Youth Rebellion

Chapter 2 15-Year-Old First Acquaintance

Chapter 2 15-Year-Old First Acquaintance

On September 9st, the freshmen of Longdu High School registered for registration.

Each of these fifteen or sixteen-year-old children is full of laughter on their faces, because being admitted to Longdu Middle School means that they are all excellent students from various middle schools, and they are the pride of their parents. child.

Because Longdu Middle School is one of the key middle schools in the province, it is the goal of everyone's efforts in junior high school, just like watching Tsinghua University and Peking University in high school.

Accompanied by her father, after completing the registration procedures, Ruochen learned that she had been assigned to Grade One (5) Class. She excitedly came to the class to see what her class looked like. The door of the classroom was still locked, because today Everyone has to go back and prepare all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and will officially come to school tomorrow!

On September 9nd, Ruochen came to the school with those daily necessities. Today she came by herself. She has always been used to being independent. Yesterday when she came to the school to report, it was her father who insisted on accompanying her.

I asked the dormitory administrator, she was assigned to dormitory 301. I thought that the first grade was on the first floor, the second grade was on the second floor, and the third grade was on the third floor. In fact, it was the opposite. The third grade was on the first floor, but the first grade was on the third floor. It is said that Because of the intense study in the third year of senior high school, living on the first floor can save some time for climbing stairs!
After Ruochen heard this reason from the mouth of the senior senior sister, he kept shouting "Oh, buy it!"Omega!What about the frightening senior year in the legend!

When she entered the dormitory, she saw that the mothers of two roommates were already making beds, so she chose a lower berth near the inside and put down her luggage. I still chose the lower berth because she sleeps very dishonestly. I don’t know how many times I fell off the bed at home. When I fell asleep, my arm suffered a comminuted fracture, and I had to recuperate for several months to recover, and was forced to suspend school.

There are a total of eight beds in the dormitory, and she was the third to arrive. She introduced herself to the two girls in front, "Hello, my name is Zhang Ruochen, and I am very glad to be allocated a dormitory."

"Hello, my name is Lin Jing." A fair and clean girl said.True to her name, Ruochen felt that her temperament was very similar to that of Sister Lin at first sight. After getting acquainted with her, Ruochen kept calling her Sister Lin. Although she later found out that Lin Jing was older, she still did not change her words after a few months. She laughed and said It has nothing to do with age!Lin Jing didn't care too much, and just yelled at her casually.

"Hello, my name is Lin Yan." A very capable girl smiled loudly at Ruochen.

Ruochen felt that there was an indescribable intimacy when he saw the two of them. Later, when they became close friends who talked about everything, Ruochen once told them that when he asked them how they felt, both Lin Jing and Lin Yan smiled. Say you guess, don't tell you.They know that Ruochen's appetite is so high, it's really cute to see her desperately wanting to know the answer.

At this time, several roommates came one after another. The busy day was over, and everyone climbed into their beds one after another at night. Before going to bed, they formally introduced themselves to each other at Ruochen's suggestion.

The eight girls are Ruochen who is both extroverted and introverted, Lin Jing who is quiet, Lin Yan who is hearty, Dai Chunhua who is fat and boyish, Xu Xiaoyun who is quiet and generous, Wang Jie who is lively and cheerful, and Wang Yu who is a bit petite. , the beautiful and childish Li Shidan.

Lin Jing, Lin Yan and Li Shidan's family is in the county, and their family backgrounds are good. The other five are from the countryside.Among them, Wang Jie and Wang Yu happened to be in the same village, and their family backgrounds were very average. However, at that time, rural girls were able to go to key middle schools because they were the best in the local area. The pride of their parents, their parents can say They are relatively enlightened parents. They do not belong to many parents in rural areas who are patriarchal. These parents are willing to raise their daughters like sons. Of course, these daughters are also very competitive. Will spend money to send them to key middle schools.

Ruochen's parents are one of these enlightened parents.Parents treat Ruochen the same as his younger brother, no matter what, although the family is not too rich, but parents never let their siblings feel wronged.Later, Ruochen never concealed his love for his parents no matter what the occasion.

After the lights were turned off and the bell rang, the girls put away their excitement and fell asleep one by one with the longing for the first class the next day.

