it was because he suffered from a disease that cannot be overcome in international medicine since he was a child. That's why he embarked on this path of self-medication.

And in order to find a way to heal himself, Yuan Xuan has suffered a lot.Medicine takes more time than other subjects. Not only do you have to memorize a lot of things, but you also need to have a lot of patience and boredom in learning.And you have to be careful every step of the way, no mistakes can be tolerated, a small problem may cost your life.

If Yuan Xuan was just an ordinary person, he might have failed in this arduous study.But he doesn't and can't.Therefore, with his own persistence and the pursuit of his illness, he was able to achieve good results in both Chinese and Western medicine at the age of only [-] years old, and he was hailed internationally as the future medical doctor. new star.

It's just that this star fell into the sky before it really started to shine.As he grew older, Yuan Xuan's condition became more and more serious.This time it wasn't that the first aid colleagues didn't save him, but they were powerless.

Yuan Xuan's heart almost froze when he learned that he was still not over the disease in the end.After decades of hard work, all previous efforts are still in vain.However, God may also feel that this is too cruel to Yuan Xuan, so he, he also jumped out of the fashion for a while and traveled through time.

Moreover, it was Naruto from a world he knew and liked very much.

For such a world, anyone who has seen Naruto will definitely know, the magical chakra, dazzling ninjutsu, the mysterious blood succession limit, the bloody story, and so on.As a senior manga fan, knowing that he has actually come to such a world, Yuan Xuan's heart that was already frozen has once again glowed with vitality.

That's right, Yuan Xuan is a real manga fan.

I have been sick since I was a child, and I have almost no friends.Accompanying Yuan Xuan are only his pets and those virtual worlds.How many times have I wished to go to another world, and I just abandoned this world like this.However, as long as he is still in reality, he can only face him.In the past, Yuan Xuan could only imagine beauty in his mind, but now, this indelible, faint longing in his heart is a dream come true.

I have to say that Yuan Xuan is a lucky one!

He wasn't afraid that this was a dream. The pain he suffered just now because of the information expansion was so real.Moreover, even if it was in a dream, at this moment, he didn't want to wake up again.

"The World of Naruto! Here I Come"

(End of this chapter)

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