It's time to play online

Chapter 193 The Noise at the Dinner Table

Chapter 193 The Noise at the Dinner Table
The berserk attribute gives this fork 30? ? ?Physical attack, so the attribute of this fork looks abnormally high at this time.With a physical attack of up to 3510 points, Wang Shuang has a bonus of 25 in the tiger suit? ? ?Violence attribute bonus 30? ? ?Night transformation bonus 50? ? ?After taking a lot of berserk one, the physical attack is only 3700!If it was Wang Shuang before the job change, even if he was confident that he could block the attack of the fork, he would probably be pierced and killed.

However, Wang Shuang, after the job change, naturally no longer had such concerns. Looking at the fork in front of him, except for the blood bar, there was nothing else to worry about.Oh, yes, there is still blood.This fork can do one to two thousand damage to Wang Shuang once. A bottle of recovery potion immediately restores 400 points of qi and blood, and slowly restores 10 points in the next 400 seconds, which is not enough at all.

But Wang Shuang is not alone in the output.Li Muxuan also came out from behind Wang Shuang at this time, touched the fluff on her arm, and took out the tiger longbow from behind.As soon as Li Muxuan appeared, she turned on the pet soul mode without saying a word, aimed at the fork above Wang Shuang's head, and her fingers were extremely firm on the constantly shaking bowstring.

Three swish swishes, rapid fire triggers!
The three bows and arrows were nailed to the fork, and the fork suddenly took two steps back in a very humane manner, and the three damage figures on the head quickly jumped out:



Sure enough, after changing jobs, he is strong!There was a record of killing hundreds of bandits with three arrows before, and then there was a set of shooting that caused more than 2 output damage!Even though the opponent's physical defense and physical resistance have improved a lot, Li Muxuan is still improving. The damage bonus effect from the equipment almost offsets the physical defense and physical resistance bonus of the dinner fork!Although it is not as strong as Wang Shuang's almost abnormal triple crit, it is still very powerful.

Seeing the fork take two steps back—back?Wang Shuang was taken aback when he thought of this, and subconsciously looked at the wooden handle under the fork. A ball-like device was embedded at the end of the fork, and the fork was moved by the rotation of a metal ball.

Damn, this can be moved, how crazy is the designer of this dungeon!

"My lord, we can try to restrict their movement by smashing their bottoms!" Li Muxuan said suddenly at this moment.

"Smash their bottoms!" Could this ball be broken?Damn it, if the NPC says yes, then yes!Brother used to believe it without any hesitation, but today I still think about it!
Wang Shuang swung the dagger at the bottom of the fork without hesitation. The sharp edge of the tiger dagger cut a long scratch on the bottom of the fork, accompanied by a large number of sparks.The entire wooden handle of the fork also twisted instantly, as if it was too painful.

Is it broken?After Wang Shuang chopped the knife, he stared at the fork helplessly.The fork wobbled, as if it was about to fall, but in the end it straightened its wooden handle, lowered its head, and slapped the sharp metal blade on Wang Shuang's head fiercely.


It hurts so much!When Wang Shuang saw the damage figure, he was so scared that he almost turned his head and ran away. After a closer look, it turned out that it was a critical blow. Sure enough, my brother was really unfortunate.

Wang Shuang calmed down for a while, and glanced at the blood bar on the top of the fork. After going back and forth for several rounds, the fork had lost a quarter of its blood. Although it was still waving the three blades on the top of its head, But in Wang Shuang's eyes, it was not so scary anymore.

In the end, it's just a second-order white monster, and it's not that scary!
Two minutes later, Wang Shuang successfully disposed of the first fork.The fork fell slowly after a scream, and an inconspicuous cloak slipped from the cracked wooden handle.

Explosive equipment!

Wang Shuang was very excited. Yes, this is a Tier [-] equipment. Although it is only a white outfit, given how terrifying the monsters are, it must not be weaker than the Tier [-] monster equipment, right?

——Stalker Cloak (Tier 2 White Weapon): Physical Attack 100, Physical Resistance 15? ? ?Magic resistance 15? ? ?Blood 800, magic 200.Additional skill "Concealment": The cooldown time of the stealth skill is reduced by 1 second, and the duration of the stealth skill is extended by 1 second.When just out of stealth, the probability of the next critical hit increases to 100? ? ?Setting conditions: Second job transfer.Required level: level 50.

For this equipment, Wang Shuang was a little excited when he saw the second-level white equipment. He even had the urge to give up looking for the red-level equipment. Although the red equipment is good, it is only the first-level equipment.Now is the era of changing jobs for all, and the second-tier equipment is the kingly way!But when he saw the attributes and skills, Wang Shuang immediately withered.

Properties are fine.To be honest, Wang Shuang was surprised that a white weapon can add 800 points of qi and blood. It also adds a lot of physical resistance and magic resistance, but this skill... the probability of the next critical hit has increased to 100? ? ?For me, it just falls back to 0? ? ?After sneaking like a brother, he just wants to sneak attack on others. If you let your critical strike probability drop to zero, brother still sneak attack.

