It's time to play online

Chapter 118 Promotion of Assistant Head

Chapter 118 Promotion of Assistant Head
Wang Shuang suddenly thought about not playing games, and turned to squandering games as a cash machine.Watch TV and go to sleep every day, then play with the mobile phone, and then go to Bounty Island to get the team leader’s salary on the game for half a month, exchange the gold coins for soft sister coins, and then return to reality.

How is this life?Very chic!You don’t have to work hard every day for gold coins, equipment, or skills in the game, and you don’t have to think too much about it. You just have to enjoy it. As long as the game company doesn’t go bankrupt, as long as the Qiujin Pirates don’t get wiped out, it’s entirely possible. accomplish!
So do you really want to do this?Where is brother's pursuit and goal?What kind of life do you want, what kind of dreams do you have, and what are you obsessed with?Suddenly, Wang Shuang remembered that there was a time like this before. He made two major decisions in his life, but usually Wang Shuang always likes to think of things that make him happy, so he is always heartless. look.

It's been a long time, and Wang Shuang can't remember clearly. He vaguely remembers that it was a sunny afternoon, and Wang Shuang received the admission notice from the junior college.Although in terms of time, Wang Shuang already knew that he might not be able to enter the undergraduate course, but when the admission notice was handed over to him by the guard, he still felt sad for a while.The sun was shining brightly, and the atmosphere under the shade of the trees was also very cool. Only his restless heart was restless.

Do you accept the arrangement of fate obediently and graduate from a certain college for four years; or break through adversity, break into the society, fight for life, and accept challenges?Wang Shuang sat on the balcony with a bag of peanuts in his arms. He didn't watch TV, play computer or mobile phone. He just stared out of the window. The leaves were falling and the flowers were falling... After thinking about it all afternoon, he finally announced himself at the dinner table I plan to give up the opportunity to go to college and go out to work hard.

So this time, should I live my life comfortably, or continue to work hard in the game?The answer is already obvious.At least, it didn't take Wang Shuang an afternoon to go from thinking to making a decision.

If you fail, start over, if you miss it, continue to wait, if you don’t challenge the cold and move towards the peak, what do you live for?Aging slowly is not terrible, the terrible thing is that it is not until the end that I wake up and regret it. At the beginning, I failed to go further and enjoy the scenery on the high place!
Back in the game, the territory power panel has been beating for a long time.Wang Shuang clicked on the panel of the territorial forces, and sure enough, there was a new territorial force under the Dark Dragon Lan - Qiujin Pirates!
Jokin Pirates
Territory Level: Level 7

Territory owner: Wang Shuang
Territory city: 1/2 (you can control an additional city every 5 levels)
Town under the territory: Tanxi Town (population: 26417)

领地范围:34万4250平方米(每升1级 10???范围,当前总加成为70?

Territory Range: Bounty Island (93???)
Territory Happiness Score: 76/100 (affects whether the displaced population will leave the faction)

Territory environment score: 89/100 (affects whether the displaced population will join forces)

Territory buildings: 398/420 (different buildings can bring different functions to cities and forces, or different attribute bonuses)
Territory defense strength: 239742 (affects the probability of the territory being attacked and the defense strength)

领地人口:35836/84000(每升1级 12000人口上限,总计 84000人口上限)

Territory resources: wood, stone, coconut tree, ash wood, sandalwood, red pine wood, winter teak, copper ore, iron ore, Zichen mine, silver mine, second-level common wood circle, second-level common stone circle, first-level Ordinary prey circle, level [-] common farming circle, level [-] common fish circle, and level [-] biogas collection circle (affecting territory income and basic resource collection)

Territory Friendly Forces: Metal Pirates, Holy Sword Pirates, Riding Wind Pirates, Luomao Pirates, Biya Pirates, Kezera Pirates
Territory hostile forces: Lionheart Kingdom (Human Race), Xiasen Kingdom (Elf Race), Steel Kingdom (Dwarf Race), Glory Kingdom (Orc Race), Dark Dragon Lane (Human Race)


Wang Shuang was shocked after reading it. Why are there so many hostile forces?He went downstairs and called a pirate to inquire face to face, and the answer he got was: "Because I often rob their ships, I have formed a relationship with them."

Holy crap, why does my brother feel like he's a panchayder? Isn't this another hole dug for me by the master of the system?When Wang Shuang was in pain, a pirate rushed into the Octopus Bar. When he savagely rushed through the crowd, several women screamed. He hurriedly stopped in front of Wang Shuang, out of breath, and said, "Captain, the holy sword next door!" The deputy head of the pirate group and the Biya pirate group came to visit."

"Come to visit, are you sure you didn't come to find fault?" Wang Shuang pressed his shoulder and asked seriously.

"Yes, in fact, they also came yesterday, but you were not there yesterday and went offline, so they came again now." The pirate said helplessly.

Fuck, those who are kind don’t come and those who come are not. Although the names of these two pirate groups are written on the friendly side of the territory, who knows if they are really friendly!Wang Shuang thought about it, in any case, safety must be guaranteed first, even if he really did it, he would be worthy of them, that's right, let's do it!Wang Shuang immediately summoned Li Muxuan to come out, and then asked, "Where are they?"

"Already boarded the bounty island pier."

Comes so fast!Could it be that they knew it as soon as I went online?Fuck, that’s a must, the system guru responds the fastest, and the system guru will definitely be the first to know when my brother is online, the system guru knows it, and the NPC will naturally know it, and the first time I come here is also there As expected!
"Commander, please go this way." The pirate hurried forward, but was bounced back by the writhing and screaming crowd. Get out of the way!"

