Chapter 244
Yes, on the surface, it seems that Wang Shuang is a bit arrogant and unreasonable.Long Teng Qianqiu also thought about many questions about why Wang Shuang is so awesome.Wang Shuang looks rubbish on the surface, but that is his bad personality in reality, which has nothing to do with his strength.But why is he so awesome?Will there be any restrictions behind his being so awesome?
Longteng Qianqiu is very painful, and the Longteng Guild has never stopped collecting information about Wang Shuang, but looking back at Wang Shuang's journey, except for doing dungeons, he is just doing dungeons, or running around on the sea, not to mention the Longteng Guild Even if they can keep up with Wang Shuang's speed, they may not see any problems.

The function of time and fortune is just to reverse the probability. Wang Shuang lost more equipment when killing monsters, and the success rate of refining potions was high. All these made Long Teng Qianqiu think that Wang Shuang might have some talent to increase his luck value.

That's right, unlike most ordinary players, the hidden attribute of lucky value is not a secret in many big guilds, even Long Teng Qianqiu has heard of it a little.But can luck really be so strong that everything goes smoothly?Is there really such a talent that can increase the luck value to infinity, make all attacks crit, and all monsters drop top-quality equipment?

Long Teng Qianqiu rubbed his hair a little irritably, at this moment he suddenly saw trembling in his friends list.Long Teng Qianqiu immediately came to his senses, pulled himself together and clicked on the list, it was actually sent by Long Teng Xingchen!It should be an important task for the president to find himself personally!

Clicking on Longteng Xingchen's private chat, Longteng Qianqiu saw a message from the other party: "Qianqiu, are you in Kuye City or Saiyan City?"

Of course it is!Long Teng Qianqiu hurriedly answered truthfully, and Long Teng's shadow walked up to him as if he wanted to report something to him, but was interrupted by Long Teng Qianqiu waving his hand.

"I just took an orange-level mission. The mission location is in an area between Kuye City and Saiyan City. Prepare yourself and clear all the ones that can be cleared. If you can't, wait for us to force them when we arrive. clear."

Orange grade task!Long Teng Qianqiu was slightly startled, and then immediately replied: "Okay, got it."

"Is Wang Shuang also in your area?" Just as he was about to close the chat window and order Long Teng Yingying and the others to start action, Long Teng Xingchen suddenly answered.

"Yeah, he is playing in the arena now, and he has played in the third game, and the first two games... No, the first three games are all players from our guild."

"People from our guild? All lost."

"...Yes." Long Teng Qianqiu was a little reluctant to type these words, but finally he typed them out through gritted teeth.After sending the information to Longteng Xingchen, he felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body.

"It's okay, it's normal, don't worry about it." Long Teng Xingchen didn't seem to respond either.

Long Teng Qianqiu felt extremely uncomfortable!Wang Shuang is too strong, let alone him, even Long Teng Xingchen, the president of their guild, can't understand it!If you are alone, if you are not afraid that he is awesome, if you are afraid that he is so awesome that you can't understand it, then it will be troublesome.

And Wang Shuang's situation is like this now, it's so awesome that people can't understand it, it seems that anyone who goes up is killed by Wang Shuang in a flash.He widened the distance and was shot to death by his followers with three arrows, shortened the distance and was stabbed to death by Wang Shuang. The assassin in the third game also escaped into a stealth state when he came up, and Wang Shuang released a black mist on the spot. Countless assassins of the shadows appeared one after another and stabbed randomly in the black mist.

This was not over yet, Li Muxuan, a follower who emerged from behind Wang Shuang, also suddenly shot an arrow in the air, and then a shining golden building appeared out of thin air, and quickly collapsed, causing repeated damage in a large area.The assassin in the stealth state was finally overwhelmed. He got out of the stealth state and was emptied of blood, and then slowly fell to his knees.

Once you accept the setting that Wang Shuang can kill them in one round, and by default, Wang Shuang can kill them all in one move, so why is there any need to arrange tactics?How else can this game be played?
The other arenas are full of enthusiasm, with one player at a time, people come and go, recovery skills and acceleration skills emerge in endlessly, and there are even gorgeous combos of near-death rage and a large number of low-damage skills. It takes 10 minutes to start a game. Finish.As for Wang Shuang, every time he moves every second.Now that he had killed the third member of the Longteng Guild, Wang Shuang waved to Longteng Qianqiu in the audience, with a bright smile, turned around and left the arena.

The corner of Long Teng Qianqiu's mouth twitched, he didn't know whether to respond or give him a middle finger, and finally ignored Wang Shuang's smile, silently lowered his head and shook.

Suddenly, Long Teng Qianqiu was startled, and quickly sent a message to Long Teng Xingchen: "President, Wang Shuang must go to level up after he leaves the arena. What if we meet Wang Shuang when we clear the arena?"

"Don't worry, I have a solution, we can just lure him away." Long Teng Xingchen replied unhurriedly.

"Trick him away?" Long Teng Qianqiu looked confused: "Wang Shuang doesn't look like he's easy to be fooled. I wonder what the president plans to do?"

