It's time to play online

Chapter 188 Crazy Rush to Chenyin City's Prestige

Chapter 188 Crazy Rush to Chenyin City's Prestige

After all, it was just an ordinary white task. Wang Shuang hadn't done this kind of normal task for a long time, but he was still very unaccustomed to it.On the way, Wang Shuang even wondered whether to open the envelope, and finally took a look at the envelope, I'm fucking stupid, the envelope was not sealed!Wang Shuang took the letter out of the envelope and read it. Basically, it was a son explaining to his mother about his itinerary for the week, as well as some trivial matters in life, and telling his mother not to worry.

I am addicted to opening envelopes!Wang Shuang put the letter back into the envelope with a blushing face, and scolded himself.Go back to the place where the old lady lived just now.

"Thanks for your hard work, adventurer." The grandmother heard Wang Shuang's footsteps from a distance, and turned around and said.

"It's not hard, it's not hard." Wang Shuang wiped his sweat pretending to be very hard, and at the same time passed the envelope in his hand: "Grandma, letter!"

"Thank you." The old lady showed a faint smile on her face, but she didn't intend to reach out to accept the letter.


System prompt: You have completed the white-level task "Son's Personal Letter 1", you will get 5 experience rewards, 5 silver coins rewards, your follower Li Muxuan will get 5 experience rewards, and your reputation in Chenyin City will be 50, You lose the quest item "Spiral Ring", and you get the equipment "War Pattern Ring of Thorns".

——War pattern ring of thorns (black weapon): physical attack 10, intelligence 8, additional feature "thorns": every time it receives physical damage, reflection 5.5? ? ?to the source of damage.Requires level: 48.

Equipped?But the attribute is not very strong, Wang Shuang just took a look and threw the equipment into the backpack.Just lost the store's stuff.

It's just that Wang Shuang is a little weird that he will be given black equipment after completing the white task.I remember that when I was poor, black equipment was not so easy to get. With my brother's lucky value, I could actually send a piece of equipment by sending a letter-yes, it must be my brother's talent that comes and goes.

This episode did not attract too much attention from Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang is still paying attention to the grandmother's every move, waiting for the progress of the plot so that he can continue to the next stage of the task.At this time, the old lady didn't take the envelope from Wang Shuang's hand, but instead smiled at him: "Adventurer, I think your voice is very nice. I wonder if you can read the contents of the letter for me?"

"Ah?" Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment: "This, it's not very good, you and your son's..."


System prompt: Riggs Qilima has released the white-grade mission "Son's Personal Letter 2" to you, do you accept it?

Fuck!Wang Shuang was taken aback again, then hurriedly changed the topic, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, I read, this old man is inconvenient, of course the young adventurer has to shoulder the responsibility of reading the letter to the old man!"

After clearing his throat, Wang Shuang began to read the lengthy contents of the envelope.


About 5 minutes later, after the last sentence was finished, Wang Shuang also soon received a notification from the system ringtone.


System prompt: You have completed the white-level mission "Son's Personal Letter 2", you will get 5 experience rewards, 5 silver coins rewards, your follower Li Muxuan will get 5 experience rewards, and your reputation in Chenyin City will be 50, You get to equip "Moon Vein Necklace of Thorns".

——The Moon Vein Necklace of Thorns (black weapon): strength 12, agility 8, intelligence 8, with the feature "thorns": every time it receives physical damage, reflection 5.6? ? ?to the source of damage.Requires level: 49.

The equipment is out again. If you look carefully, it is another item lost in the store!Wang Shuang took a look at his prestige needs, and it was only two hundred points short. Adding the original several thousand points of world prestige, as long as he got another 200 points of prestige in Chenyin City, he wouldn't have to continue to suffer here!
Wang Shuang continued to stare at the grandma. Now that he finished reading the envelope, this series of missions called "Son's Personal Letter" should come to an end. Is there any follow-up mission?Wang Shuang also felt that it was impossible.

But the reality quickly slapped Wang Shuang back.After hearing the content of the letter, the old lady showed a kind smile on her face: "Adventurer, please work harder, the old man needs you to write a letter to my son, please write all the things I have read. Write it down. Can you?"


System prompt: Riggs Qilima has released the white-grade mission "Son's Personal Letter 3" to you, do you accept it?

I wipe, yes, I can still reply!Wang Shuang cheered up: "Of course, it's a great honor."

"Then listen carefully, what I want to reply is..."

After another 5 minutes, the street where Wang Shuang was located also became lively, and the number of players doing tasks like him gradually increased.And Wang Shuang, a human player like Wang Shuang, was leaning alone next to an old woman and kept recording something, which quickly attracted the attention of other players.But they are just watching.After all, they couldn't attack or use any skills against Wang Shuang in the city.

