Chapter 174
"Wang Shuang." Long Teng Motegi came up. Wang Shuang didn't make a move, and at the same time, he didn't let the players around him. Instead, he looked at Long Teng Motegi at the same level and asked, "Why, what do you need?"

"Of course there is something." Long Teng Mogi looked at Wang Shuang's head with more than half of the blood remaining, and his mouth was slightly bitter: "I know we have lost, I didn't come up here to explain to you, and of course I didn't come here to beg for mercy. Yes. Wang Shuang, I want to know, how did you sink all our boats from such a long distance? Some boats didn’t even have any warnings, and suddenly started to show water leakage warnings. Our people looked for them I couldn't find any water leaks for a long time, and finally I could only slowly watch the water in the cabin increase, and finally sank."

You ask bro?I don't know, Wang Shuang recalled, and there were indeed many things that were wrong at the beginning.Wang Shuang's dragon string artillery is powerful, but it's not so powerful that it can sink all the ships outside the range, right?But when facing players from the Dragon Soaring Guild, do we need to tell him the truth?
Finally, Wang Shuang frowned, and smiled at Longteng Motegi: "To be honest, I don't know either."

"I don't know." Long Teng Mogi lowered his head, thought for a while, and suddenly raised his head as if thinking of something: "Okay. Wang Shuang, we lost this time, but when I see you again next time, I hope you will still win." To have such powerful strength. We will not underestimate you next time, so be careful."

"Is this a last word?" Wang Shuang looked at Longteng Motegi and couldn't help but let out a sneer.

"Okay, I have nothing to say, just kill me." Long Teng Mogi lowered his head resignedly.

Now that he has asked for it, what else can he do?Give him a good time.

After Long Teng Mogi died, Zhanshen Qingfeng and several others also came up from behind. Zhanshen Qingfeng excitedly grabbed Wang Shuang's shoulder and shook vigorously: "Hold the grass, we won, we won! Wang Shuang, I didn't expect that we would We really won, and there are more than 5 people in the Longteng Guild, and they were actually repulsed by us!"

"Grass, you didn't expect to win when you stepped on the horse, did you?" Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing and cursing.

"Haha, no, no, although I had a little hope in my heart, I didn't expect to win so soon." Qingfeng, the god of war, scratched his head.

"It's really thanks to Wang Shuang's contribution this time." Luoxue Qianli also said with a smile, "Besides, we got a blessing in disguise and built the village chief's hall in advance."

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but exult: "What, it's finished? I saw that many projects were destroyed by the Longteng Guild..."

At this time, June Feixu came out from behind, laughed and patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder: "Those are nothing. When the system judged that we are protecting the territory, it has distributed us spoils according to the compensation rules. One of them is to immediately remove the red status of all the victorious survivors. Look, you just killed so many players of the same faction, and now you don't have the red status."

Hearing this, Wang Shuang hurriedly opened his character panel to take a look, and it really disappeared!Damn, Wang Shuang was suddenly excited. He just thought about getting rid of his fame for a long time, and even thought about whether to spend money to get rid of his fame. Unexpectedly, I like this compensation rule.By the way, the village chief's hall is also completed immediately?Wang Shuang hurriedly looked back——

A huge stone building appeared on the original open space. This building looks very huge, not tall but occupies a large area.In addition, windows and partitions are also readily available, and there are large open-air balconies in some places. Red and yellow paints outline curved and circling lines on the surface of the building, which not only decorates the exterior surface of the building, but also divides the building into sections. Several different areas and floors.

Around the building, there is a circle of simple walls and flower beds, as well as some large and small wooden signs standing up, it seems that further engineering development can be carried out.Wang Shuang walked around a few wooden signs and couldn't help being amazed.

"Adventurer!" When Wang Shuang walked to the main entrance of the village chief's hall, someone suddenly pushed open the door of the village chief's hall and walked out, startling Wang Shuang: "Haha, adventurer, I think This place is very suitable for me! As long as you nod and agree, I will immediately take the post of village chief!"

"Who is this person?" Tianxia Star, who was walking up, frowned, looking at the old man jumping up and down in front of Wang Shuang.

"I recruited the village chief." Wang Shuang sent a screenshot of his village chief skills to everyone, and asked, "How about it? If you have no objections, how about letting him be the village chief? If you have a more suitable candidate, you can also Just bring it up, let’s compare and see which attribute is better.”

Several other people shook their heads when they heard the words, which was expected by Wang Shuang.Since no one has a candidate for the village chief, Wang Shuang's original promise to the old village chief will naturally be fulfilled.


System prompt: Failing to accept fate, you need to give your village a name first.

naming?Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, then looked at the others.

