It's time to play online

Chapter 156 Beast Tide

Chapter 156 Beast Tide
After logging off the line, Wang Shuang walked downstairs while touching the mobile phone next to him. Today, he still settled for dinner in a small restaurant as usual.It seems that even if he has money, he still looks like a dick, and this will not change.

After solving the dinner problem, it was already 06:30.When Wang Shuang went online, he thought he was slow, but after he went online, he found that several girls had just gone online.

"Oh, what a coincidence." Wang Shuang touched his nose in embarrassment: "Do you also browse the forum?"

"No." Xing Yao shook his head: "Usually only Sister Feixu browses the forum, you see she hasn't logged in yet."

"Is there anything else to spend time on?"

"Yes, makeup."

"Do you all need makeup to play a game?" Wang Shuang's hair was black.

"You don't care!" Xing Yao gave him a blank look.

After waiting for about half an hour, the girls went online in twos and threes.Seeing that the number of players was complete, Luoxue Qianli led all the players into the cabin.

Pushing open the door of the cabin, unexpectedly, the person standing in front of Wang Shuang turned out to be a human with long ears—no, not a human, but an elf!This guy is actually an elf.At the same time, Wang Shuang glanced at the layout of the room. There is no human atmosphere and no stick to details, but it has a clean and bold feeling.There is no covering dust on the surface of each object.

"Adventurers, you are finally here." At this time, the elf in front of Wang Shuang suddenly said.

"You know we're coming?" Wang Shuang thought.But he didn't ask the question, because Luoxue Qianli is leading the team now.Luoxue Qianli twisted her waist, walked up gracefully, stopped in front of the male elf and bowed: "Yes, we have absolute confidence this time, please let us try again."

"This is your last chance." The male elf glanced at Wang Shuang behind Luo Xueqianli, and said, "Let me see, is this the guy you found... Yes, it is indeed more than a star and a half stronger than you , but it doesn’t look like an auspicious guy.”

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he was referring to Wang Shuang's negative 10 luck value.Is it this one?Or the side job of Doom Pirates?Because Wang Shuang's talent is still working from time to time, Wang Shuang did not close his sub-profession.

What's the downside of driving this side job?Of course there is.For people other than Wang Shuang, if there are people around Wang Shuang who make up swords, then the probability of equipment and good things dropping will be very low, and it is almost impossible to drop good things!Only a guy like Wang Shuang, who can combine the effects of "extreme misfortune" and "probability reversal" at the same time, can become absolute luck.

Several other people looked back at Wang Shuang, Luoxue Qianli didn't understand what the elf meant, and thought he was saying that Wang Shuang couldn't do it, so they immediately said anxiously: "No, I guarantee that with him in this mission, it will be absolutely safe Yes. I trust him."

"Alright, since this is your choice..." The elf pondered, shook his head and sighed: "Okay, adventurer, come here."

"Me?" Wang Shuang was a little surprised.

"Go up." June Feixu also pushed Wang Shuang from behind.

Wang Shuang walked forward in a daze, and at this time he also saw the name of the elf: Forester of the Bright Forest-Privia Rada-LV80.

Holy crap, full level?
Wang Shuang's expression became more respectful in an instant. At this time, Previa took out a wooden sign with vines from the Qiankun bag on his waist, and handed it to Wang Shuang with both hands: "Keep it safe, this is the deep forest of light." without it, it is impossible for you to get the approval of the Guardian God of the Forest of Light, and thus enter the depths of the Forest of Light.”

"The Guardian God of the Forest of Light?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but wonder, "Is there still a God in this mission?"

"Wang Shuang, collect the dungeon tickets first." Luoxue Qianli stretched out her hand and gently pinched his arm.

Wang Shuang's mind fluttered for a moment, and he put the wooden sign into his backpack. At this moment, he saw Privia stood up from his seat, turned his back to them and sighed: "I don't know if the Forest of Light can do it this time." Hold on. If you fail, I have to get out of here too."

At this time, June Feixu came up from behind, went up and said something to him, and Luoxue Qianli led Wang Shuang and his party out of the wooden house.After waiting for a while outside the wooden house, June Feixu also came out: "Okay, it's done, let's go."

"Wait, what's going on, why don't you introduce the mission background to me first?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but stop her.

"Talk slowly on the road." Luoxue Qianli patted Wang Shuang's hand off.

A few people started to set off on the road, as if typing was troublesome, Luoxue Qianli simply walked towards the forest and said: "The Forest of Light is the border between our Lionheart Kingdom and Xiasen Kingdom, which is the border between the human race and the elf power. A forest here. A hundred years ago, this place belonged to the Xiasen Kingdom, but it was transferred to our Lionheart Kingdom through a transaction about 50 years ago."

Wang Shuang nodded.

Luo Xueqianli continued: "But now, a portal suspected to be a beastman force has appeared in the depths of the Forest of Light, and a large number of ferocious beasts have begun to appear in the depths of the Forest of Light, harming the natives of the Forest of Light, such as some docile animals And some monsters who don't like to attack others."

