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Chapter 102 Berserk Attribute and Strong Body Attribute

Chapter 102 Berserk Attribute and Strong Body Attribute

The BUFF that could not act was finally canceled. Wang Shuang moved his hands and feet, and took out the violent book from his backpack. Without hesitation, Wang Shuang immediately hit the use button——


System prompt: You have used the book of berserk, and the current berserk attribute cultivation speed is 10?

System prompt: You have used the book of berserk, and the current berserk attribute cultivation speed is 20?


System prompt: You have used the book of berserk, and the current berserk attribute cultivation speed is 90?

System prompt: You have used the book of berserk, and the current berserk attribute cultivation degree is 100? ? ?If you successfully cultivate the [Rage] attribute, your physical attack will be permanently increased by 30?

It's done, it's a success!A total of ten berserk books were used.Although I don't know how difficult the synthesis of this violent book is, it is probably not much different from the synthesis complexity of the strong body book!The next thing to do is to synthesize the Strange Book of Strength, and you need to find the old man on Heifeng Ridge.

Before that, Wang Shuang called Li Muxuan to him, and handed her ten violent and strange books: "Use them all in one go."

"Understood." Li Muxuan nodded, and after three to five seconds of silence, there was another system bell:

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has successfully cultivated the [Rage] attribute, and Li Muxuan's physical attack has been permanently increased by 30?

It's done, hahaha!Wang Shuang opened Li Muxuan's attribute panel, and sure enough, he saw that the basic physical attack had increased by more than 200, and there was an additional word [Rage] after the character's name.

The berserk attribute is not a one-time bonus, that is to say, if it is not cultivated now, it can only increase physical attack by more than 200 points.If Li Muxuan's physical attack reaches 1W points in the future, then the bonus of the berserk attribute will also increase to 3000!

If you want to compare it, it's like the priest's skill "Huya's Joy", which adds 10 to the target? ? ?Attack and form a gain BUFF.After the gain BUFF expires at the end of time, 10? ? ?The physical attack bonus will disappear.The berserk attribute is equivalent to a gain BUFF that will never disappear, and the bonus of physical attack is more fierce than the joy of the priest's tiger teeth!

Now that Li Muxuan has cultivated the berserk attribute, she has completed what Wang Shuang has to do when she returns to Xianchen Island.Next, Wang Shuang will continue with the goal of the second stage—synthesizing strange books for strengthening the body.Now that Wang Shuang has all the materials on his body, he naturally wants to go to Heifengling, and exchange it with the old woodcutter in Heifengling for a book on strengthening his body!

Li Er jumped out from under the long hair behind Li Muxuan's head, landed on her shoulder and leaned against her cheek, and began to sleep with an expression of enjoyment.This scene happened to be seen by Molu Shengxiao, who couldn't help exclaiming: "Wang Shuang, is this your pet? It's so cute! It's just that the grade is not very good. Are you the kind of person who values ​​cuteness more than grade?" ?”

Fuck, does it look like it? ——Well, brother is this kind of person.But the cuteness I want is for humans, not for pets!Wang Shuang chuckled, shook his head and said, "This pet doesn't belong to me, it belongs to my follower Li Muxuan."

Li Muxuan also touched Li Er's head beside her, and said with a smile, "Yes, Li Er is mine."

Molu Shengxiao also tried to touch Li Er's head, and laughed happily from time to time.Xue Yique also joined in the process of stroking Li Er.Only Wang Shuang started to feel a little bored.

"Wang Shuang, are you leaving?" Xue Yique changed into an orange suit, and the equipment on the surface of his body was shining with brilliance. This orange suit is very domineering on Wang Shuang, but it is extremely domineering when worn on Wang Shuang. When Xue Yique and Li Muxuan were on him, it became another atmosphere.

"Turn off the equipment gloss, my eyes are about to go blind." Wang Shuang covered his face and said, "You see, I'm so pretentious that I don't even turn on the equipment luster."

"Hee hee, if you don't turn on the equipment gloss, how will others know that you are wearing an orange outfit?" Xue Yique said with a smile, stretched out his hand and tapped it lightly, and the brilliance disappeared immediately, and the equipment became very ordinary, without any special effects of brilliance.After hiding the luster of the equipment in this way, other players will not be able to recognize the grade of this equipment.