God of War Qingfeng waved his hand with a face full of pain: "Just call it Longlan Village, it's just a name, why hesitate?"

Too.Wang Shuang entered the three words Longlan Village, and clicked to confirm. At this time, a window appeared in front of several other people. The system was asking all the island administrators whether to approve Wang Shuang's proposal.

Of course it passed, and it was unanimously passed.So this matter was settled directly.


System prompt: You name the newly established village Longlan Village.

System prompt: Do you want to disclose the establishment information of Longlan Village?
Wang Shuang was taken aback, and it was voted by all. Does the establishment of Longlan Village need everyone's consent to release it?

Full server announcement: The first village established by players, Longlan Village, was established, and the village chief manager Wang Shuang, Zhanshen Qingfeng, Star of the World, Molu Cabbage, Luo Xueqianli, Xue Yique, Bloody Rise and Fall, and June Feixu everyone got Level 10? ? ?Rewards, Longlan Village gets a basic population reward of 1500 and a food reward of 3000 units.


System prompt: There are a total of 3548 people in the villain pirate group, 1209 people in the Longlan pirate group, and a total of 868 people in the hidden village Kongseting Village, all of whom have joined your village head, Longlan Village.The current population of Longlan Village: 7125.

It's done, the first village has sprung up quickly, and the next step is to build houses, build water conservancy, reclaim wilderness, and wait for the day when the army and the people will be prosperous!

But what if I'm not interested in these things?Wang Shuang thought that he could finally start collecting money, but the management that would come later made him feel pained again.Fortunately, Luoxue Qianli saw Wang Shuang's embarrassment at this time, cleared his throat and said: "Then, the village has been established, let's talk about the distribution of management tasks."

As Luo Xueqianli said, he pulled down the village management option under Territory Power Management: "We can see that after the village is built, there are many buildings that can be expanded, and the village chief's hall itself also has upgrade options. Projects require sufficient manpower and resources, and all of these require everyone to work together. I suggest that we implement a daily rotation management system? That is, eight of us send people to manage the affairs of the forces every day. As for how many people to send, it is up to you It is up to us to judge by ourselves, and set the daily shift time at 11:[-] p.m. in real time. This is fair to everyone and ensures that everyone who can get benefits can contribute.”

"I have no objection." The Star of the World spoke first, and Wang Shuang looked up at him, guessing that the other party had already settled everything.Anyway, it was Luo Xueqianli's suggestion, so Wang Shuang naturally nodded, "I have no objection either."

The same goes for the remaining few people, and the longest one only thought for a dozen seconds before nodding in agreement.Then it was to roll the dice to determine the order. Wang Shuang threw two dice with a total of 8 points, ranking No.3, which meant that on the third day of each rotation, he would come out to manage the dark dragon.

Then Luoxue Qianli came forward to take care of the day when Wang Shuang was going to take care of it.In this way, after several people negotiated and decided, the matter on Xianchen Island was finalized.

"Then it's time to continue thinking about the progress of the mission." After discussing the distribution issue, Xue Yique suddenly said.She looked at the place farther away, where there were several other pirate forces in the Sighing Islands: "It's time for us to consider completing the orange-level missions."

"That's right, we've already wasted too much time on this." Under Heaven also nodded.

makes sense.However, when everyone else was looking at Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang also subconsciously glanced at the time, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: It's already past 12 o'clock, and his talent has expired. Triggered, now Wang Shuang's physical attack and physical defense drop by 50 at the same time? ? ?Magic attack and magic defense all increased by 50? ? ?Magic crit probability locked to 0?

Ma Dan, but my brother has no magic damage. By the way, the two new skills learned after the job change will also cause magic damage after the talent switch!But just two skills are not enough.The efficiency of killing monsters is greatly reduced.

Forget it, brother still doesn't think about such tangled things.Wang Shuang shook his head regretfully: "Well, at least today is not enough. I haven't slept for a long time, so I have to go offline and rest quickly."

"Sleep?" Hearing this, several other people were taken aback.

"Nani, don't you all need to sleep?" Wang Shuang was also surprised when he saw the surprised looks of the other people.

Luo Xueqianli was the first among them to react, and shook his head towards Wang Shuang: "Wang Shuang, you are different from them. You are not a professional player, so you need to go offline to rest, eat, shower and go to the toilet. But they don't. They When I need to rest, I will hand over the account to my subordinates or the studio to play on behalf of me, and I will continue to play when I have enough energy or want to go online."

"That is to say, there is a high probability that you are not you who you usually see?" Wang Shuang was surprised.

"No, this, it's not that exaggerated." War God Qingfeng waved his hand: "Most of the time we are here, only occasionally someone else is on the account, and those who can be on the account are definitely guys who can feel at ease. Don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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