Youth Rebellion

Chapter 44 Dream-seeking Stop 1: BJ

Chapter 44 The first stop of dream hunting: BJ
Ruochen finally set foot on BJ's land, but got lost in the maze-like BJ East Station.

Fortunately, he has eyes and a mouth. After asking all the way, he finally walked out. Ruochen, who came out of the small town, saw the magnificence of the capital for the first time, and admired from the bottom of his heart that he finally saw the world.

With the help of a relative, I rented a small house in an urban village in BJ. At that time, most of the urban villages in BJ were courtyard houses.The landlord is an old man, very kind-hearted, and speaks a girl in a Beijing accent.

Ruochen, who had been to Shanghai later, always felt that there was something missing in Shanghai, which has a top-notch economic development, and later realized that it was warmth.

Ruochen's small room only has a bed and a desk. The landlord's grandfather bought her a small black and white TV set that they eliminated. Now it seems that it is definitely an antique.

Ruochen went to the street in the afternoon and bought a small electric rice cooker, so that he could cook instant noodles, noodles, eggs and so on.

Even though it is so simple, Ruochen is still very excited, she doesn't feel simple and difficult, she feels as if she has seen her future in BJ.

The next day, Ruochen didn't rush to the talent center to find a job, but took the bus to visit the legendary BJ City. The first stop was of course Tiananmen Square!I have only seen it in books before, such a solemn and sacred place, of course the first stop is to admire it!

When I arrived at Tiananmen, I found that I was not as excited as I imagined, and I was a little disappointed. It was a rather large square with Chinese watches and monuments in the middle, and the Tiananmen tower behind it.

Apart from its historical and political significance, as far as this building is concerned, there is indeed nothing particularly majestic.

Later, Ruochen understood that the significance of the existence of many scenic spots is not their own value, but the value and significance of the stories behind them.

So Ruochen was going to pay his respects to the old man's body. In the minds of Ruochen's parents' generation, *** was no longer an image of an ordinary person, but an incarnation of a god!Under the precepts and deeds of his parents, and after learning about his deeds in later history books, Ruochen has also become one of the many admirers in Taiwan.

It's a pity that the exhibition hall was not open to the public that day, Ruochen could only leave regretfully.

Ruochen went to the legendary Tsinghua University for the second stop. She stood solemnly and upright at the door for a long time, but she didn't have the courage to step in, as if she, a science scumbag, would be sorry for Tsinghua University if she stepped into Tsinghua University!
With a sense of awe, longing and regret, Ruochen left the territory of Tsinghua University.It turned out that from the beginning to the end, Tsinghua University was a dream and a myth for her.

Bypassed Tsinghua University, walked forward aimlessly, and got on a bus at random. Unexpectedly, not long after walking, I found that the Summer Palace was not far in front of me!

Ruochen was delighted, so he got out of the car and went to the legendary Summer Palace.

Although the Summer Palace used to be a high-ranking royal garden, it is not what it used to be. No matter you are a high-ranking official or an ordinary citizen, you only need to buy a ticket to enter. It happened to be the off-season at that time, and the half price of the ticket was only 30 yuan, which is quite cost-effective.

Ruochen didn't know what tour route to take when he went in, so he could only wander aimlessly.

Inadvertently walked into the scenic spot where Cixi once stayed, and then felt a nervous feeling, as if those court dramas were coming, as if I had become a little palace maid, for fear of waking up the powerful queen mother, and then I was dragged Go out and behead!

There are photos of Empress Dowager Cixi taken during that period hanging in the room. One of them is Cixi sitting on the dragon chair. She looks very old, and she doesn't see any traces of beauty. On the contrary, Ruochen thinks she is a bit ugly.

There is also a picture of Guangxu's concubine selection, a group photo of some candidates for the election. This picture subverts Ruochen's understanding of concubine selection. It turns out that the beauties who are like immortals in TV dramas are actually not the real concubine selection. So what happened!
Some of these candidates are not only not beautiful, they can even be said to be ugly!Some look very young, about eleven or twelve years old, very short, and the clothes they wear are not the Chinese costumes in TV dramas, but the very common Qing Dynasty women's costumes. In comparison, there are a few She looks pretty good, not as good-looking as the maids on TV now.

I don't know if it's because there was no makeup at that time, or our current aesthetics are different from those at that time?
After a while, a female tour guide came in with a group, and Ruochen followed her to listen to her explanation. She said that in fact, the ancient concubine-selecting emperors could not choose their concubines as they wished, especially queens, who were usually married politically. , the emperor didn't have much choice at all.The same is true for some concubines, some are the daughters of important ministers. In order to win over and comfort their subordinates, they have to choose even if the woman is not good-looking. There are many other unavoidable reasons.

After listening to Ruochen, he secretly sighed, thinking that the ancient emperors were not easy, but they were not as glamorous as the emperors in TV dramas. Of course, those excellent iron-fisted emperors such as Kangxi and Yongzheng should be much better.