When the class bell rang, the students in class one (5) of high school had already sat down, looking forward to the teacher's arrival.

At this time, a 35-year-old thin and capable male teacher came in, holding a large tape recorder in his left hand and a teaching stick in his right.The students were all very quiet, their eyes instantly focused on the teacher, waiting for the teacher to introduce himself.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Zhang Zhiming. I'm your head teacher and your English teacher. In the future, if you have anything to do, you can come to me directly."

The head teacher looked around at the students in the classroom and continued: "Everyone can get into Longdu Middle School. I believe that you were the best in the class before, but you may be the best in the class in the future. Because everyone sitting here will be divided into high and low as long as there is an exam. As the saying goes, there are mountains beyond the mountains, and sky beyond the sky. You are like this now. What a day. I hope students, forget about the glory and pride of the past, and the current Class One and Five is your new start, keep your feet on the ground, and start from scratch! Okay, let me talk about this first."

A short silence, no applause, what's going on?Is it contempt for head teacher Zhang?No!No!It turns out that the words of this pass made everyone still not come to their senses!The students who came to their senses recalled the warm applause, because they knew that although the teacher's words were cruel, they were indeed true.

At this time, I heard a loud voice outside the door: "Report!"
The eyes of the students looked at the tall boy at the door at the same time. He had a square face and a well-defined outline. Although he could not be said to be handsome, he was very upright.

"Come in, why did you come here, what's your name?" The class teacher looked at the guy who was late for the first class.

"Ye Liang," the boy said unconsciously, and then walked into the class to look for a seat, of course, the last one who came in was the seat at the back waiting for him.

This is the first boy Ruochen has met, to be precise, one-sidedly, because Ye Liang doesn't know her yet.But Ruochen has a strange feeling, as if he and this boy will become good friends in the future, what will happen, a woman's sixth sense is sometimes amazing.

At this time, the head teacher cleared his throat on the podium and said, "I'll roll the roll next. The students who have been called stand up and say hello to everyone. This is the beginning of our understanding of each other."

"Li Guojie"

"Here!" A deep and powerful boy's voice sounded behind him.

Ruochen looked back, behind him obliquely to the right, Ruochen was in the middle of the second row, and the boy was in the third row.His stature is average among his peers, and he has a square face, neither handsome nor ugly, and looks calm and mature.

"Yu Xiaoping"

"Ah..." a short, thin girl with short hair stood up in front of her, turned her head and greeted the students behind her, looking confident.

"Zhang Ruochen"

"Here!" Ruochen stood up gracefully and looked at the homeroom teacher, then turned around and waved to the students behind.

At this time, Ruochen realized that the teacher made the name list according to the list when the list was released, and that list was arranged from high to low according to the grades admitted.

When Ruochen reported yesterday, she bitterly said to the two classmates in front of her, next time I will rank ahead of you!
Now, she finally got to know her formidable rivals, but at the moment, Ruochen didn't feel any sense of crisis, as if surpassing them was just a matter of minutes. This was mainly because almost no one had competed with her for the number one throne when she was in junior high school. There was only one time when I was sick and performed abnormally, and I passed No.2 in the exam, and I secretly touched tears at night.

Later, my mother enlightened her and said, "I have never doubted your strength, do you doubt yourself? You are always the first, don't you feel tired, and try the feeling of being second, so that people can treat Dad better Mom is proud once, isn't she?"

Hearing what his mother said, Ruochen smiled through his tears, stretched out his arms and hugged his mother coquettishly, "Thank you, mother."

Ruochen's mother never forced her to study, because her mother said that I know how I felt when I was in school, I really don't want to study, I really can't learn, it's painful to be forced, I won't blame you no matter how many exams you take You, as long as you feel that you have done your best and tried your best.

Ruochen's mother's education to Ruochen is the free-range education advocated by many so-called educators. Parents don't stipulate every move of the children, but the children learn to arrange their own affairs.

By the way, stocking does not mean that you don’t care about anything. Parents play mahjong every day, but expect their children to become all-around players. This is unlikely, and becoming a mahjong player is not bad.Parents must be habitually good role models for their children.

Parents are children's first and most important teachers.

(End of this chapter)

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