With this shout, the dancers and drunks in front all gave way to a passage.Fuck, you are courageous, if you want to say that the head of the team is still suitable for you, kid!Wang Shuang asked in surprise, "Okay, this one, what's your name?"

"My subordinate, Apilati Sykes, you can just call me Sykes." When Wang Shuang asked his name, he immediately changed his face, turned around and answered with excited fists.

"Okay, Sykes." Wang Shuang patted him on the shoulder meaningfully: "I will now promote you to be my assistant to the leader, and take me to the scene. We must maintain the image of our Qiujin Pirates."

"Assistant to the head?" Sykes asked confused.I dont understand?Of course, this is a position that my brother casually talked about. Seeing his confused look, Wang Shuang could only add a little more detail:

"It's the minister who helps the head of the group handle the affairs of the group. His position is only one level lower than that of the deputy head!" Wang Shuang said with a smile: "Yes, don't doubt, you heard me right, I'm talking about you!"


System prompt: You appointed Apiratti Sykes as the assistant to the head of the Jojin Pirates. Apiratti Sykes was successfully promoted to a leader-level creature, her grade was raised to cyan, and her character level was 15.Current level: level 50.Current position: Assistant to the head of the delegation.

Damn, the system guru has accepted this position?And my brother is so pissed now?Seeing this series of bonuses, Wang Shuang was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out. Li Muxuan still needs to absorb the dark crown one by one to improve her level, but now Wang Shuang can turn an ordinary pirate into a pirate with just one word. After defeating the BOSS, the level was promoted to cyan, and it even rose to 15 levels in a row!
How majestic and powerful this is!Wang Shuang suddenly realized that the position of head of the Qiujin Pirates is not a person who receives a fixed salary every month, but also has real power beyond the player's imagination.Just one sentence can turn a chicken into a phoenix, and a pirate into a boss!

Grass!It's no wonder that those rubbish don't do anything, show courteousness to the boss every day, and advance their careers faster than anyone else.Thinking of working in a company in the society before, Wang Shuang was so angry that his teeth itch.This time it's brother's turn to be the boss?Very good, bro, don't be a braggart, if you don't show the strength you should have, tomorrow bro will remove you without saying a word!
At this time, he finally came back to his senses, and after feeling all the changes in his body, Sykes was so excited that he almost cried: "Understood, I will not humiliate the leader's promotion, and do my best for the leader!"

Wang Shuang chuckled: "Okay, let's lead the way, I think those two are already waiting for me."

Sykes laughed: "That's right, Captain, let's go quickly, we'll be there in 10 minutes."

After leaving the Octopus Bar, Wang Shuang walked along the trail in Tanxi Town to the pier. As soon as he arrived at the pier, before he saw anyone, Wang Shuang was first shocked by the accompanying boats—two huge iron monsters!Not to mention the combat effectiveness, even the freight volume and firepower level are all existences that Wang Shuang and the others cannot compete with now!

Although when Wang Shuang came, the Qiujin Pirates had more than a dozen iron monsters, but after the battle with Saiyan City, they almost lost all of them!The leader and deputy leader also died on the spot, and the strength of the Qiujin Pirates was suppressed by almost [-]%!
As for the three heads of the second generation, the Hatch trio is a complete joke!Under their leadership, the Qiujin Pirates went from bad to worse, and they were about to be annexed by the surrounding pirates.At this moment, Wang Shuang appeared out of nowhere, single-handedly killed the three regiment leaders, and took away the position of the captain of the Qiujin Pirates.

What would the other pirates think of this situation?Even if they are already planning to declare war on the Qiujin Pirates, they will send someone over to check on the situation of the new leader, right?So these two people are here to test brother's attitude, right?That's right, no matter whether they have any ideas about Bounty Island, whether they want to do something or not, they will send people to test Wang Shuang's character.

Since it's a test, it means they are not sure about beating brother yet, right?What should I do to make them feel that I am strong and make them quit?At this moment, Wang Shuang fell into deep thinking.

"Boss leader." Almost at the pier, Sykes suddenly said, "Since you are a foreigner and you have never shown your face, you will inevitably be caught by the other two pirate forces, even if they only took photos of the deputy group." When you grow up, you will also underestimate you inadvertently. Therefore, you'd better find a way to prove your strength, such as sparring or something!"

Wang Shuang asked with a smile: "Didn't they come to visit me? Why should I beat them up first and give them a blow?"

"Because we know the strength of the adults, but they don't know." Sykes became anxious when he heard it, thinking that Wang Shuang was unwilling to fight, and hurriedly analyzed: "If we are underestimated, we will be underestimated at the pirate meeting in the future. The right to speak will become weaker, and if the Lionheart Kingdom comes to attack aggressively, we will become cannon fodder at the forefront!"

Oh, you're thinking too far, but brother didn't intend to play like this.Wang Shuang nodded: "Okay, I see, I will have a friendly discussion with them later."

"Master, please remember what you said." Sykes clasped his fists.

They walked across the long wooden bridge. In the Qinse bar on the pier, Wang Shuang saw three NPCs named Huang——since Wang Shuang became the head of the Qiujin Pirates, all the pirates in the Qiujin Pirates It turned green, so when Wang Shuang saw these three yellow names at first glance, he felt a little dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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