It's time to play online

Chapter 200 Skill Enhancement

Chapter 200 Skill Enhancement


——Shadow Strike LV1: Quickly rush to an enemy within a radius of 20 meters, according to the effect of reversal of life and evil, deal 700 100 to a single target?Reasonable attack 75?magic attack damage, and has 20? ? ?Causes a dizzy effect, 20? ? ?Causes armor-piercing effect, 20? ? ?Inflicts Weakness for 2.25 seconds.

——黑白风暴LV1:根据命魔逆转的效果,对自身半径12米内敌人造成600 85?理攻击 85?法攻击的伤害,并有20???附加灼烧或中毒状态,持续10秒。

All three skills have been strengthened, and the reversal of fate is still on the basis of the original moon night transformation, and the weakened part has been cut off!
Even so, Wang Shuang was so angry that he almost jumped up and fought Chic desperately.Other skills don't matter, but what's the matter if you forget about stealth?Wang Shuang couldn't help but open his skill list to have a look. Now his combat skills have been cleared except for "Assassin's Heart".

What's going on, is it because the job change is completed, so all the skills of the previous job have to be cleared?But when I completed the pirate job change, these skills were still there!Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that he still had a sub-job of Doom Pirates, and quickly opened the sub-job panel to see that the sub-job was still there!What about skills?Open the skill panel, it's still there!Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily it wasn't too bad.

"Why, are you pitying your stealth skills?" Chick saw through Wang Shuang's thoughts again.

"Of course." Wang Shuang said aggrievedly when he heard this, "Without stealth, I'm just an assassin."

"Assassins are mainly about assassination and critical strikes. What you need to do is, under various circumstances, surprise and assassinate the mission target, and try to ensure that you escape unscathed." Chick laughed loudly after speaking: "As for Stealth is optional!"

"Then, then you should send me some skills as compensation!" Wang Shuang couldn't help but said.

"That's for sure, I'm your mentor, what's a job change without a mentor! And now, I'm going to complete your real job change for you!" Chick said word by word, each note After falling to the ground, they all let out a powerful roar.Hearing this, Wang Shuang's blood boiled again.

"That's enough, I don't think the previous skills are dispensable, so tell me quickly what skills I can learn!" Wang Shuang said.

"Okay, then you can take care of it." Chick said, and lightly tapped Wang Shuang's forehead.


System prompt: You have learned the occupational passive "twin way".

——Twin Way: Your critical strike damage is affected by all your attributes, and every 1 point of your physical attack will increase by 0.005? ? ?Crit damage, every 1 point of your magic attack will increase by 0.005? ? ?Crit damage.

A class passive that looks good.Of course, for the current Wang Shuang, the impact is not great.Because Wang Shuang's physical attack is only close to 4000 now, after this passive bonus, Wang Shuang is equivalent to an extra 20? ? ?of critical strike damage.

Wang Shuang's basic crit damage is 300? ? ?Get an extra 20? ? ? 320? ? ?Now, many mobs have 10,000+ blood, and bosses generally have millions of blood, so the damage increase is not very obvious for the time being.But it probably won't take long for this passive to show his truly terrifying side.

"Then, let's learn skills."


System prompt: Twin Assassin Career Mentor - Chick Norveau will open the store mode interface for you, and you can buy items from Chick afterwards.

Buy something?Wang Shuang was taken aback, and opened the store list, and sure enough, he saw a row of skills that all required gold coins to learn.Fuck!You are stuck in this dungeon, you can't even get out, and you still ask your brother for money?

Wang Shuang said whatever he wanted: "Teacher, what do you need gold coins for now? Why don't you let me save some money to buy potions, your disciple is poor recently!"

Chic smiled awkwardly: "Well, I really can't help it. As for why you need to charge gold coins... because this is a rule, I didn't make this rule, and I can't help it. Moreover, the more powerful we Hidden occupations, whether it is learning skills or daily expenses, are always two or three times more than other occupations."

——Ah, Wang Shuang almost spit out the last night's meal when he heard this.Two or three times more, as expected, high-end players are not something I can afford to play, and the ultimate goal of the game is to allow players to recharge.If you charge more money, can even this NPC move out directly?

Is the hidden job of brother changing a job a profit or a loss?Wang Shuang, who was about to doubt his life, couldn't help thinking at this moment.

But I have to say that although the several skills sold by Cheek seem expensive, adding up to about [-] gold coins to learn all of them, each skill looks very useful, unlike the past all damage skills, this time Wang Shuang finally felt like he was playing a high-end hidden profession.

