It's time to play online

Chapter 160 Chosen by the Guardian God

Chapter 160 Chosen by the Guardian God
"Create a guild?" Luoxue, who had just completed the yellow task and received the reward, was stunned for a moment. June Feixu explained the matter, and Wang Shuang also added: "Yes, why don't the weekly meetings in the future require How? We can’t trade directly now, whether it’s equipment or gold coins, we need to use the guild as a channel to trade. It’s time for us to have our own guild.”

Luoxue Qianli pondered for a while, and nodded approvingly: "It's true if you say so, then it's decided, we will establish a guild."

Because there are not many people, and the studio is almost dominated by Luoxue Qianli and June Feixu. After all, they are the bosses of the studio, the bosses who pay everyone's wages.Others naturally have no opinion.

So the matter was settled.Several other people handed in the task and received the rewards. Luoxue Qianli took a look at them and said, "Okay, the task is completed. Now let's disband freely. This task is also an order to help me complete the task." Everyone will record it, including you, Wang Shuang. Everyone takes more orders, and any announcements will be listed in the guild in the future. The next regular meeting will be based on the announcements in the guild."

Xing Yao nodded, Xiao Guang, who was drowning, also said that there was no problem, and so did Wang Shuang.

"Then, let's disband, go to work, take orders, and—" Luoxue Qianli glanced at Wang Shuang: "And develop freely. Well, let's go, see you at the next regular meeting."

"Hmm, goodbye, boss." Xing Yao left positively.

"Then I'll go first too." Xiao Guang, who was drowning, seemed to have his own tasks to do.

Only Wang Shuang faltered.

He doesn't have any pursuits right now, the only thing he's thinking about is to get in touch with Luoxue Qianli more, get a sense of his presence, and deepen his understanding of Luoxue Qianli.

"Wang Shuang?" Luoxue Qianli glanced at Wang Shuang, slightly surprised: "What's the matter, haven't you just changed your job, go to level up now, after our guild is established, we may recruit some ordinary players, At that time, I will use you as the banner of our guild to send out invitations to casual players in all directions, inviting them to join the guild."

"Me?" Wang Shuang chuckled, "Thinking too much, my image in forums and the public is negative. Most people are shouting to hunt me down."

"Yes, yes." June Feixu opened the forum again, and showed a new series of screenshots of posts to the two of them: "Look, news and headlines about Wang Shuang have come out again. Angrily beheading hundreds of melon-eating players', 'A normal attack caused nearly 9000 points of damage, arrogant garbage players', and 'Grassy garbage players, crazy killing players took away a total of nearly [-] pieces of equipment, the best of which are Blue grade equipment'..."

"Fuck." Wang Shuang looked at the screenshot, and it was true. The first few popular top posts were almost all of this kind of post. Wang Shuang felt as if a hundred thousand words of grass and mud horses roared past: "Which bastard wrote the title, I didn’t pick up the equipment when I killed the man, it must have been picked up by the onlookers. And it’s only blue grade, I don’t even care about it, how could I grab it?”

"Hehehe, you know, they don't know." June Feixu flicked the screenshot with one hand.He patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder: "In short, you are already a big celebrity now, little girl begging for a big celebrity cover."

"You mean the kind where a large group of players will be hunted down by a large group of players when walking in the wild?" Wang Shuang's expression was about to cry.

"Don't be like this, be optimistic." June Feixu laughed loudly, and hammered Wang Shuang's chest: "You see, we didn't take the opportunity to rob you."

"Feixu." Luoxue Qianli suddenly spoke at this time.

"Ah? Oh, that's right, we still have an urgent task that we haven't finished yet...Then Wang Shuang, let's go first?"

"Wait for me, I'm leaving too." Wang Shuang said depressedly.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly the elf behind him spoke and stopped Wang Shuang. "I have a few words to say to you alone."

"Huh, is there another plot?" June Feixu looked at Wang Shuang with star eyes: "Wow, Wang Shuang, why do you meet any NPC at random and trigger the plot? You're so lucky!" , I hang around in front of many NPCs every day, and no one triggers the plot for me."

Too lucky?At such a moment, Wang Shuang thought of his talent, and thought that when he triggered the plot, it seemed that it was when his talent was triggered... Ahhh, Wang Shuang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. It turned out that this cheating talent has been helping Brother triggers various missions and hidden missions!
If you think about it carefully, it really makes sense. The talent of Time to Run is to reverse all the probabilities related to Wang Shuang. Since even the probability of followers is related to Wang Shuang, the probability of triggering hidden tasks should also be affected.Therefore, Wang Shuang can always encounter various hidden tasks and advanced tasks unintentionally.Wang Shuang himself just didn't notice it all the time.

