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Chapter 158 Depths of the Forest of Light

Chapter 158 Depths of the Forest of Light

It is no longer known how many waves of monsters were killed, and the group finally stood at the entrance to the depths of the Forest of Light.

The reason why I know this is the entrance to the depths of the Forest of Light is that on the one hand, there is no way ahead, and on the other hand, the surface of the forest here is emitting a bright golden light. It really is a forbidden place!Several people took out the wooden cards in their backpacks, verified them one by one, and entered the depths of the Forest of Light.


System prompt: You lose the Wooden Card of the Forest of Light, Qianli Luoxue loses the Wooden Card of the Forest of Light, June Feixu loses the Wooden Card of the Forest of Brightness, Star Key loses the Wooden Card of the Forest of Light, Drowning Xiaoguang loses the Wooden Card of the Forest of Brightness, you enter the hidden instance A copy of "Deep in the Forest of Light".

Unexpectedly, it does not look like a forest here.Although it is already in the depths of the Forest of Light, Wang Shuang didn't expect it to be a peaceful lake, and what's more, in the middle of the lake, a huge water monster floating on the water is the final boss!

Yes, that's right, the aura and the surrounding forest acted as a wall at this time, trapping them and this huge water monster together, like a huge arena, while Wang Shuang and the others looked like a huge arena. A slave who was banished to fight a tiger.

If the slaves killed the tiger, they could get rid of their sins and regain their freedom, but if they couldn't kill the tiger, the tiger would tear them to pieces!So at this time, every slave will work hard.Do your best to defeat the tiger in front of you.

But this water monster is not a tiger, and Wang Shuang and the others are not slaves.Wang Shuang just glanced at the attributes of the water monster, and couldn't help but smile.

——Torniroa (Chi-LV50 leader-level creature): HP 950000, physical attack 1800, physical defense 1800, physical resistance 5? ? ?Magic attack 2600, magic defense 1900, magic resistance 10? ? ?Capabilities: Normal Attack, Overlord Body, Hydrotherapy, Water Battle Advantage, Surfing, and Rest.

——Hydrotherapy: When in water, restore 300 blood points per second, and when the blood is lower than 50? ? ?Reply speed doubled.

——Water battle advantage: When entering a battle state in water, gain an extra 30? ? ?Bonus to Attack, Physical Defense, Magic Attack and Magic Defense.

——Surfing Waves: Set off a gust of wind and waves, causing 800 120? to all targets in the front area?magic attack damage, and has 20? ? ?Form a vortex, making all enemy units in the vortex unable to move, receiving 50 20?Magic attack damage for 10 seconds.

——Stopping Technique: Use it on a single enemy unit, causing 1000 135?magic attack damage, and has 20? ? ?Make the target suffocate, lose movement and attack ability within 2 seconds; there are 20? ? ?Make the target fall into a state of confusion, and attack the surrounding units regardless of friend or foe within 4 seconds.


Each skill looks very powerful, but the attributes are still so rubbish, useless, completely useless hahaha, in the face of brother's absolute attack and blood, these crooked methods are all just floating clouds.Although the skills are strong, but after all, there is still no strong attribute as a foreshadowing, so all this becomes futile.

According to the old routine, Wang Shuang first rushed forward to attack the water monster with a mind-eye and a cross-cut attack, and then the shadow attack and twin shadows broke out at the same time, and Li Muxuan and a group of players behind him began to output. In three seconds, 30W blood was lost.Spa?Recovering 300 drops of blood in one second, it's nothing compared to the tens of thousands of damage in one attack!
Even Wang Shuang's advantage in water battles can be ignored. Although the water monster looks like it is standing on a puddle, the water in the puddle is actually not that deep. At least when Wang Shuang sneaks up to the water monster, his feet can still move. Step on the ground.If the soles of the feet can't step on the ground, there will be an extra 90? ? ?egg pain state.

There was no words all the way, Wang Shuang output less than ten seconds, this boss who Luo Xueqianli and others couldn't even see fell to below half health in an instant.

"So fast!" Even though they came all the way, the few people who were constantly surprised were now shocked by Wang Shuang's powerful output.Killed along the way, although Wang Shuang's attack is also very sharp, but the monsters coming along the way are not BOSS, Wang Shuang's killing effect is not so shocking.Now that he really faced the boss, Wang Shuang didn't expect that killing the boss would be as easy as chopping melons and vegetables!
In a blink of an eye, the BOSS' blood dropped to 30? ? ?At this time, the silent water monster suddenly slapped the sea surface. Wang Shuang thought it was about to activate a skill, but nothing happened, it was not a skill!Wang Shuang slashed down with a dagger, and was shocked to find that the blow did not cause any damage.

what happened?plot?Wang Shuang stopped his hands and watched the water monster's body gradually grow bigger and began to swell.Originally, Wang Shuang had to look up at this guy, but now this guy is so big that he has no boundaries. When Wang Shuang raised his head, he could only see a body like a city wall.Even the small lake where the water monster stayed was overwhelmed, and the lake water overflowed one after another.