Wang Shuang was a little depressed, but he still threw the equipment into his backpack.Anyway, equipment like this cannot be wasted.When the bag is full, clean up some useless equipment.

Moving on, Wang Shuang's attention was suddenly attracted by the appearance of the metal utensils sitting in a group in front.Taking advantage of the triggering of his talent, Wang Shuang took a few steps forward—this time in front of him was a knife and several forks!

What the hell is this dungeon, what are you doing with a bunch of forks and a knife, in a meeting?Wang Shuang looked at them in bewilderment, glanced at their attributes, and didn't dare to go directly to do it.Wang Shuang continued to move forward while he was still in the stealth state. After walking for a while, he saw quite a few forks standing together, or a knife with several forks.The light was dim, and Wang Shuang couldn't see their specific appearance clearly.

"My lord, let's move on. These tableware seem endless. I don't think it's a wise choice to fight them." Wang Shuang called Li Muxuan out when his stealth skills were cooling down. He originally planned to tease her, but Li Muxuan was serious Wang Shuang couldn't help but become serious with his appearance.

"Baby, are you saying that there may be a turning point ahead?" Wang Shuang asked after listening to Li Muxuan's words.

"Anything is possible." Li Muxuan nodded with certainty.

Wang Shuang glanced at his stealth skill cooling bar, it was completely cooled down.Now that there is a turning point ahead, don't waste time on these knives and forks.

As Wang Shuang moved forward and kept groping, Wang Shuang gradually felt that there seemed to be a light in front of him calling him.What Li Muxuan said is correct, there is indeed a huge...sink in front of her?That's right, it's the sink!Moreover, there is a huge incandescent lamp above the sink, and its size is almost dozens of times larger than the incandescent lamps Wang Shuang has seen... No, it should be that Wang Shuang has shrunk too much now, so he looked at everything. Time will feel bigger.

The scene in front of me is really a group of demons dancing wildly!On the edge of the sink, countless knives, forks, spoons, and chopsticks were whispering to each other. Their heads collided with each other, making the sound of clanging metal.Wang Shuang didn't feel anything just now, but once he got here, not to mention the effect of skills, just listening to the noise would knock Wang Shuang's head big.

"What?" Wang Shuang angrily summoned the system elf, turned off the game sound effects, and the whole world instantly became quiet.It's just that, Wang Shuang couldn't hear what Li Muxuan said.

Fuck, what's the matter, wait until the fight is over!Wang Shuang saw a huge vortex in the center of the sink. There was a big portal sign on the vortex. Presumably the vortex in the sink was the portal to the next map.Since this is the case, let Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan clean up all the knives and forks around them and hurry up!

Now it's time to deal with the table knife. Wang Shuang first sneaked up and read out the attributes of the front table knife.

——The Noisy Table Knife [King Kong] (White-LV50): HP 370000, Physical Attack 2300, Physical Defense 3640, Physical Resistance 30? ? ?Magic attack 1600, magic defense 3000, magic resistance 50? ? ?Abilities: normal attack, noisy aura, iron body.

——The halo of noise: the radius of the halo is 25 meters, and when the fork attacks within the range, the critical strike probability increases by 25?

——Iron body: Physical and magic damage caused by 10? ? ?10 physical and magical damage to self at that time?

Fuck, the physical defense is ridiculously high!And what about this noisy halo, the chance of critical strike increases by 25? ? ?Brother's aura of doom is here, your chances of critical strikes are destined to be scumbags!

Wait, so the fork was able to critically attack brother just now, and you were behind it?Very good, I want to annihilate you one by one, starting with the table knife!At this time, Wang Shuang suddenly noticed that the name of the table knife was followed by a [King Kong] attribute. Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan now only have two attributes: [Violent] and [Strong Body]. As for [King Kong], it seems No one has found out where the King Kong Strange Book will appear.

However, Wang Shuang already knows the effect of this attribute. The values ​​of this table knife are similar to those of the fork just now, but there is only one whose physical defense is ridiculously high. I am afraid that this attribute is causing trouble again. Contact Wang Shuang to take one After King Kong One, the physical defense increased by 10 points. It is almost guessed that the effect of this attribute is actually a permanent increase of 30 points? ? ?defense.

But now that [King Kong] has appeared, it won't be long before the players explore the King Kong Book.

Wang Shuang asked Li Muxuan to come out first, and shot a quick shot at the table knife from a distance.After the table knife sensed the pain, its wooden handle straightened very straight, and it turned towards Wang Shuang and started running towards Wang Shuang.The forks around me seemed to be affected by the knife, and rushed over one after another.

Sure enough, this way of hooking monsters won't work!Wang Shuang snorted softly, and rushed forward with the dagger in hand, while Li Muxuan stood still and continued to output wildly at the fork.

(End of this chapter)

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