Up to now, Wang Shuang has a certain understanding of his talent.This talent may seem simple, but it is actually quite complicated.The first is the question of whether or not to trigger.This can be taken as an example of Wang Shuang's skill Gouge. Wang Shuang originally used Gouge, with 100? ? ?Dazes the target.But after the talent reversal, the probability of Wang Shuang's gouging to stun the target was reversed to 0.Conversely, sometimes 0? ? ?Components, will become 100 under the reversal of Wang Shuang's talent?

But this 0? ? ?What about the concept?Could it be that Wang Shuang's normal attack triggers a poisoning status of 0? ? ?event will be reversed to 100? ? ?Won't!Because the probability of Wang Shuang's normal attack triggering poisoning is not 0? ? ?is not at all!None and 0 at all? ? ?For most players, there is no difference, it is impossible to happen, but there is a difference in Wang Shuang.

This is like, if Wang Shuang's gouging is changed from "100??? cause a stun effect on the target" to "definitely cause a stun effect on the target", it will be different.The former can be affected by the talent of fortune, but the latter cannot.

This trick is very deep.Wang Shuang was also playing for so long and thought about it for a long time before he figured it out.

Now only Wang Shuang and Privia are left in the cabin.One is a human adventurer and the other is an elf NPC. Wang Shuang really can't think of anything they can talk about.

Even if Luoxue Qianli is here, he has more reasons to stay than Wang Shuang.One is that Luo Xueqianli accepted the yellow-grade mission he released, and the other is that the two of them are a man and a woman, and there is no need for any reason to chat.Of course, there is no such assumption for NPCs and adventurers.

So Wang Shuang was very worried.

"Adventurer, come closer." Privia waved to Wang Shuang.

Is this guy a gay?Wang Shuang felt a little unbelievable about his idea, but is it possible?It shouldn't be possible for NPCs to engage in...fucking...fucking with the players in the game, right?
However, Privia's eyes were as calm and clear as the surface of a lake, and she looked at Wang Shuang without moving.Perhaps infected by this peaceful force, Wang Shuang took two steps forward and came to Privia.

"When people get old, their eyesight has also decreased a lot." Privia rubbed her eyes, looked at Wang Shuang's chest, and said word by word: "If you read correctly, you have been given the protection of the guardian spirit of the Forest of Light." Did you choose?"

"What?" Wang Shuang didn't understand for a moment.

"Necklace." Privia touched the position of his neck, and Wang Shuang looked down. It was the red necklace that Wang Shuang put on right after it broke out.Could it be that he was looking for a brother for this piece of equipment?But what did he mean by election?
"I didn't expect the patron saint to choose a human being." Privia stroked the wristband on his wrist, and sighed like an old man. At this moment, Wang Shuang felt it very clearly. When reading novels, he usually said What does it feel like to feel like someone is ten years older in an instant?

It is not the appearance or superficial aging, but a kind of temperament, just like a person who has been persistently trying to achieve a goal. At the moment of achieving the goal, his persistence came to an end, so his whole person's momentum weakened , it seems that the whole body has lost strength.

Wang Shuang didn't know how the mood of the elderly-looking elf in front of him had changed at the moment, and he didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only stand aside and look at Privia in a daze.

After a long time, Privia finally regained his composure and raised his head to look at Wang Shuang again: "Adventurer, this is the choice of the patron saint. This necklace around your neck is the proof that you have been chosen. Ordinary adventurers When clearing the dungeon in the depths of the Forest of Light, there is a very small probability that you will be selected by the patron saint. The symbol of selection is that when you kill the final boss, the parts of the inheritance suit will explode."

Fuck, that is to say, what did you say that my brother was selected, in fact, I saw that my brother exploded this red necklace?Fuck, this joke is too big.Wang Shuang waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I exploded this piece of equipment for a special reason."

"No, adventurer, you are wrong." Privia shook her head resolutely, looking at Wang Shuang with clear eyes: "No matter what the reason is, as long as you receive the parts of the guardian angel's inheritance suit, It's like the patron saint has recognized you. You must have received the task of the patron saint."

Ah!This is what he forcibly sent to his brother. Wang Shuang opened the task list, found the inheritance task of the Guardian God of the Forest of Light, and pressed cancel——


System prompt: The main task cannot be canceled.

Brother, you have a main mission!Wang Shuang was so angry that he had the urge to smash his helmet.Privia also patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder: "Don't do this, adventurer, if you come, you will be safe. I don't think this is a bad thing for you. I heard that there are red-level missions, but many of you Adventurers can meet but can’t ask for it, you should be happy instead.”

"I'm so happy, I want to cry right now." Wang Shuang said.

(End of this chapter)

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