Chapter 86 Steamed Eggs

Seeing that Qian Sisi was not afraid of spicy food after being spicy, and still thinking about how to eat in the future, Xing didn't care about her anymore.

He won't eat anyway.

Fortunately, Xing is a person who doesn't talk much, so he didn't say it this time.

If he said so, with Qian Sisi's virtue, he would definitely have to gamble with him, and in the days to come, he could only watch Qian Sisi eat chili every day.

The cave was brighter with the fire burning in the fire.Looking at the hot peppers that Qian Sisi washed out.

Xing, turned around and took two big pots and went out of the cave to get jerky and eggs from the warehouse.

After Qian Sisi washed the chili and let it filter the water, she happily brought in the flowers that were still outside.

The old ones were still burned outside the cave when they were waiting to dry. Then I found two bamboo tubes and inserted four bunches in total.

After taking the one from the other hole, come back here, sit on the stool in front of the table, and enjoy the flowers.

But looking at it, my eyes moved to the pot with peppers on the ground.

My mind also flew back to the past.

During her painful high school career, the happiest thing was the unshakeable supper time every night.

Although it is extremely simple to eat, it is either a bowl of steamed eggs with green tiger skin, or kimchi with miscellaneous sauce noodles.

Or lazy egg noodles.

Speaking of lazy egg noodles, it is not suitable for lazy people at all.

It has to first fry the noodles in oil, then boil the scrambled eggs with water to make a soup.

The fried yellow noodles are boiled in at the end.

It has a strong egg fragrance and a noodle fragrance, and the green tiger skin is delicious in the world.

It's a pity that my mother said that the fried noodles are easy to get angry, and can only be eaten once a week at most.

Thinking in my heart, the tip of my nose seemed to have smelled it.

Qian Sisi swallowed the overflowing saliva and sighed.

Why! ·····
Hurry up and stir the pot!

There are pots and peppers, at least shredded pork with green peppers can't escape.

At that time, if you want to eat fried meat, you can eat meat, if you want to eat fried eggs, you can eat scrambled eggs, and if you want to eat steamed eggs, you can eat steamed eggs.

At least not like now, eating boiled eggs every day.

Let her love eggs so much, I feel a little scared!

Biting her fingernails, thinking of going to find Qian Sisi, who had dyed the rabbit fur, Jian Xing came in with two pots stacked on top of each other.

Following Xing Lai's fire, he put down the upper pot of dried meat and lifted the lower pot to her side, scooped out a few ladles of water and washed it.

Waiting for stars to put more than a dozen eggs into the bamboo pot ladled with water, and when they were about to raise the fire and put them on the fire.

Qian Sisi slapped her forehead.

"You should shit on cows, you are already dumber than cows." When steaming shrimp and crabs, she doesn't even have to use a clay pot, why must it be used for steaming eggs!
The same is steaming, if it is not cooked, it will do.

Her brain must have been flooded when it rained!
How come?
Enough of self-loathing, Qian Sisi got up slowly, went to the fire and kicked Xing Xing's ass with the ashes.

If you want to steam, you have to have a steamer.

Now these small things are arranged by Xing, she no longer has to follow.

When Xing saw that the bamboo pots were almost used up, he would chop some back.

Therefore, their big pots and small buckets are getting more and more.

There are a lot of them in front of the cave.

Later, without her mentioning, Xing built a warehouse to store these bamboo pots and buckets.

Otherwise, when she washed the rabbit fur, where did she get so many big basins.

It's just that this steamer is not commonly used, and I don't know if there is one.

If not, the steamed eggs will be tomorrow.

Although I thought so in my heart, when Xing turned his head and looked up at her, he still asked: "When you went back to cut bamboo pots last time, did you chop some steamers for them?"

The "chopped" dried shrimp and crab are almost finished.

He was thinking of steaming more this time, so he cut down a dozen steamers used above.

But why would Qian Sisi mention it now?
I heard there!Still laughing like this?
Xing looked at Qian Sisi puzzled.

Originally holding Qian Sisi who was casually asking about her thoughts, she heard Xing answer her two words briefly.

Then she smiled, Qian Sisi smirked for a while and then restrained herself, "Go and get one, I'll cook something delicious for you today." After saying that, she turned around and said four large bowls on the shelf in the cave.

Then, take a small pot and scoop out all the boiled eggs in the pot.

Fortunately, the bamboo pot is thick, and it takes a long time to heat it up, let alone there is still half a pot of water in it.

Therefore, Qian Sisi's ink has been inscribed for so long, and the water inside has just warmed up.

The eggs haven't started to set yet.

After scooping up the eggs, crack the four eggs and pour them into the bowl with a few snaps.

The eggs here are already bigger than goose eggs, and four can fill the soup bowl for the earth.

And Xing's rice bowl is two circles bigger than that soup bowl.

Therefore, it is just right to use it to steam eggs.

Of course, if you find it troublesome, you can still choose a bamboo pot that is smaller than the steamer.

It's just that there are too many egg liquids and the cooking is slow.

Waiting to eat again today, use a bowl faster.

It's just a little troublesome to adjust the eggs four times.

"Pa-ta, pa-ta, pa-ta..."

The cave was full of the sound of beating eggs.

Xing frowned, watching Qian Sisi cracking the eggs as motionless as a mountain, with question marks in his heart and eyes.

What is this going to do?
eat raw?
Muran thought that Qian Sisi was so hot that she cried, and insisted on bringing back the peppers.

Xing raised his eyebrows and pointed to the peppers aside. "Want to go with that one?"

It was raw again, and it was pepper again.

Qian Sisi cracked the egg, bent her head and followed Xing's hand to look at the pepper and nodded: "Yes, let's eat together. Let you know what is delicious..."

As she spoke, Qian Sisi's saliva could not be contained.



He doubts!
But seeing Qian Sisi's attitude, she only felt that the future was very dark.

He used to eat meat for one day, but now he can eat for two days.

Fortunately, the vermicelli is delicious, and it is boiled with meat and eggs.

He has no problem eating it every day.

And just like Qian Sisi said, eating some vermicelli is much better than eating only meat.

But now there are more pumpkins, sometimes sweet and salty, sometimes not sweet at all and soft and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, every time Qian Sisi chooses the small ones to cook, and divides them into two halves for noon and half for afternoon.

Don't force him to eat pumpkin as a meal, so he can accept it once every three days,

But this!Can he not eat it!

I'm afraid it won't work!

Xing asked and answered himself, looking at the bowl of golden yellow that Qian Sisi opened with disgust.

Eggs, he didn't want to eat them either.

But Qian Sisi forced him to give it to him, so he couldn't eat it.

Who knew eggs were so delicious.

But this chili is different.

He doesn't want to eat.

I don't even want to touch it.

After flipping the eggs away, Qian Sisi got up and scooped up half a scoop of cold boiled water, added salt and a little grass fruit powder, and only remembered when she reflexively looked for lard.

Unrefined lard?
What to do!

After thinking for a while with her hips on her hips, Qian Sisi rushed to the stars and said, "Your meat is cooked, and if you put the raw meat in, quickly bring me the steamer. Just bring back the white oil from the fang beast."

It should be good to mince the dried pig suet and add a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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