Youth Rebellion

Chapter 28 The Only Love Letter

Chapter 28 The Only Love Letter

Years passed in a blink of an eye, and it was time to go back to school and start the life of an ascetic.

I don't know why, since meeting Ye Liang, Ruochen's sad mood because of Xiao J suddenly disappeared. Feeling guilty again.

Ye Liang seemed to have lost contact after seeing him in the Chinese New Year. Ruochen occasionally thought of the beautiful mood sitting behind his bicycle when he was studying and spare time. Cycling is also a kind of happiness.

At that time, Ruochen despised those girls who would rather cry in a BMW car than laugh behind a bicycle. She felt that the so-called material things can be found at any time, but pure feelings cannot be encountered everywhere.In fact, she still held this view until many years later.

Women will definitely have plans for men, material women, you just need to give her money; and spiritual women like Ruochen, of course, want to show your loyalty and dedication to feelings, even if they eat bran and swallow vegetables for spiritual women like them. They will not feel the slightest suffering, as long as they live in that person's heart.

Therefore, this kind of woman will generally not throw herself into a relationship casually, but once she throws herself into it, she will plunge into it headlong, no matter what difficulties lie ahead, she will never turn back easily.

Therefore, a man who can afford money but can't afford affection should never provoke this kind of woman, otherwise it would be a crime.The disadvantage of this kind of woman is that once she is involved in feelings but encounters an unkind person, it will be a great blow, even destructive.

Some people think it's stupid, some people think it's stupid, and some people may think that they take their feelings too seriously, but no matter how others laugh at them, they just insist on their own views on feelings, and would rather squat in a thatched hut and eat with their loved ones Bran swallowing vegetables will never coexist with the annoying man Jinwu.

According to the theory of evolution, in today's world full of materialism, this kind of spiritual woman should not exist for long, and it is estimated that it will become extinct in the near future. If you find a man with this kind of woman at home, please cherish it. It's a limited edition now and will probably be out of print soon.

Less side talk, let's get down to business.

After Ruochen finished studying for a day, he suddenly wanted to write something, took out his diary, and unexpectedly wrote something like this:

sunny on the 03.12th
It's been a long time since I heard from Ye Liang, how is he doing now?I don't know if his previous arrogance of being ignorant of the world has been honed by the hard work?Has the childlike childishness and impulsiveness of the past been slowly replaced by the busyness of work, and has become a mature and stable man?At the same time, maturity means losing the innocence we thought, but it also means forging ahead and working hard.Maybe he hasn't contacted me all the time because he is hard at work or doesn't want to disturb my study.I want to study harder and stop complaining about physical discomfort and the hardships of life. Work should be much harder than studying. I must be admitted to an ideal school so that I can have an ideal life in the future.

Ruochen later realized that starting from this diary, she had opened her heart and let Ye Liang live in.

One morning, the life committee member gave her a letter. Looking at the handwriting on the envelope, she knew it was written by Ye Liang. back to myself.

She believes that the future of Ye Liang must be immeasurable. Once a person finds the right direction of his efforts, success will only happen sooner or later.

The content of the letter is as follows:


How are you doing these days?The college entrance examination is approaching. How is your preparation? I heard that your grades are not bad. I am really happy for you. You will be excellent. I believe in your ability.After studying so hard, you must have lost a lot of weight, so you must pay attention to your health!Remember!
Haven't written to you all this time, will you blame me?In fact, after going through the days of repeating your studies, you may be more inspirational and stronger than me.In many cases, we can seal up all our emotions and work hard for our ideals, but sometimes: maybe it is a lonely night, maybe it is a lost dusk, we will be vulnerable and helpless, and we will also miss and fantasize.I look forward to the day when my arms can give you enough tenderness and care, and your arms can accommodate the occasional fragility of a man.I admit that it is not the only driving force for me to move forward, but it is one of my dreams.