"The portal of the orc?" Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment: "I remember that the players of the orc seem to be one of the fewest among the races, right?"

"Indeed." Luoxue Qianli nodded: "Now the rules and order protruding from the Bright Forest have been destroyed by this group of wild beasts that suddenly appeared. If you continue to let them go, the Bright Forest will soon change from a peaceful and peaceful The forest has become a violent and full of destruction. The original green mountains and green waters will also become dust under the feet of wild beasts."

Wang Shuang nodded, then shook his head again: "Wait, isn't that NPC a forest guard just now? Why didn't he go in and take care of it? And even if he looks old and can't move anymore, you seem to have mentioned the Bright Land just now. Sen’s patron saint, right? Why doesn’t that patron saint move?”

"Because it's not in the Forest of Light at all! But there is a barrier set up by the God of Light in the depths of the forest. If you don't get the wooden card just now, you won't be able to pass through the barrier."

"So that's it." Wang Shuang suddenly realized: "So our task should be to enter the depths of the Forest of Light, there is probably a dungeon, and then clear that dungeon and kill the final boss, right?"

"It's not that simple." Unexpectedly, Luo Xueqianli shook his head.She suddenly stopped and looked at Wang Shuang, and said word by word: "What we have to do is destroy this copy!"

Wang Shuang was stunned.

"Yes, Wang Shuang, you heard me right, destroy this dungeon." June Feixu walked up from the side and said with a smile: "How about it, is it exciting? This is an opportunity for you to show your talents, so don't let it go to waste This is your attribute, right!"

Wang Shuang couldn't help but wryly smiled and said, "Okay, so how to do it specifically?"

"After killing the boss, before being sent out of the dungeon, quickly rush to the hidden map at the end of the dungeon to destroy the essence of the forest of light." Luoxue Qianli said. "The essence is a crystal that looks like a gem floating in the air, and its vitality and defense are not very strong."

"Okay, I understand." Wang Shuang nodded.

They talked for a while along the way.Soon, they passed through the outskirts of the forest and entered the middle of the forest.At this time, the sky was no longer clear and cloudy, and it felt like it was going to rain.Wang Shuang and the others shuttled through the forest, and the most obvious feeling was that the visibility of the field of vision was reduced.And Wang Shuang could hear some strange calls from time to time.

"Those are crazy animals, we will meet them soon." Seemingly aware of Wang Shuang's strange expression, Yu Guang explained.

"How strong is the dungeon? What level of dungeon do we need to clear?" Wang Shuang asked.

"To be honest, I don't know." Yu Guang smiled bitterly: "We haven't touched the dungeon until now, and we don't know anything about the dungeon."

"Nani?" Wang Shuang was shocked: "Didn't you ask me to help you because you couldn't beat it? Why haven't you even found a copy?"

"It's not that I can't find it, it's that I can't kill the entrance of the dungeon..." June Feixu heard their discussion in the front, and just turned her head to explain, when Luo Xueqianli suddenly pulled her arm: "Here we come, pay attention to concealment! "

Wang Shuang heard the sound of galloping horses, and the ground began to tremble like an earthquake, which reminded Wang Shuang of what he had encountered in the steel capital.

"Is something coming?" Wang Shuang asked in surprise.

"It's a beast tide!" Luoxue Qianli didn't continue to explain, and stretched out his hand to grab Wang Shuang, and they quickly found a tree and hid behind it.

From a long distance, Wang Shuang saw all kinds of animals with blood on their heads rushing forward like crazy on the path they had just walked on.There are foxes, bears, and even sika deer, and from time to time, small animals such as squirrels, hungry wolves and snakes join the team of beast hordes.It's just that in the beast tide, the competition is quite fierce.Often some small animals are trampled into meat sauce by bears and sika deer as soon as they rush in.However, this group of red-eyed monsters didn't care, and continued to raise their blood-red hooves or claws, and rushed forward frantically.

"This, this horse rider..." Wang Shuang was so shocked that he couldn't speak.As he got closer, he seemed to feel the mighty momentum, which was as terrifying as a huge wave!

After the beast tide, several people from Luoxue Qianli came out of the bushes with lingering fears. Looking at the blood and messy footprints all over the place, June Feixu patted his chest and panted, "It's really scary, it's like this every time." It looks like, if we are unlucky this time, if we collide again, we will probably be wiped out here again."

"Let's go." Luoxue Qianli glanced at the ground lightly, then turned his head away: "The entrance to the dungeon is already in front of us."

"So fast?" Wang Shuang was a little surprised.

"No, this is not the entrance to the dungeon in the depths of the Forest of Light, this is the entrance to the dungeon on the inner side." June Feixu explained.

A few people walked up, and Wang Shuang saw that the forest here was clearly divided into two sections. On one side, the trees were very lush, and on the other side, there were dead and lush trees.Obviously, the trees in the dungeon are very lush.

(End of this chapter)

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