——Arrow Counter Lv1: When receiving a long-range attack, you can actively activate this skill to prevent damage, and throw the arrow back to the source of the damage. If the arrow causes damage, the damage value will be 1.1 times the original value.Learning fee: 10000 gold coins.

There is nothing to say about this skill, it seems to be a common skill for elf players.Wang Shuang also once heard from them that Xiasen Kingdom's accomplishments in long-range attacks are almost unmatched by other countries.As for preventing and blocking long-range attacks, the opponent naturally put in a lot of effort.After all, before defending against outsiders, the first thing they have to face is their own people.However, the cost of learning a skill is [-] gold coins, which is a bit expensive.

——Road Blocking Lv1: Reduce the target by 15? ? ?movement speed for 3 seconds.If within 3 seconds, the opponent chooses to turn his head and run away, he will get a chance to dash forward, teleport to the opponent's side immediately, and immediately cause 800 50x physical attack 50?Magic attack damage, and have 0? ? ?Chance to stun the target for 2 seconds.Learning fee: 16000 gold coins.

This skill is pretty good for chasing down enemies, but it's just the characteristics of the skill, and there's still 0? ? ?The probability of dizziness, Wang Shuang can only hehe.

——匕首风暴Lv1:主动激活获得相当于最大气血x30???盾,护盾在每次受到攻击时,都会对身边的敌人造成300 80?理攻击的伤害,并加快自身20???速度和20???速度。学习费用:8000金币。

This is amazing. Just imagine if Wang Shuang is trapped in a group of hostile players, and the enemies in the distance shoot at him wildly with long-range attacks. Then Wang Shuang only needs to run around, and the shield on his body can continuously cause damage and kill Wang Shuang. Everyone around Shuang was killed!Damn it, hold on, brother will use this cheap trick to deal with you in the future, such as the Twilight guild last time!How dare you find a group of melee fighters to hold you back this time?This shield directly kills all of you in seconds!But why did it sell for 8000 gold coins? Could it be that the actual combat effect is not as good as I thought?
——Dark Lurking Lv1: Enter the stealth state immediately after activation, 25 in the stealth state? ? ?speed, and gain 20 when out of stealth? ? ?speed.When being watched by a high-level creature, there are 36? ? ?The rate is seen through the stealth state.Learning fee: 20000 gold coins.

Fuck, this is equivalent to the original stealth, and it's even worse!The original stealth also has a time limit for being invisible. This skill seems to mean that as long as you don't take the initiative to show up, or if you are discovered by the enemy, you can keep sneaking forever!Maybe I can always follow a certain player who I don’t like, wait for them to open the boss, and then reappear at the last moment to snatch their boss, and snatch the rewarded equipment... Isn’t it bad brother? ?Playing games is all about being bad, otherwise how would those garbage know that they are garbage?Haha, wahahahaha!

Wang Shuang learned all the skills one by one, and cleared the store list at once.Seeing Chike applauding with satisfaction, Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel happy.It's just that I seem to have forgotten something.

Wang Shuang really forgot some things!Just after he finished learning the skill, Chick clapped his hands, and suddenly waved to Wang Shuang: "By the way, adventurer, I have a hidden skill to teach you here, do you want to learn it?"

"There are hidden skills?" Wang Shuang said casually: "I must learn, hidden skills, hidden occupations, these are necessary!"

"Okay, okay." Chick couldn't help applauding when he heard the words, and grinned, showing his big yellow teeth: "Let's take a look, although it's just an incomplete skill, I think it's better than nothing. What's more, your luck That's great, this skill should be more effective for you."

After he finished speaking, he clasped his hands together, and a skill was slowly picked up and displayed in front of Wang Shuang.

——雷之力(残缺)Lv1:普通攻击有85???触发,召唤一道天雷劈向目标,造成500 60?理攻击 120?法攻击的伤害。学习费用:10万金币。

Fuck, 85? ? ?Trigger skills at a high rate, which is equivalent to releasing a single-target skill per attack.It's simply a magical skill!Look at the price again, what the hell, you are stealing money!

"How about it, if it is completed, the trigger probability will rise to 30??? It can cause an additional spell damage every three attacks." Qi Ke couldn't see the trigger probability of Wang Shuang now, otherwise it might be Frightened and sat on the ground.

What, complementary skills?You think too much, there are as many such incomplete skills as there are, I strongly beg for this incomplete magic skill with an ultra-low trigger probability!
(End of this chapter)

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