Remember that reunion during Chinese New Year?Your attitude towards me is beyond my imagination. I originally thought that the stories that happened in high school would have a stereotyped ending, and it would become the past between talking and laughing, just adding some material to your novel.But your eyes and inadvertent words made me understand your trust and expectation for me. For the first time in my life, I believed that what love gives to people is not obsession and vulgarity, but sublime and fearlessness.

Adjust yourself and spend the last more than a month in the best condition. After the college entrance examination, I will take you to the beach.Since I am undergoing marketing training during this time, there may be job transfers in the future.But no matter where I go, I will accompany you to the place you want to go to play and spend the days after the college entrance examination.If you need my help with anything, just call me, whether I am at work or training, whether in the office or in the computer room, you just ask Ye Liang to answer the phone.Don't blame me for being long-winded. I don't want you to be distracted by other things. You have to go all out to cope with the college entrance examination. In short, you must maintain a good attitude.

Ruochen, do you know, I always feel that I am quite selfish, I evade a lot of responsibilities that I should have borne, to my family, relatives, friends and you.But you have to understand me, my fate is up to me, I must become excellent, even if I go through ups and downs, I must gather all my strengths and look forward to the glory one day! "If you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world." When you are in a high position, ordinary people can also become saints.

After 18 months, I will go back to college, use the tuition I earned, learn what I want to learn, and start my own business.I think I am an ordinary person, but I refuse mediocrity, and the height I reach depends entirely on the definition of mediocrity.So I can only set up higher ambitions, and this is also because --- I love you!

Well, don't delay your study, if you are reading this letter during class time, hurry up and concentrate on studying!It's an adult, stop thinking about it like a little girl, and hurry up and do what you should do.In addition, if there is nothing important, don't reply to the letter, study hard!
Congratulations: study hard
Healthy body
Ye Liang **** year ** month * day

This is the first true love letter that Ruochen has received in 18 years. It is the first time that someone has said the three words "I love you". love letter.

When Ruochen saw this letter, he felt happy for Ye Liang's transformation from the bottom of his heart. He finally woke up, and finally didn't need her to persuade him to work hard and study hard.But at that time, the stupid and simple Ruochen didn't really see what Ye Liang expressed in his letter, as well as the people or things he could give up at any time in order to realize his inner determination.

From Ye Liang's love letter to Ye Liang's disappearance a year later, Ruochen felt the happiest period of time.

She was immersed in happiness at this time, of course she didn't know what the result would be like after 18 months. It was the first time she changed her personality because of a person, and she was depressed for several years, because she never thought about it, and loved her the most. The one who hurt her the most, and it was the sharp pain of stabbing her in the back, followed by her body, but her heart was extremely painful.

Love, what is it, and how magical it is, changing everyone who has friendship with it.No wonder Li Mochou kept chanting that sentence from her appearance to her death: Asking what love is in the world, it only teaches life and death!

It wasn't until many years later, when Ruochen read Zhang Xianliang's "Half of a Man Is a Woman", that Ruochen understood: He, Ye Liang, who was once a scumbag in the eyes of others, has counterattacked and become the one with ideals, thoughts, and unique personality. The independent Zhang Yongyan; and she, Zhang Ruochen, is the wayward, simple-minded, stupid and ignorant Huang Xiangjiu.

Although at a specific time and a specific place, they have come together, but for a person who has made up his mind to struggle alone, your fate is over. No matter how you restore it, it is ridiculously futile.Because such two people, they are not fellow travelers, just like two intersecting lines, although they came to meet from a distant place and had an intersection, they will become farther and farther away until they can no longer see each other, so this kind of The result of love was doomed from the very beginning, but Ruochen was too stupid at the time, and when she approached Ye Liang with zero IQ, Ye Liang was actually getting farther and farther away from her.

Zhang Xianliang said: "The cutest thing in the world is a woman!

But there are more important things than women!
A woman will never get the man she created!

Now Ruochen feels happy like every first love girl. She thinks that she may be Mrs. Ye in this life, because Ye Liang once said so, and joked that even if she becomes the president in the future, the first lady's The position is none other than her!At that time, Ruochen firmly believed in this, but later felt how naive, childish and ridiculous he was at that time!

(End of this chapter)

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