Wang Shuang, on the other hand, was too lazy to talk to them, and he couldn't help feeling a pain in his ass when he thought of the journey he was going to take.After closing the input box, Wang Shuang folded the letter paper and handed it to grandma: "Grandma, the letter—"

"Adventurer, help me by the way..." The old lady hesitated to speak.

"No problem, no problem, send it for you, right? I'll go right away." Wang Shuang laughed.

"The current adventurers are really sensible." The old lady couldn't help but praise.

After going to the post office to send the envelope, he hurried back. Wang Shuang reported the matter of the envelope to the grandmother and handed over the last part of the task.After waiting for a while, there are finally no follow-up tasks!Wang Shuang glanced at his prestige gauge, there were only 100 points left, and he could go on the road after doing two more white tasks.Ma Dan, this progress is a little faster.

"Actually, adventurer, I still have an unspeakable secret." Just as Wang Shuang was about to leave, the grandmother suddenly said again.

Nani, there is another mission, right?What brother wants now is this kind of simple and brainless task that doesn't need to go out of the city!Wang Shuang was overjoyed, turned his head and patted his chest and said proudly: "No problem, your troubles are my troubles, and I will definitely solve them. Please tell me all your troubles."

Whether you can take the carriage depends on the weight of your mission!
The old lady nodded, and suddenly stretched out her hand to grab it: "Adventurer, adventurer?"

Ok?Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw this scene, what's going on?
"Adventurers, stand up a little bit," said the old woman.

Wang Shuang took a step forward, and the old lady patted Wang Shuang's shoulder, her soft fingers were lightly clasped on Wang Shuang's shoulder, and she couldn't feel it was the old man's hand at all: "Adventurer, I think you can guess it now, that's right." , I really can't see you."

"Nani?" Wang Shuang was startled, couldn't see?Then it suddenly dawned on her—no wonder, no wonder she was willing to send brother a mission!

"Although I can't see you now, I know that my eyes are not blind, but temporarily blind. If you can help me pick a few important herbs and give them to the pharmacy to prepare two kinds of medicine, I will be able to regain my sight, please help me, I really want to see the light again."


System prompt: Riggs Qilima has issued you the purple-level mission "Rigus Longing for Light". Do you accept it?

Purple Quest!Wang Shuang's first reaction was - damn, after completing this task, the reputation is definitely enough!
It's just a purple-level task, what can't you dare to accept?Wang Shuang looked at the mission requirements again, and then glanced at the mission location, which was in the Watermark Forest outside the city.This kind of place shouldn't be that perverted job-changing monster, right?Very good, as long as he is not a job-changing monster, I have 100% confidence and certainty.What's more, brother now has two great talents to deepen his body, what can't be done?

After accepting the task, Wang Shuang was just about to set off when the grandmother suddenly stopped Wang Shuang: "Be careful, adventurer, these herbs are usually guarded by powerful monsters, and there are no such herbs in the pharmacy in Chenyin City. Those monsters are too powerful for us to provoke. You must be careful, as long as you gather the herbs."

"Okay, got it." Wang Shuang chuckled.However, even if it is a purple-level monster after the second-level enhancement, with Wang Shuang's current critical strike probability, it is only troublesome to deal with, not a threat.

Wang Shuang left the city and quickly used his stealth skills to escape quickly.A few players following behind wanted to follow Wang Shuang for a few steps at first, but after their stealth ended, Wang Shuang did not appear.It seems that it has escaped far away.

After feeling that Wang Shuang's moving speed was abnormal, several people dispersed one after another unwillingly, those who were fighting monsters, and those who were doing tasks went back to continue.

Water pattern forest, when Wang Shuang first came in, he encountered some monsters around level 40, the more he went into the forest, the more types of monsters, and the higher the level naturally.But the real difficulty is indeed the general purple task difficulty.Wang Shuang easily killed monsters all the way forward, and quickly found several kinds of herbs that needed to be used.

After all, for the current brother, purple missions and the like can be done casually.

After a moment of emotion, Wang Shuang went back to Chenyin City and found the pharmacy through the instructions on the map. Next, he only needed to make the medicine into medicine and give it to the grandmother. If he cured her blindness, he would complete the task and he could leave!
But when Wang Shuang told the apprentice of several medicinal materials and the names of the potion, the apprentice shook his head at Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, I'm sorry, we don't have the ability to prepare this potion now."

"Nani!" Wang Shuang almost spit out a mouthful of the overnight meal: "What did you say, say it again, you don't know how to make this kind of potion?"

"It's not that I don't know how to do it, but we..." Seeing Wang Shuang's surprised look, the apprentice couldn't help but smile wryly: "My master may be a little sure, but you have too few herbs, which is only enough for us to experiment once. If you fail, these herbs will disappear..."

Fuck, you guys are such good-for-nothings. Just as I thought about how this task is so simple, you slapped me backhandedly.

Low success rate, right?Wang Shuang suddenly thought of something, and a mean smile floated on his cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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