The wild wife is busy farming in ancient times

Chapter 208 Authentic Boiled Fish

Chapter 208 Authentic Boiled Fish
Qian Sisi, who was cracking open the egg and kneading the fish meat, thought about Xing's words, and felt that what he said was right, but she didn't think it through clearly.

At that time, I only thought that it was rare to have a few people with similar interests.

Sharing delicious food with them has become a matter of course, I really didn't think much about it.

Thinking about it now, I was indeed reckless.

Then nod.

"I know my husband, I won't let them eat casually in the future"

"Well... just don't give them the biscuits. They eat too much, and they can eat too much at one time. If you come a few more times, you won't be exhausted, and we won't eat up our food reserves."

Having said that, Xing didn't even think that his food intake was bigger than that of the female.

Every time, Qian Sisi baked too few biscuits for dessert.

Every time, Qian Sisi was exhausted enough, and he would be gone after eating for ten or eight days at most.

When Xing said this, Qian Sisi thought that she would sweat profusely every time she baked biscuits, even during the snow season. If they came over often to eat, she would bake more.

Involuntarily shivered.

Qian Sisi nodded hurriedly, "I see."

At this time, being so frightened by Xing, he forgot that at best he was just a guest, and he came to his house many times, and he would not be at his house every day.

Xing, since the snow season has entered, the orc who eats dessert every morning is enough for her to entertain people without eating for a day.

But now they have a lot more food in reserve than they did in the valley. How come there is food for him, and there is no food for others to eat twice.

Qian Sisi took the bait obediently, and a smile flickered in Xing Lian's brows and eyes.

To put it bluntly, he was just upset with his friends, and wanted Qian Sisi to give them something to eat if they had nothing to do, and their female would feel distressed after washing a grass fruit.

He doesn't feel sorry for his female.

If you don't want Qian Sisi to be tired, you have to cut off Qian Sisi's good intentions from the beginning.

Otherwise, with Qian Sisi's temperament, if those females want to say something delicious, they can't rush to be slaves for others.

Qian Sisi, who didn't know that Xing still had such thoughts, kneaded the eggs and went into the house to get the little lard left.

"Husband, go and carry the big pot out." The big pottery pot was put in the kitchen.

Those females went to the bedroom without even looking at the kitchen.

It wasn't someone who told them how they would know that she and Xing were sleeping together.

Fortunately, they didn't see the big clay pot, otherwise, if they snatched it and dropped it, she would not be able to cry even if she cried twice.

Xing got up, and without asking why Qian Sisi didn't use the bamboo pot, he went into the room and asked Qian Sisi to take it out.

Putting the pot on the shelf, he washed it with the remaining water from Qian Sisi. Xing picked up the largest bamboo pot and went out. He needed water to cook the fish, so he quickly fetched water for Qian Sisi.

And Qian Sisi in the yard, while the steam was burning.

Slice the garlic and ginger washed back from the stars, and break a large handful of green peppers into short sections.

Dice two red peppers.

When there is no water vapor in the pot, pour all the lard in the bamboo tube into the pot.

Then use a shovel to press the lard away, and when it is completely melted and not hot, quickly put the chopped ginger, garlic, green pepper and red pepper into it and stir fry.

When Xing returned with a large basin of water, he could smell the fragrance from the yard from afar.

The orcs who built the shelves in front of the yard stretched their necks and sniffed one by one.

Seeing Xing came over with water again, he hurriedly asked.

"Xing, what kind of smell is this? It's a little choking, but also very fragrant. I've never smelled such a smell before. It's so fragrant."

The orc craned his neck to look into the large basin that Xing was carrying.

It's a pity that there is only a basin of water.

Star glanced at the yard.

He said lightly: "My wife is cooking" before turning around and leaving.

The orc behind him scratched the back of his head and muttered.

"Oh...are you cooking?" But how is it cooked.

Looking at the crowd in a blink of an eye, everyone shook their heads, smelled the fragrance, and kept swallowing. The orcs continued their work and kept looking at the sky. Unfortunately, the more anxious they were, the more the sun would not move.

Back in the courtyard, Qian Sisi put the pinched hemp leaves into the pot and stir-fried them for a couple of times before asking Xing to add water.

"Husband, add water"

There was a sound of yo, thick smoke was everywhere, and the fragrance in the yard spread farther.

After the thick smoke dissipated and the oil in the pot was shiny, with salt added, Qian Sisi scooped the fish fillets in with a large bowl.

When my uncle taught her how to cook, he taught her a trick.

Boil fish in cold water and eat chicken in high water.

That is to say, when cooking fish, boil it in cold water, and when the water boils, you can eat it.

The fish cooked in this way is so tender that it melts in your mouth.

The so-called swollen chicken is not to cook the chicken in boiling water very quickly, but to add cold water to the stir-fried chicken, and when the water boils, the chicken will be cooked.

And the chicken cooked in this way is as tender as the fish and not at all firewood.

It's a pity that Xing's food intake is too large, and they can't get enough to eat in one pot. There is no way, every time they eat boiled fish, they cook while eating like a hot pot.

Fortunately, she doesn't eat much, and she is full every time she eats the first pot.

However, the star became weaker and weaker, until finally it had no taste.

Fortunately, Xing is not a picky person, but he is a little salty. He eats it very delicious.

A pot of fish was cooked, and the two waited by the pot.

Xing watched Qian Sisi's rare initiative to speak.

"When the rainy season comes, there will be crocodiles in the water. The meat is especially big and delicious. I will hunt them for you then."

Listening to Xing said that it is very big and delicious, she wanted to hear that it was delicious. After she nodded, she remembered that there was another sentence before.

busy shaking his head.

"It's better not to hunt, things in the water are too dangerous." Xing said that the entire grassland is covered with water during the rainy season, and Xing also mentioned that it is very large. When it is full of water, it is better not to enter the water easily. The beast was injured, and the one who suffered was the star.

If the crocodile eats and cries, it's her.

Qian Sisi was so greedy that she only nodded at first, and then told him not to be in danger, Xing, feeling sweet in her heart, pulled Qian Sisi into her arms with a single hook.

I don't know when it started, but he especially liked to let Qian Sisi lean on him.As long as Qian Sisi was by his side, he felt inexplicably at ease.

As long as Qian Sisi is not around, he will be in a state of disarray.

Leaning in Xing's arms, Zhu Youxing placed his chin on top of her head.

Qian Sisi supported Xing's knee and looked into the pot.

Looking at it, it suddenly occurred to them that they had never thought of their child's name.

Don't be so pitiful when they are all born and don't have a name.

"Husband, what do you want the child's name to be?"

Looking down at the top of Qian Sisi's head, Xing slowly opened his mouth.

"big river"






There are exactly four "Fan Guo".


Qian Sisi's hand supporting Xing's knee slid down, and she pinched desperately on Xing's thigh.

"You can't have dim sum"

These are all crappy names.

It's not that she thinks the name is bad, but Xing's attitude of using local materials.

And let her choose one of four.

Why not just call it Hem, or Moo.

They didn't eat it every day, but they ate it every three days.

(End of this chapter)

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