"You'll know when I get here." At the end of the sentence, Long Teng Xingchen came over with a laughing expression.

Long Teng Qianqiu closed the chat window with a confused expression.

"Fufeng, Fashen, help me convey this message to the other members of the second group. Shadow, help me gather nearby Dragon players."

Longteng Fufeng and Longteng Fashen went away in response, Longteng Shadow agreed and asked curiously: "Are there any new tasks?"

"Yes." Long Teng Qianqiu nodded: "The president has accepted an orange-level mission, and we need to go and clear a field."

"Understood, I'm going to call the guild's group of miscellaneous fish." After Long Teng Yingying finished speaking, he turned his head and left.

At this moment in Xilia City, Longteng Xingchen was communicating with his warrior mentor.This is a woman with a hairpin with a golden rose on her head. The faint sunlight shines on the golden hairpin, emitting a dazzling light, matching her long golden hair that flows down from top to bottom like a waterfall. Shine bright in this office.

Long Teng Xingchen was carelessly arranging his backpack while communicating with his mentor.If someone could see his mentor from the perspective of Longteng Xingchen, he would see that the entire name of the mentor was gleaming gold, with a very conspicuous mark in front of the name.

Extreme trust.

This is a sign that Long Teng Xingchen has completely filled up his mentor's favorability. When communicating with Long Teng Xingchen, she always has a faint smile on her face.

"I declare in advance that the possibility of completing this task is very small, and the opponent you will face is also different from the previous ones. It will take a lot of time and energy, and the probability of reaping the rewards in the end is not high. Please confirm again. Have you really decided to go now?"

"I've decided." Long Teng Xingchen replied flatly.

The female tutor looked at Long Teng Xingchen's indifferent face, and still showed a faint smile on her face: "I have to admit, your indifferent appearance is indeed very attractive, and your strength also gives you this capital! Your mission has not shaken your confidence. May your wish come true."


System prompt: You have accepted the red-level mission "Guarding the Gate of Floating Life", you now have 4 hours to prepare. After 4 hours, regardless of whether you are online or not, the system will directly transfer you to the entrance of the Gate of Floating Life.Seek out some assistance and guidance if you can, because you're facing a different kind of enemy next.

What kind of enemy is different from the past, Long Teng Xingchen couldn't help laughing after watching it, he was actually a player!To put it bluntly, this task actually requires him to participate in the war between NPCs, not only to face the attacks of NPCs, but also to face the tactics and harassment of players. As for the chances of winning?Longteng Xingchen felt that even if he brought the entire battle group of the Longteng Guild, he would not be sure of victory in the past!
Some time ago, the army of the Lionheart Kingdom marched westward, captured and sealed a huge portal of the Undead Eternal Night Kingdom.Now the undead race is mobilizing like crazy, trying to snatch the gate of floating life back with great momentum, and the human race will naturally not sit idly by, and immediately sent a large number of troops to garrison.

Because Longteng Xingchen has a close relationship with his mentor, he has learned a lot about the details of the mission from his mentor, including the difficulty of the mission and the restrictions of the mission.

So what does this task have to do with Wang Shuang?Now on the surface, this is just a red-level mission that Longteng Xingchen has accepted. After 4 hours, Longteng Xingchen will be sent to the Floating Life Gate on the front line. It has nothing to do with Wang Shuang?

This has to mention the talent that Longteng Xingchen got when his talent was awakened.

- Spokesperson Messenger: You can transfer any quest you accept to another player, doing so will cause you to lose the quest.And after other players complete this task, the reward they get will also be the original 50? ? ?Use on odd-numbered days with an interval of more than 24 hours.

The description of this talent seems complicated, but what does it actually mean?It's very simple, it is to transfer the tasks that you have received but don't want to do to others to do, and then they can only get 50 after they finish? ? ?Service rewards, and then this talent can only be used once every two days, that's what it means.

Longteng Xingchen directly activated the talent, and pulled out the red-level talent he had just accepted from the task bar.A messenger wrapped in smoke all of a sudden appeared on the spot, silently saluted Longteng Xingchen, and stretched out his hand.Long Teng Xingchen entrusted him with the task that had turned into a scroll in his hands, and the messenger raised his hat, and disappeared soundlessly in place in the form of misty black smoke.

At the same time, Wang Shuang, who had just come out of the arena, was in high spirits. I don't know if it was because of his strong luck, or because the Longteng Guild just happened to be in trouble at this time, and all the players he met in five consecutive games were all Longteng Guild players, and all of them were killed. Wang Shuang killed in one move!

Wang Shuang saw that Long Teng Qianqiu's face was turning purple in the auditorium, so he suppressed a smile and left the arena.After leaving the arena now, Wang Shuang was actually a little bit reluctant.

I really hope that tomorrow will come sooner!

Just thinking about it, Wang Shuang suddenly had a message prompt in front of him.


System prompt: Longteng Xingchen requests to be added as a friend, do you agree?

(End of this chapter)

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