Fuck!Play off?Just when Wang Shuang didn't know what was going on, Luoxue Qianli was very experienced. At this moment, her expression changed: "No, the boss has mutated!"

"Mutated?" Wang Shuang asked in surprise.

Luoxue Qianli frowned, and suddenly calmed down and said, "General boss mutations will increase by one level. Although the difficulty of killing it has increased, correspondingly, the equipment dropped after clearing the level will also increase by one level."

"But we are fighting red-level bosses now." Wang Shuang couldn't help complaining: "He has no room for advancement, and whether this guy will explode his equipment is another matter."

"That's true." Luoxue Qianli nodded: "It's impossible for it to drop a piece of equipment that exceeds the red level. Even if it mutates, it will only cause harm and no benefit to us!"

"Then how can we stop it?" Wang Shuang asked anxiously.

"There is no way." Luoxue Qianli shook his head and sighed: "This kind of boss mutation is part of the plot, and when it mutates, it will become invincible, so we won't let us have a chance to kill it while it mutates. "

that's true.Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that he had encountered this kind of situation before, when did it happen?By the way, when challenging the orange level Black Wind Ridge, the final boss mutated and evolved into the Dark Black Wind Tiger King——

Does this guy also want to advance to Darkness?Wang Shuang secretly glanced at Li Muxuan who was not far away, but the other party's expression did not change.

"Get ready, the mutation is over." Luoxue Qianli gave Wang Shuang a thumbs up, and then quickly moved away.

Hey, what's going on here, brother, was he abandoned?Seeing that a group of people had already hid far away, Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling a little angry.But forget it, after all, they don't have the attribute of brother, and their blood is only about one or two thousand. After the water monster mutates, it is estimated that they will be slapped in seconds.

Wang Shuang took a deep breath, at this moment the huge water monster suddenly trembled all over, Wang Shuang clearly saw a bald black light cluster appearing on the top of the water monster's head, is there any strange phenomenon?
Appeared!A green-skinned savage came out of it. His body might not be very tall, but he looked down at Wang Shuang at this time, but he had the aura of looking down on all sentient beings.Wang Shuang was startled, and suddenly remembered: Madan, did you notice before, didn't the official say that orcs are not good at magic?Not to mention teleportation magic!

So what's going on in this situation?This guy really came out of the portal just now, stepping on this water monster, it feels like... like driving this water monster.At this moment, above Wang Shuang's head, the green-skinned orc standing on top of the water monster and staring at them suddenly sighed: "It has been hundreds of years, and this day has finally come."

Another plot?Just as Wang Shuang was about to speak, Luoxue Qianli behind him suddenly yelled, "Who are you, and why did you come to the depths of the Forest of Light?"

"Who am I?" The orc sneered suddenly: "I won't tell you about this issue. I know you are adventurers, no matter how many times you kill them, you will be resurrected tenaciously, nasty maggots. You are also the most stern-mouthed You bastards. I'm not going to share any secrets with you, let alone we're not on the same side!"

Yo, doesn't this guy have a good impression of all players?Wang Shuang folded his arms around his chest and prepared to watch the show.

"As for why I came to the depths of the Forest of Light..." the orc suddenly let out a disgusting laugh: "Of course it is because of the rich resources here, which are so abundant that even a soldier like me can feel the light." Energy, and... endless vitality! These are the things we orcs need, how can you let greedy humans and stupid elves guard this treasure land but don't know how to use it?"

I see.They came here to occupy this dungeon!It seems that they are similar in nature to Hatch's trio, they all want to make the most of the resources in the instance.

Unfortunately, today he met Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang glanced at the water monster's attributes, and smiled contemptuously: "Aren't you tired of standing so high and talking? Do you want me to knock down the water monster below you, so that you can come down and have fun too?"

"Can you defeat Torniroa?" The orc laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Come on, human adventurers, prove it to me, let me see you group of weak adventurers...uh!"

While he was talking to himself, Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan used another set of quick combos to activate various skills and equipment to output crazy output. This water monster had already been beaten to the brink of death, so naturally it couldn't eat it. With this set of combos, the huge body like a city wall began to sink slowly in an instant.The orc standing on it looked at Wang Shuang in disbelief: "Impossible, how is this possible, this is a complete Torniroa, how could it be possible for you, an adventurer..."

"Damn it, the equipment exploded!" Wang Shuang didn't have time to pay attention to what the green-skinned orc was saying. His eyes were completely attracted by the equipment exploded by the water monster. It was a necklace with a red glow all over it. luster.

Fuck, red equipment!
(End of this chapter)

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