It's time to play online

Chapter 222 Wang Shuang's Mother

Chapter 222 Wang Shuang's Mother

Now Wang Shuang no longer has the spirit of his student days, and he can stay up all night without getting tired.Last night, I just stayed up all night for a while, and when I woke up, I found that it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.The sun outside the window had already begun to fall, Wang Shuang wiped his face, washed his face, took his mobile phone and went downstairs to have lunch.

When Wang Shuang was still in the corridor, he took out his mobile phone, and was just about to browse the updated content of the forum, when he suddenly saw the text message from his mother in the morning, and his head went blank.

Look at the time again, what time did you come?Damn it, it's seven o'clock in the morning!It's already three o'clock in the afternoon. It took my mother almost 8 and a half hours to arrive when she came here. From morning to now, just over eight hours have passed!
Isn't she almost here?Wang Shuang took out his mobile phone and was about to type a message that he hadn't come back, so as to prevent his mother from coming to visit him. In a blink of an eye, he glanced down and saw the familiar face warmly greeting him.

Wang Shuang couldn't help covering his face, holding the phone in his hand for a long time, he didn't know how to react, and finally had to go downstairs to meet her.

Wang Shuang's mother's name is Zhou Zhuoyan. Wang Shuang doesn't know much about his mother when she was young.But whenever he hears his mother's name, Wang Shuang can always hear some bits and pieces of praise.

Maybe an anchor who retired a long time ago?Or a well-known professional player?My mother never told Wang Shuang about her youth, but she often took Wang Shuang to play various stand-alone games when she was young.

Thanks to those games, Wang Shuang has mastered many difficult games since then.Even when playing an online game like Star Wish for the first time, Wang Shuang could quickly adapt.

Now that Wang Shuang and his mother met each other, Wang Shuang saw her holding a big suitcase in her hand, and his heart skipped a beat, and he was a little flustered: "Mom, want to be with me. Live here permanently?"

Fuck, for a day or two, I can still use excuses such as vacation after a business trip. If she lives here permanently, would I have to go out every day to find a job just to hide the fact of playing games?
What's worse, brother's gaming helmet is still on the bed!Wang Shuang suddenly remembered this, and almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.Now he can't wait to rush upstairs, hide his game helmet and equipment first, and then come down to see his mother!

But is it possible?Wang Shuang smiled apologetically, and went up to meet her, reaching out to help her carry her luggage.

"What's the matter." But the mother suddenly retracted her hand and looked at Wang Shuang: "Why are you smiling so cheaply? What have you done? Lost your job? Broke up with your girlfriend?"

"I'm the fuck..." Wang Shuang couldn't help but smiled wryly: "When did I have a girlfriend? How can I break up without a girlfriend?"

"Well, that's right." Mom nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Then what did you do wrong?"

"I..." Wang Shuang felt a breath in his chest: "Why did I do something wrong, and I didn't say anything, okay?"

"Hey, don't I understand you after raising you so much?" Mom smiled, and then her face suddenly became serious: "Tell me, did you lose your job?"

When Wang Shuang heard this, his heart beat suddenly.How about explaining it like this?Anyway, my brother didn't have a job in the first place, so if he explained that he lost his job, it just rounded up the lie.

So Wang Shuang gritted his teeth and simply nodded in agreement.

"I knew that with your frizzy personality, you definitely wouldn't be able to do those boring jobs." Mom sighed, and then a slightly deep smile suddenly appeared on her face: "But it doesn't matter, I I have expected this situation a long time ago, you said last week that you went on a business trip, but in fact it was because you lost your job and went out to play in a bad mood, right?"

Wang Shuang was stunned: "Huh? Ah... Mmmm, yes."

"Tsk tsk, as expected of my son, I did the same thing back then." When my mother talked about her youth, she had a smug expression on her face.Afterwards, she quickly realized that this was not something she should be proud of, so she quickly darkened her face and secretly glanced at Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang was speechless after hearing this.

In the end, the mother still handed over the suitcase to Wang Shuang to drag, and they walked downstairs to the house where Wang Shuang lived. Wang Shuang fully felt the weight of the suitcase when walking up the stairs.What's in it?Wouldn't it be clothes and cosmetics?Wang Shuang couldn't help but think painfully.

When walking up to the third floor, Wang Shuang shook the box, and suddenly felt that something inside was shaking slightly with his movements.The steel scraped lightly, and Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment. From the feeling, what kind of machine does it seem to be inside?

Walking to the door of Wang Shuang's room, Wang Shuang took out the key to open the door, and a faint smell rushed towards him, making the mother who was about to enter couldn't help but take a step back.