"That's right, I'm leaving. If there is a situation at the Longteng Guild, they must actively defend themselves, and they must not be allowed to land on Xianchen Island." Wang Shuang glanced at the casual players not far away, and suddenly lowered his head. He raised his voice: "Don't let these people come up too much. Don't worry about it, they might be the undercover agents of the Longteng Guild."

"Of course." Xue Yique blinked: "If there is anything else good, remember to bring it back and share it with us."

"Okay, got it." Wang Shuang turned his head and was about to leave, but suddenly froze when he lifted his foot.

"Speaking of good things, there really is one." Wang Shuang turned back and stopped Molu Shengxiao who was about to leave: "Have you heard of the strange book on strengthening the body?"

The first thing Wang Shuang wanted to confirm was whether the Strange Book of Strong Body had been discovered by other guilds. If so, it meant that this stuff was already available elsewhere.

Molu Shengxiao shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, have you seen it?"

"At the entrance of a dungeon in the Sighing Islands, there is an NPC that can be synthesized. After successfully cultivating the [Strength Body] attribute, the maximum blood limit is 30???

"I see." Molu Shengxiao nodded, perhaps because of the example of the violent book, Wang Shuang felt that the other party was not very surprised.Xue Yique next to him also nodded: "Is it a book about strengthening the body? It's interesting. If you don't mind, I'll let Xinghua and you go see it?"

Wang Shuang smiled and said, "You are most welcome."

"Then I'll ask someone to take a look... No, anyway, I have nothing to do right now, so I'll go with you and take a look at the dungeon by the way. That's where you brushed the orange outfit, right?" Molu Shengxiao ask.

Wang Shuang nodded: "Yes. Then let's go."

Bloody Rise and Fall and Molu Shengxiao joined Wang Shuang's team. At the same time, several members of the Blood Seal Guild and Molu Elegy followed Wang Shuang's Dragon Tooth Boat.The rest of the members of Molu Elegy stayed on Xianchen Island and guarded Xianchen Island together with the Blood Seal Guild.

The Longya boat set sail slowly, Wang Shuang did not sit in the cockpit this time, but went to the captain's room to hang up.The Dragon Tooth Boat was handed over to Bloody Rise and Fall to practice navigation.As for Wang Shuang, because he is the owner of the Dragon Tooth Boat, as long as someone is driving the Dragon Tooth Boat, he can also share the navigation experience.

Wang Shuang marked the location of the hidden cave under Kongseting Village on the map in advance, and then handed over the cockpit to Bloody Rising and Falling.An hour later, the familiar system bell rang.


System prompt: You walk through the route you drew, your drawn area is further expanded, and your skill purple-level pathfinding accumulates 15 experience points.

System prompt: Your purple-level pathfinding has accumulated enough experience points, and you have successfully advanced to blue-level pathfinding. You will get 200 million experience rewards, and your follower Li Muxuan will get 200 million experience rewards.

System prompt: You have sailed at sea for an hour, and your skill blue-level navigation will accumulate 30 experience points.


Pathfinding has finally been upgraded!Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, and checked the blue-level pathfinding attributes after the promotion.

—Pathfinding Blue (substantial skill): You can mark the location of a target on the map if you have not found it.Your movement speed in unknown areas increases by 15? ? ?The speed of drawing maps of unknown areas increased by 35? ? ?Terrain effects taken reduced by 15?

At least it moves faster!The speed of the dragon tooth boat increased slightly, and continued to sail towards the destination.

The familiar cave soon appeared outside the window. Wang Shuang opened the friend list, and sent a private message to Bloody Xinghuai from a few rooms away: "I see that cave, just drive in and stop by the shore." gone."

"Received." Bloody Rise and Fall quickly replied.

The Dragon Tooth Boat returned to this temporary port, and a dozen people on board disembarked one after another. Wang Shuang took them back to the entrance of Kongseting Village according to the route he remembered.


System prompt: You walk through the route you drew, your drawn area is further expanded, and your skill blue-level pathfinding accumulates 15 experience points.

