Chapter 168
The god of war, Qingfeng, had already left, and Wang Shuang was standing on the shore, behind him was a huge group of priests, and there were many soldiers on both sides, and they all stared at Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan.

Do you want to wait like this?
Wang Shuang thought for a while, looked at the big ship floating quietly on the sea, and shook his head.

Before setting off, Wang Shuang first sent a message to the God of War, Qingfeng: "Qingfeng, I've decided, we can't just sit on the island and attack from the sea first, and play by ear to see if we can weaken the opponent first."

With a "ding", Qingfeng, the god of war, sent a message: "How sure are you?"

Wang Shuang: "Don't worry, I have orange-level navigation skills. If I can't beat them, I will run back and change ships and continue fighting with them."

God of War Qingfeng: "Okay, then you go, be careful not to hang up, the tactics in your area are based on you, if you hang up, we won't have to fight!"

Wang Shuang: "I know."

Finally determined his tactics, Wang Shuang heaved a sigh of relief, and waved hundreds of warrior priests to board the Octopus one after another. Like last time, he ordered Li Er, a coolie, to sail the boat, while Wang Shuang stood on the bow, feeling the speed of the Octopus. The sea breeze brought by the advance, silently watching the densely packed boats approaching in the distance.

"Boss, what are we going to do now?" A soldier behind him asked.

Boss?Brother?Wang Shuang turned his head and glanced at him. It was from Tianxia, ​​a member of Tianxia Wuji Guild?Very good!
"You don't need to do anything." Wang Shuang waved his hand: "Just watch it. If they blow up our ship somewhere later, just help repair it. If our people are bombed, report it in time and Just treat it."

"Ok, I see."

Wang Shuang didn't know why he brought these people with him, but anyway, he brought them all, and sometimes more people on board means more strength.In fact, Wang Shuang wanted to bring a few of them on board at random, but he didn't want to solicit their opinions, and he was too lazy to adjust them one by one, so he simply took them all.

Li Er's speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, several small boats in the front row entered the shooting range of the dragon string artillery.Okay, if I don't bombard you now, when will I wait?Wang Shuang quickly took his position, while Li Muxuan and several warrior players were also getting ready at the cannon ports at the bow.

Bidri Machu, Long Teng Qingming and Long Teng ruffian just came out of the basement.Suddenly, the ruffian Longteng opened his chat window, his face tightened, and he said to Longteng Qingming, "Our front part has already encountered Wang Shuang, according to the screenshots sent back by our people at the scene, Wang Shuang should be driving a big boat. "

"Big boat?" Long Teng Qingming was slightly surprised: "I remember that our strategy is to encircle, let more than 5 people spread out, and surround Xianchen Island, right?"

"That's true."

"Okay, it's time for us to act now." Long Teng Qingming whistled relaxedly, with a very satisfied expression on his face: "First of all, let our people on a few nearby ships temporarily change the strategic route, and face Wang Shuang Come around in this direction."

"Come here to surround Wang Shuang?" Long Teng's ruffian was stunned for a moment: "Why is that? Shouldn't we help Wang Shuang?"

"We are helping him." Long Teng Qingming chuckled: "Aren't we gathering people to kill him? If there are fewer people, our plan will of course fail."

"This..." Long Teng ruffian was at a loss for words for a moment, and then changed the question: "Then how should we persuade the captains of those ships to change direction?"

"It's very simple. If you kill Wang Shuang, you will definitely receive Bei Jianzhu's reward when you come back." Long Teng Qingming said lightly: "The grievances between Bei Jianzhu and Wang Shuang are not small, and almost no one in the guild knows anyone. I don’t know, I guess even if I don’t say anything, the guy who killed Wang Shuang will also receive a reward from Bei Jianzhu. After all, Wang Shuang has been too busy recently, and has been on various announcements and forum headlines. Bei Jianzhu must be quite comfortable in his heart."

"Understood, I'll tell them right away." Long Teng ruffian said.

"Oh, that's right." Long Teng Qingming suddenly said: "Also, let the ships with our people, as before, dig a small hole under the cargo hold at the bottom of the ship, let the water flow in slowly, and let the water flow in slowly. They pay attention, don't attack the ship, otherwise there will be a system prompt, which will leave evidence for others."


"Hmph, how about this." Long Teng Qingming seemed to be very satisfied with his arrangement: "I have helped you like this, Wang Shuang, you can't lose. You seem to be driving a big ship very fast, and you There are also cannons, so it must be impossible to die, right?"


In the inland sea of ​​Xianchen Island, Wang Shuang just stuffed a piece of ammunition into the dragon string cannon, aimed at the entire boat in front, and fired——!
With the first bang, several players who heard the launch of the Longxian Cannon for the first time all looked terrified, and looked at the cannon next to Wang Shuang in horror.Some people couldn't help but exclaimed: "Fuck, no wonder it took time to move it up just now, so this guy is so powerful, it looks more powerful than ordinary artillery!"

"It's not just powerful." Wang Shuang smiled smugly, pointing to the sponge in the distance: "Look carefully, what kind of scene will this cannon cause?"