I walked around the Summer Palace until the sun went down, and I only visited less than half of the place. There is no way that this garden is worthy of being a royal garden. It is really beautiful!However, due to time reasons, I can only come out, and I will continue to appreciate its beauty and history when I have the opportunity in the future.

Coming out of the Summer Palace, Ruochen didn't take the bus, and wanted to walk to feel the street view of BJ, but he didn't expect to see BJ University after walking for a long time!It turns out that Peking University, Tsinghua University and the Summer Palace are not far away!

BJ University is also a legendary university in everyone's minds. Ruochen thinks that my liberal arts is not bad. It is said that Peking University focuses on literature. Can I have some confidence to go in and feel what it feels like?Unexpectedly, standing at the gate of BJ University, looking at the students coming in and out, Ruochen just couldn't move her legs. Her awe had never been overcome, and she turned around and left again in embarrassment!Looking back for the last time, Ruochen said silently in his heart, Peking University, I hope that one day I can enter your gate openly and not be so cowardly now!

On the third day of coming to BJ, I went to the talent exchange center in Zhongguancun. At that time, I didn't know how to find a job more efficiently, and I didn't have a computer, so I could only wander around.

Coming out of the recruitment site, Ruochen delivered two resumes in total!I guess it’s not much fun, people have very high requirements, and I’m an old hat, although I like professional English very much, but in view of the decadence and degeneration during the university, I hardly made any progress, not even a certificate of the fourth grade If you get it, even you despise yourself, how can the company take a fancy to you.Many units require a certain amount of experience, Ruochen is secretly upset, you said we are graduates, if you don't give us a chance to gain experience? !Looking at those talented people coming and going, Ruochen finally felt her insignificance at this moment, just like her name, she was as insignificant as a speck of dust in this world.

Squeezing out from the crowd, feeling a little depressed, Ruochen suddenly felt that his future was so confused and bleak.Walking along the sidewalk of the street, at this moment, she suddenly felt someone pat her on the shoulder. Ruochen looked back and saw a middle-aged man who was well dressed. He said helplessly, "Please, girl , I came to BJ on a business trip, and my things and wallet were stolen by thieves, can you lend me some money so that I can go back by car, and you leave me your phone number, and I will return you double the money immediately when I go back!" Sincere and anxious, Ruochen relented and wanted to help others, so he gave all the tens of yuan he had on his body to that person, leaving only two yuan for the bus ride.

The man also seriously asked her mobile phone number, saying that when he went back, he would pay her double the amount. In fact, Ruochen didn't expect him to pay double the money. Urgent, but also a kind of pride.

After the middle-aged man left, the security guard from a nearby unit came over and stopped Ruochen and said in BJ, "Girl, why did you give him money, he's a liar!"

Ruochen was puzzled: "Can't you? Look at him in a hurry."

The security guard said again: "Just a simple little girl like you believes it. Be careful in the future and don't be deceived again."

Ruochen smiled and said: "Maybe he is really anxious, I have never encountered such a liar before."

Then the security guard shook his head and went back to his box.

Ruochen later thought to himself, this security guard, since he knew he was a liar, why didn't he tell him earlier?The money was given to him, and the person has already left, so what's the use of telling me again?Afterwards, there really was no news from that person, Ruochen thought, no matter if it was a lie or she really lost contact with her, in short, Ruochen would rather believe the latter, even if she was really deceived, she couldn't just doubt everything. Human nature.

After staying for more than a month, I couldn't find a suitable job. At this time, BJ in November is already quite cold.

Two days ago, there was a field of sand, dust and snow, that is, when it snows normally, you saw white snowflakes, but that was the first time Ruochen saw yellow snowflakes, it fell on the car and melted into snowflakes. Get muddy!Alas, BJ's sandstorm is really impressive!
I don’t know if it’s because I’m used to breathing the fresh air of my hometown town. After arriving in BJ, Ruochen coughed all the time. Taking medicine didn’t help much. She said it was an upper respiratory tract infection. Later, the cough became more and more severe, so I called the family. During the phone call, my mother was so distressed that she urged Ruochen to go home quickly, and don't ruin her body if she didn't find a job.

Given that she had a severe cough and had no family around her, Ruochen, who left home for the first time, missed her hometown so much. She had no clue about her work, and she had no clear goals and plans at that time.Although she discovered that her dream in the bottom of her heart was to be a writer when she was in Qingdao, but now she has to solve the problem of food and clothing first. Writing words may not even solve the problem of food and clothing. Besides, that desire has not been strong enough for her to write full-time. Of course, she He wanted to find a good job first, so Ruochen went back home.

Farewell to BJ, although the sand, dust and snow melted, no footprints were left behind, but I have already been here.

(End of this chapter)

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