Seeing his mother's reaction, Wang Shuang looked a little embarrassed.Mom pinched her nose, frowned and waved her hand: "How long has it been since you cleaned your room? How long has it been since you dumped the garbage?"

She turned her head to look at Wang Shuang, and saw the latter standing at the door with an awkward wry smile, so her eyebrows frowned even deeper.She rolled up her cuffs, rolled up her trousers, moved her wrist, and rushed into Wang Shuang's room.Wang Shuang remembered the game helmet he still put on the bed, and quickly followed in from behind.

"Huh?" My mother let out a soft hey after rushing in. She turned her head back to look at Wang Shuang who was following her, and pointed to the game helmet on the bed and asked, "So you bought it a long time ago?"

"Nani?" Wang Shuang was startled when he heard the words. Thinking of the mysterious suitcase, he couldn't help asking, "Could it be that your suitcase also contains the helmet and equipment of Xingyuan?"

"That's right." Mom clapped her hands excitedly, and gave Wang Shuang a thumbs up: "You don't know how many guys are making money in this game now, I went to their forum today, even if it's an ordinary player Gold coin salary members have three or four thousand a month."

"You went to the forum to see..." Wang Shuang smiled awkwardly when she heard the words. Judging by the change in her expression, it seemed that she hadn't seen those posts about Wang Shuang.

"Hey, by the way, if you have this helmet, it means that you are already playing this game!" Mom seemed to suddenly think of something: "Then you can save a lot of the world, why don't you try to become a member of another guild?" Your salary member? By the way, do you know what a salary member is, that is, those who help the grand guild collect gold coins to collect tasks, and then the president of the grand guild pays you a salary every month, which is similar to your previous job."

"I know, of course I know, I've been playing this game for a while." Wang Shuang didn't know how to explain his current position in the game, so he had to say in pain.

"Have you been playing this game for a while?" Mom was suddenly amazed: "It seems that you lost your job earlier than I thought."

Looking around the room, my mother came in with a broom and a dustpan, first cleaned all the paper towels on the floor, then wiped the surface of the helmet with a rag, and dumped the garbage.

"I have to do these things by myself in the future. I'm not your nanny, so I can't follow you and do these things every day." My mother wiped her sweat, and Wang Shuang hurried up to hand her a towel to wipe.

"But even if I say so, you will play games all night every day instead of doing it." My mother suddenly sighed, dragged her suitcase in, kicked open the lid of the suitcase, and put the inside All the neatly placed game equipment is displayed.Wang Shuang nodded after seeing it. This is indeed a complete set of Star Wish game equipment.

"Anyway, there is still a set of game equipment here, how about I find you someone who can take care of your daily life?" Mom suddenly said.

"No need, I'm not used to living with other people." Wang Shuang refused immediately when he heard this.Just kidding, brother is working hard in the game every day, how can he have time to pay attention to a guy he has never met?What's more, Wang Shuang has never had any sense of trust in this kind of guy.Living under one roof with a guy you can't trust just sucks to think about it.

"What if it's a girl?" Mom said, laughing evilly: "It's still the kind that doesn't have a boyfriend?"

There was a slight ripple in Wang Shuang's heart, and he pondered for a while, as if immersed in some kind of imagination.Suddenly thinking of a possibility, Wang Shuang was startled and woke up from his dream: "Fuck, you didn't sign up for a blind date for me without me knowing, did you?"

"No, no, does your mother look like such a worthless person?"

"I think it's very similar. Even if it's not a blind date, it's similar. You've planned it a long time ago, right?"

"How can you doubt your mother so much, you make your mother very sad!"

"So is there any?"

"……Yeah, there is."

Wang Shuang chuckled and couldn't help covering his mourning face with his hands.

Next, Wang Shuang opened the window to ventilate the room, while his mother was calling someone else.Wang Shuang was a little concerned about a female voice faintly coming from the other end of the phone.After all these years, who would come out to be a babysitter for others for some money?Moreover, I have to live with a man I don't know under the same roof...

Isn't this the plot of the novel?How could there be such a girl in reality!If Wang Shuang knew Wang Shuang's achievements in the game in advance, there would be a little reason, but judging by his mother's appearance, he obviously didn't know, and of course the other party couldn't know, so what purpose did she come for?

At this time, my mother seemed to have settled down with the other party, and hung up the phone with a smile.Wang Shuang came up from the window, and hurriedly asked, "By the way, mom, did you tell someone about this, or did someone take the initiative to tell you?"

"What do you mean?" There was a momentary confused expression on my mother's face: "Oh, you said this girl, she came out of a nearby university to find a job, a female college student. But although I found a girl to clean it for you It's hygienic, but you can't play hands with others without the consent of the other party."

"Is there still time to agree..." Wang Shuang smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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