It's time to play online

Chapter 209 For a Better Future

Chapter 209 For a Better Future
After several people decided to go directly to meet the pirate fleet next, they each returned to their own ships.Wang Shuang was about to return to his Dragon Tooth Boat when he was suddenly pulled back by Xue Yique.

"What's the matter?" Wang Shuang glanced at Luoxue Qianli who had stopped walking, pulled his hands, and found that the other party was holding tightly, so he had to ask in desperation.

Xue Yique raised his head and looked at Wang Shuang with a bit of resentment in his eyes: "Wang Shuang, why do you say, when they usually talk to me, they always feel like I am a child?"

"..." Wang Shuang twitched the corners of his mouth, and finally he could only say, "I, I don't know."

Seeing that Xue Yique was still pouting, and he didn't intend to let go of Wang Shuang's hand, Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling a pain in the gut.After racking his brains, Wang Shuang said, "Maybe it's because of your height?"

Hearing this, Xue Yique raised her head suddenly, the speed was comparable to lightning, her eyes shone with a frightening light, Wang Shuang almost knelt down for her when she saw it: "Sister, sister, I was wrong, you are not short, you are taller than me!" I'm tall." Saying that, Wang Shuang bent his knees, pressing his body down a head lower than Xue Yique.

"Good boy." Xue Yique's complexion quickly turned cloudy, and she laughed happily, and then she quickly said: "By the way, you should call me sister Que like last time."

"Ang, sister Que." Wang Shuang smiled wryly.

Xue Yique laughed heartily, disregarding his image, making flowers tremble wildly.

She let go of Wang Shuang's arm, waved her hand, and turned her head away.

Just as Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt his arms tighten. He turned his head and saw that Luoxue Qianli had already walked beside him, looking at the floor in front of him: "Wang Shuang, come with me, we Many people in the guild want to see you."

"Is it possible?" She suddenly turned her head, her eyes were as black as ink, as deep as the night sky, but it was full of stars.Wang Shuang felt the door of his heart being knocked, as if he was bathed in the spring breeze.

"Okay, of course it's no problem." Wang Shuang replied.

Luoxue Qianli showed a beautiful smile when she heard the words, her lips were pursed, the corners of her mouth curled up, and dimples appeared on her face.

That's great, even if this game can't bring me real income, I'm still willing to go online every day.

Wang Shuang couldn't help sighing.

The others also returned to their respective boats, and Xue Yique, who arrived later, also came back, and the vice president of the Bloodstain Guild, Bloody Xingshuo, came up to him at this time: "President, why are you so slow? The other guilds are starting to leave. "

"Go and hook up with Wang Shuang." Xue Yique said without changing his expression.

"How do you feel?" Hearing this, Bloody Rise and Fall was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly asked.

"It doesn't feel like that, it's just like that, stupid, but there is Luoxue Qianli guarding it every day, just like a family heirloom."

"Of course, anyway, Wang Shuang is now a well-known player in every race. Although there are some bad reviews, they are better than us. We are now in the world. The positioning is still just a second-rate guild among human players."

"No, round of seniority, we are indeed relatively second-rate. But looking at the power comparison in "Star Wish", we still have the upper hand. Although it is not a super first-class guild like Longteng Guild, it is also similar to the God of War Alliance and the others. First class guild."

"Yes..." Bloody Xinghua agreed a few times, then asked suddenly: "I just had a few urgent emails, I couldn't make up my mind, so I forwarded them to your mailbox, have you read it?"

"Not yet, I'm so tired today, but I'll take care of it now." Xue Yique groaned and let out a long breath.

"...May I ask what you just ran to talk to Wang Shuang?"

"It's nothing, I forced him to call me sister, you didn't see it, his expression is really exciting, what's even more exciting is the expression of Luo Xueqianli, laughing..." Xue Yique said, suddenly began to let out a smirk the sound of.

"I always feel that you are only happy because he called you sister?"

"Hmph, so what?" Xue Yique pursed his lips and snorted, but a smile appeared on his face.

Bloody Xingshuo hesitated for a moment: "Sister, Sister Que, come do you feel?"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh And Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... , Holy shit, your words can directly make me lose my fighting power, it's too scary!"

After finishing speaking, he clasped his hands around his chest and grabbed his arms, with alternate expressions of disgust and disgust on his face.

Bloody Rise and Fall: "I'm such a fucking dog..."


The fleets of several guilds began to move one after another, and Wang Shuang also started to communicate with his assistant head via remote.

"Captain, what's our plan for the next step?" Sykes' tone still seemed to be full of enthusiasm, as if he wanted to do something else: "We have already eliminated one of the adventurer forces, should we also give the other force along? Eliminate it?"

