Chapter 212 Lost

The person in front was taken aback when he heard the words, and turned to look at Wang Shuang.

As for Molu Xinghe, Wang Shuang was very impressed.I met some time ago when I was fighting against the Longteng guild. He is a very weird priest, a priest who can sneak and block with a staff.

Her talent is as strange as Wang Shuang, so she can learn the skills of assassins and paladins.At this time, I met Wang Shuang on the streets of Kuoye City. After a moment of surprise, the other party came up: "Wang Shuang? Is there something wrong?"

"It's okay, where are you going?" Wang Shuang, who had nothing to do, asked painfully.

Molu Xinghe said solemnly: "Me? There is a shortage of pastors at the president's side. I'll go over and help. What can I do?"

Wang Shuang pondered: "If you want to talk about things, there are really. You can help me ask your president later, if there are any sales outlets for the King Kong Book, the Demon Gang Book and the Boiling Book? Help me buy one of each... No, buy two sets."

Molu Xinghe nodded: "Understood, but you should have the president's contact information, right?"

Wang Shuang laughed: "Don't bother me, let's mention it to her when you arrive."

"Okay, then I'll go."


Wang Shuang came to the wild of Kuye City and began to look for sika deer with only more than 20 levels.Soon Wang Shuang found the place where the sika deer was killed, summoned Li Muxuan and Li Er, and began to sweep the surrounding monsters one by one.This time Li Er did not enter the soul-loving mode, and it was the first time Wang Shuang saw Li Er fighting in her original form.

Li Er thought that because there was no way to change jobs, its own attributes were not very strong, and its attack methods were only simple ordinary attacks.But with the level advantage of 47, Li Er still easily crushed the sika deer with only over 20 levels.

Needless to say, Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan, a single range of damage can often instantly kill three or four sika deer, but because the area is too large, the distribution of sika deer is also very wide, so although Wang Shuang's area of ​​effect skills have a large area, they can't cover them. To a few, I can only watch my task progress bar slowly increase.

"Damn it, that person... a monster every second of a knife."

"Isn't that nonsense, people are more than 50 levels, and they have all completed their job transfers. What's so special about one knife?"

"Look, there is another NPC and a pet helping him kill monsters... Could it be some kind of mission?"

"It must be like this, let's go, there is nothing to see, we also have our own tasks to do."

A few onlookers passed by from a distance, and Wang Shuang continued to sweat on the Kuoye Plain.

About half an hour later, Wang Shuang completed the mission requirements, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and returned to Kuoye City, ready to hand in the mission.

"Adventurer, finally finished killing?" A bearded officer approaching him snorted softly, pointing to the wall calendar on the wall: "Do you know what day it is today? I know that you killed these 1200 sika deer, it has passed How long has it been?"

"I don't know, how long?" Anyway, it was only a black-level task, and it was accepted when it was less than [-]th level. Naturally, Wang Shuang didn't dare to ask for a generous reward.Anyway, it's just a routine of producing equipment. If you produce any equipment, you have to throw it in the store.

It's a black mission, what kind of equipment can it produce?
The bearded chief roared for more than ten seconds, probably tired, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and snorted coldly: "Adventurer, if you are so slow next time, your daily task rewards will be withheld!"

"Oh, buck it up, there won't be a next time anyway." Wang Shuang said heartily that brother is so busy now, who will do the daily tasks for you.

"You don't seem to care much?" The bearded officer immediately rolled his eyes and shouted: "Okay, then how about I count your failure in this daily mission?"

"Fuck, you count." Wang Shuang also stared at him.


System prompt: Your black-grade mission Hidden dangers outside Kuano City failed, your reputation in Kuano City -400, and you lost 70 experience points.

At such a moment, Wang Shuang was so angry that his seven orifices almost smoked.Although these punishments are trivial, 400 reputation and 70 experience are nothing worth mentioning to Wang Shuang, but when has he been teased by an NPC like this?

Playing games is just for fun, players are jumping around, and it’s fine if you keep stepping on brother, is it reasonable for you to step on the horse NPC to be arrogant?

Wang Shuang felt angry when he thought about it, but now he is in the city, and he has nothing to do with this NPC.

"Okay, the mountains and rivers take turns, just wait and see." Wang Shuang snorted, anyway, this black-grade task finally disappeared from his task bar, and his task bar finally lightened the burden again. good thing.

Finally cut off a task again, Wang Shuang continued to look at his task bar, and there were several other colors mixed in the red.

Fuck, the rest is the highlight!Wang Shuang first opened the map and searched. The nearest quest location was near Kuoye City. This quest was... the quest for the inheritance of the Guardian God of the Forest of Light - Inheritance Suit Breastplate!

It is the task of collecting red equipment!Wang Shuang cheered up. Although the inheritance set is a first-tier equipment, the second-tier dungeon is too difficult now, and Wang Shuang has never seen any news about the second-tier dungeon on the human side. It seems that he can only wait for the game to be updated. Look again.The only dungeon that Wang Shuang knew about was the Noisy Prom dungeon, and Wang Shuang even struggled to pass a white level difficulty.

So for the time being, although the second-tier equipment is good, it is temporarily untouchable equipment for Wang Shuang.For now, let's look at the present and collect this set of inheritance suits first.