Can this also add pathfinding experience?Wang Shuang smiled happily. This life skill is good. As long as I walk more, I can increase the speed of walking. Why not do it?
At this time, the faces of the other people who received the reminder changed, and Bloody Rise and Fall hurriedly asked, "Hidden village? This is a hidden village."

This is the first time you have seen it?Wang Shuang nodded, watching the rise and fall of blood and said, "I heard that there are good goods and special products in hidden world towns and hidden world villages. I don't know what special products are here? If it is valuable, we can develop it with all our strength. .”

specialty!As soon as Wang Shuang said this, he remembered, when my brother came here, he seemed to drink a bowl of worm soup?Wan Chong Geng is a specialty here!What is the effect?The upper limit of qi and blood is 10 points, and the maximum is no more than 50 of the original qi and blood? ? ?Groove, how can such a good thing sit idly by?Wang Shuang couldn't help but slapped his head: "Good thing, the special product here is a good thing, and the upper limit of blood is 10 points!"

Molu Shengxiao and Bloody Rise and Fall were all taken aback when they heard the news, Molu Shengxiao asked, "Where are the materials? Do you need any rare materials?"

Wang Shuang recalled it for a while, and he remembered this memory: "No! I remember that the ingredients of Wanchong Geng are 4 parts of willow insect skin, 3 parts of silkworm chrysalis shell, 2 parts of green snake skin and 1 part of green snake gall...these Are they all materials that can be brushed?"

"That's right!" Molu Shengxiao said excitedly: "Eating one increases the upper limit of blood by 10 points, and the total increase in the upper limit of blood does not exceed 50 of the original blood??? How sharp! It's just that it's a bit troublesome to brush up, and This place is also remote! Otherwise, it will definitely be patronized by players every day like the entrances of the copies of the violent book!"

Several copies of the violent book are visited by players every day?Wang Shuang laughed loudly: "This place will be discovered by players sooner or later. Let's collect materials and exchange them as soon as there is no one around."

"That's right." Molu Shengxiao suddenly remembered something and became even more excited: "And there is also a body strengthening book that can permanently increase by 30??? The upper limit, right? Combining the two, a player's blood can A sudden increase of 95??? Not much is equivalent to doubling the original vitality!"

Yes, indeed!Brother asked Li Muxuan to go to Heifeng Ridge after she had maxed out the brush, and then went to Heifeng Ridge to get violent and strong body, plus the bonus of Ten Thousand Insect Soup. Wouldn't it be better to step on the red-level boss to pass the dungeon?Maybe even the Underworld can try to challenge it!
Speaking of the Strange Book of Strengthening the Body, Wang Shuang quickly found the old village chief and replaced all the materials in the backpack with thousands of worm silk. It took about 10 minutes to replace all the materials, a total of 120 thousand worm silk.After that, several people followed Wang Shuang to Heifengling, and found the old firewood cutter in Heifengling at the gate of the Heifengling copy.Wang Shuang went up and grabbed the old woodcutter's shoulder excitedly: "Grandpa, I'm here to find you in exchange for a book on strengthening your body."

The old man smiled slightly: "No problem, if there are materials, I will not refuse the old man."


System prompt: You have successfully configured Strange Book of Strong Body x6 with Thousand Worm Silk x2, Tiger Bone x2, and Golden Tiger Bone x1.

System prompt: You have successfully configured Strange Book of Strong Body x6 with Thousand Worm Silk x2, Tiger Bone x2, and Golden Tiger Bone x1.


The materials in Wang Shuang's bag decreased rapidly, until in the end, thousands of worm silk and golden tiger bones were exhausted by Wang Shuang, and there were [-] extra books on strengthening the body in the bag.

There is nothing to say, under the envious eyes of others, Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan used at the same time——


System prompt: You have used the Strange Book of Strengthening Body, and the current strength attribute is 100? ? ?If you succeed in cultivating the [Strengthening Body] attribute, your blood limit will be permanently increased by 30?

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has successfully cultivated the [Strengthen Body] attribute, and Li Muxuan's upper limit of qi and blood has been permanently increased by 30?

(End of this chapter)

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