"No hurry, no hurry." Wang Shuang sent a message to comfort Sykes: "Hey, Sykes, listen carefully, our current situation is that we have already occupied the bounty island, right?"

Sykes was taken aback, and nodded: "Yes, Captain, now Bounty Island is our home—of course it is also your home. As long as the leader needs it, we will immediately build a church on the island, and the leader can do it in the future." The dead are resurrected here, anyway, what we have now is money, we can still—"

"No, no." Wang Shuang replied with a smile: "These are not the most important, let me ask you, do you think this is enough now?"

"We are like this now——Leader, what do you mean?" Sykes seemed to have noticed that Wang Shuang had something to say.

"Sikes, have you ever thought that if we can take down the entire Sighing Islands and unify all other pirate forces, will we be more comfortable then than we are now?"

"That's natural, Commander." Sykes said, and then said: "It's just that neither our strength nor our money support us to launch such a large-scale battle, and we can't get together a response in a short time." After all, most of our pirates are relatively free, and most of them work with us for gold coins. If you want to talk about working hard for us to conquer the world, I guess many pirates will choose to leave..."

"Fuck, peat world!" Wang Shuang couldn't help but spouted, "It's the Sighs Islands, just a small Sighs Islands. Our sphere of influence has changed from a bounty island to an entire Sighs Islands, understand? "

"I... understand, but even if it is the Sighing Islands, we have to think about it in the long run."

"Okay, there's no need to think long-term." Wang Shuang said proudly.

"Eh? But the Holy Sword Pirates and the Biya Pirates probably won't agree, and although we are invincible at sea, we are completely invincible in land warfare. After landing, all the adventurers on the dark dragon lane will probably be invincible." You can hang us."

Fuck, the current NPCs are so fashionable, they can use them for hanging and beating.At this time, Wang Shuang had returned to the Dragon Tooth Boat from the snow-fallen boat, and was sitting at the stern of the Dragon Tooth Boat. When he saw Sykes sending such a message on the big screen in front of him, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch. With a sinister arc, his fingers quickly jumped on the keyboard: "It's okay, we just need to cooperate with them, and the Islands of Sighs are ours!"

"Cooperation? Those adventurers have always acted crazily, and we are not as good as them in the land station. If we are approached by them, I am afraid that we will be wiped out in an instant! Captain, think twice."

"Fuck, you are afraid of a fart, I am also an adventurer, don't you know? You know, are you afraid?"

"This...but you are the leader."

"Hey, that's it. I know these adventurers, and they are completely trustworthy. Besides, why are you talking so much now, just do what you say, understand?"

"...Understood. Then the leader, what are we going to do now?"

Wang Shuang's fingers flicked on the keyboard: "Let the adventurers approach you, then declare surrender, disband the Qiujin Pirates, and swear to join the Dark Dragon Lane."

The other party was silent for a long time, until Wang Shuang became a little impatient, and finally sent a message: "Captain, this means that I will no longer be the assistant to the chief of the Qiujin Pirates, and neither will you. Captain of the Qiujin Pirates, are you really all right?"

"Don't worry, to tell you the truth, the Dark Dragon Lane is also my territory, so you join the Dark Dragon Lane, which is equivalent to changing your allegiance to me. And we will join forces, and after strengthening our own strength, we will sweep this place. Wouldn't it be easier to see the Isles of Sighs?"

"Really? Dark Dragon Lan is also the leader's force?"

Damn, isn't there a system master standing behind your NPC? If you don't understand, you can ask her.

Wang Shuang's egg hurt a bit, and he replied with a hmm.The other party immediately said firmly: "Understood, my assistant to the leader was given by the leader, and now I should return it to the leader. The object of our Qiujin Pirates' allegiance in the future is still the leader, everything is just changed. In this form, we... for the future of the Jojin Pirates, for our better future, and for the bar girl Siris, I am at the command and decision of the captain.”

For some reason, Wang Shuang looked at the words on the screen and suddenly felt like crying.From scratch, from the time when the Qiujin Pirates took his turn, and now they are finally disbanding, Wang Shuang just killed the three original captains, and then appointed someone to be the assistant to the captain. Run away to play elsewhere.

God knows how much effort the assistant head has put in to handle the relationship between the pirates well, to make those pirates willing to serve him, Wang Shuang, and to take the initiative to defend the bounty island... Now Wang Shuang thinks about it The Joojin Pirates were about to be disbanded soon, together with his position as assistant to the leader, and Sykes had no complaints, but expressed his willingness to obey.

What about talking about a better future... What nonsense, my brother is really an unreliable guy.

(End of this chapter)

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