Following the instructions of the map, Wang Shuang quickly found a large mountain with strange rocks in the north of Kuoye City.

At the foot of Tianpo Mountain, Wang Shuang felt a little speechless, maybe he didn't expect this task to be so easy.Wang Shuang had just arrived, and immediately discovered the information about the inheritance suit breastplate.The breastplate was emitting a faint red light at this time, and an NPC was wearing it, bowing his head and thinking about something.

Wang Shuang glanced at the head of the NPC, and found that the NPC turned out to be a guy with a yellow name.What does the yellow name mean?It means that he is not a member of the Lionheart Kingdom, but he is not an enemy of the Lionheart Kingdom either.Could it be a human force outside the Lionheart Kingdom?
Fuck, I still care so much about him at this time, since I'm not one of my own, of course I'm going to kill people and seize treasures!

Wang Shuang activated the skill Dark Lurking, walked around to him from behind, took out a dagger and gestured behind his back. Everything was ready, Wang Shuang glanced at the skill bar, and after thinking about the sequence of skills to be activated, he left suddenly. Darkness lurks invisibility.

Darkness lurks immediately after leaving the stealth state, providing 20? ? ?speed!

The speed of Wang Shuang's knife was extremely fast, and it landed firmly on the opponent's neck, breaking a large bloodstain.The other party suddenly raised his head, and immediately met Wang Shuang's eyes.At the same time, Wang Shuang also saw the personal information written on the other party's head at this time.

The Lost - Willow Lotus City - LV48.

But only level 48.The blood bar on the other party's head suddenly lost a lot, and roughly estimated that it accounted for about one-tenth of his total qi and blood.

If it's not a second-stage monster, it's easy to kill!Just as Wang Shuang was about to continue to fight, he looked at the opponent's appearance and suddenly froze for a moment.

"You...what's the matter?" Wang Shuang's dagger cut his neck again, seeing that the name on the other's head was still yellow, he couldn't help but put down the dagger and asked.

"I don't know either." He finally responded to Wang Shuang, and shook his head towards Wang Shuang.

Fuck it, it hurts.Wang Shuang didn't know what to do now. Logically speaking, after being attacked, a monster with a yellow name would immediately turn into a hostile red name, and would not recover until the battle was over.And those who kill too many players will continue to be red.Although the monster in front of him was in human form and had a humanoid appearance, but after Wang Shuang slashed him twice, the other party had no intention of fighting back at all.

Not only did he not fight back, but the name on his head was still yellow. What does this mean?It means that he has no hostility towards Wang Shuang.

A monster that can't fight back, have you seen it?Wang Shuang remembered that when he was at level one, he was walking on the grassland and encountered monsters like rabbits and chickens with 10 blood points.But facing the strange behavior of this NPC, Wang Shuang fell into deep thought.

Why didn't the opponent fight back?Why is the other party here?And the title before his name, The Lost One... what's going on?

Could it be?Wang Shuang suddenly thought of a possibility, that's right, followers in the wild!Could this guy be a follower that was randomly spawned in the field, and he was planning to offer it to players for recruitment!Can you recruit?Let's talk about the properties!


System prompt: You do not have permission to view the other party's attributes.

What the hell is going on?permission denied?Wang Shuang was completely shocked. Brother can scan even the head and deputy head of the pirate group like Lothak and Qira who are more than 90 levels. Why don't you show me your attributes?
"Adventurer, don't try it, it won't work." At this time, the other party shook his head again, his face as confused as ever.At the same time, the blood on the opponent's head began to heal quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the blood lost by Wang Shuang's two cuts was immediately replenished.

Wang Shuang was so shocked that his eyeballs fell out of their sockets.

At this time, Wang Shuang thought for a while, and decided to hand Li Er over for questioning.

Li Muxuan was first summoned by Wang Shuang, followed by Li Er.When the Yushun cat first appeared, Wang Shuang grabbed the soft fur on the other's back, grabbed it from Li Muxuan's shoulder and threw it on the body of the lost Liu Hecheng: "Hey, Li Er, do you know what's going on with this guy? "

"It hurts, meow, Li Er's back... Hey, why is this person so strange?" Li Er suddenly exclaimed excitedly, and walked around Liuhe City several times, as if he had discovered a new continent.

"What happened to him?" Wang Shuang asked confusedly.

"He seems... lost?" Li Er replied with her head tilted.

Fuck, isn't this riding a horse nonsense!Wang Shuang pointed at the breastplate on the opponent's chest angrily: "Then tell me, is there any way I can replace the breastplate on his body?"

"It's simple, just kill him. Although his blood recovery ability is unique, I believe that my master is enough to beat his blood recovery speed. With you, it is easy to kill him. When he died, he had 100?? ? Dropped the breastplate on his body."

"Okay, so that's the case, then look at me!" Wang Shuang geared up and planned to start work.

"Adventurer, stop." At this time, Liu Hecheng sighed suddenly: "If you kill me, you will only add trouble to yourself. Because the probability of me dropping the breastplate after death is, for you, Not 100??? It's a desperate 0???."

(End of this chapter)

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