Wouldn't it just blow up and sink a ship at most?Several players around looked at Wang Shuang's fingers. At this time, the cannon finally landed in the middle of the first few ships. With a sound of hitting the ground, the sea water was blown up to a height of more than ten meters, and more than a dozen ships around The boat was damaged immediately after the artillery hit, and it seemed to be on the verge of sinking.

"Fuck!" Several players were speechless.

Before Wang Shuang had time to smile complacently, suddenly at this moment, dozens of small boats sank into the bottom of the sea one after another.Damn, did you see it, this range, this damage, nothing to say!
At the beginning, Wang Shuang could enjoy the sinking of dozens of small boats with the mentality of watching a good show, but later he gradually realized that something was wrong.These small boats sank a little too fast, why did the last few boats sink in one shot?They should be tens of meters away from the explosion center of the artillery, right?Did brother's artillery cover a larger area after it was equipped on the big ship?

Wang Shuang looked at the Dragon String Cannon in a daze, and checked the attributes of the Dragon String Cannon, but found that there had been no change.But the power has indeed increased.Why?
The players around him were about to look at Wang Shuang with adoring eyes. Although Wang Shuang didn't understand what was going on, he forced a smile on his face and said, "Well, I'm showing my ugliness. Let me see you again!" The guns took out the dozens of small boats they had left."

"The boss is mighty." Several players laughed loudly.

"Boss." Suddenly a player shouted: "It seems that there are more boats around us, what should we do, are we surrounded?"

Nani?When Wang Shuang heard this, he gave up the dragon string artillery and hurried to the side of the ship to look around. Sure enough, there were a lot of small boats beside him. Judging by the scale, at least most of the surrounding small boats rushed over.Fuck, could it be that brother's shot was so earth-shattering that they all came to encircle him?

Just when Wang Shuang was in doubt, a small boat came into range and fired the first shot at Wang Shuang's Octopus.

The hull of the Octopus hardly lost any blood. Wang Shuang hurriedly checked the damage figures, and he couldn't help but be happy:

System prompt: Your octopus is attacked by the player Long Teng Chasing Shadow, and the durability of the octopus is -8!

Eight points of damage, single digit damage!what is this?The durability of the Octopus is in the tens of thousands. Your damage is less than one-thousandth of it for the Octopus!Hmph, do you want to kill brother just because of this injury?Wait a few more years!

The other party could attack Wang Shuang's Octopus, so naturally Li Muxuan and the others could start to fight back with artillery. There was almost a round of bombardment on the Octopus, and the boat that had just attacked Wang Shuang sank instantly.

This is the gap!Sure enough, the big ship is awesome and doesn't explain it!

As the battle continued, players from the Longteng Guild began to pounce on Wang Shuang with all their strength. There were more and more small boats capable of bombarding Wang Shuang Octopus, but the damage figures were all in the pitiful single digits.On the other hand, on Wang Shuang's side, the dragon string cannons could take away a dozen or even dozens of small boats every time they fired, while Li Muxuan and the others could disintegrate and sink one or two small boats every time they counterattacked.

But the situation gradually became worse. With more and more small boats nearby, the durability of the Octopus began to decrease gradually.

During this process, Wang Shuang also discovered some very strange phenomena, that is, sometimes he obviously did not attack some small boats, but those small boats would sink by themselves. What is the reason for this?
Brother's arrogance is leaking?It doesn't make sense, but their own boat is sailing, so it won't sink suddenly.

It's not just Wang Shuang who can't figure it out, even the members of the Longteng Guild can't figure it out.They were planning to drive the boat to hit Wang Shuang, but the boat sank inexplicably on the way.It would have been fine if it had been sunk by Wang Shuang, but the ship sank without any attack, which made many players of the Dragon Soaring Guild unable to let go of it for a long time after their resurrection.

Bei Jianzhu was the first high-level executive to receive the news. Upon seeing the news, Bei Jianzhu's first reaction was to frown!Then I looked at the number of people who encountered this kind of problem, wondering: "It's strange, why can Wang Shuang kill so many? Even if he drives a boat and chases our guild's boats everywhere, it is impossible to bomb them in such a short period of time." sink so many ships?"

"Boss, it seems that our ship crashed into it by itself! When they saw Wang Shuang, they wanted to kill Wang Shuang first and give our guild a face!"

Bei Jianzhu was so angry that his nose was crooked: "Impossible, how could they sink Wang Shuang's boat? The speed Wang Shuang showed before was almost two or three times faster than ours! If you can’t catch up with him, what will you use to sink him? Tell me to warn the captains who are sailing, let them give up on Wang Shuang directly, and sacrifice some people to forcefully land on Xianchen Island. Our goal is not to kill the players of their guilds , nor to kill Shangshang. We will directly destroy the project they are carrying out!"


Long Teng Qingming also quickly received a series of arrangements regarding Bei Jianzhu.Looking at Bei Jianzhu's order, Long Teng Qingming couldn't help curling his lips: "Cut, it seems that we can only go here. Ruffian, what percentage of Wang Shuang's chances of winning do you think?"

"Well, it's hard to say, I'm not at the scene, so I can't make a judgment on the form of the scene."

"Hmph, that's fine." Long Teng Qingming sighed: "That's all I can do. Next, let's see what he does."

(End of this chapter)

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