Chapter 247
But this guy seemed to be muttering something just now, a lost soul, a poor lonely ghost... Why does this tone sound like those crazy missionaries in the West?

Wang Shuang intuitively felt that there might be something wrong with it, and it might be another high-level task.But seeing that his task bar was overloaded again, and he was about to be teleported away in three hours, Wang Shuang didn't go any further. He bought the hourglass from an NPC for [-] gold coins, and came up with this strange thing. grocery store.

——Dream Hourglass: You can only use it once a day. After using it, you will challenge the Dream Dungeon and defeat the final nightmare monster to get rewards.

"Damn it, the dream dungeon, I just want to sleep and I can become a dungeon?" Wang Shuang was dumbfounded when he saw the description of the item. Could it be possible that he will have to go through the dungeon every time before looking for a mentor?It's a scam.

After struggling for a while, Wang Shuang finally put the hourglass back into his backpack.There is no rush to find a mentor. Although it must be done before going to the Gate of Floating Life, it is relatively not that urgent.After all, there are only three hours left before the teleportation time, and Wang Shuang still has to visit Saiyan City to ask the head of the Glorious Legion.Because now, only the head of the Legion of Glory and Wang Shuang are familiar with this area.

About an hour later, Wang Shuang appeared in Kesma's office in a hurry.

"Adventurer, we meet again." Like last time, Kesma stood up from her seat to greet Wang Shuang, walked forward and shook hands with Wang Shuang first: "I don't know what you want to do with me this time? "

"Head, do you know the Gate of Floating Life?" Wang Shuang went straight to the point as soon as he came up.

Hearing the word Floating Life Gate, Kesma frowned, and then her face became a little serious.He nodded, and hurriedly walked back to the back of his desk. Seeing this, Wang Shuang also walked to the desk and sat down.After taking his position, Kesma crossed his hands on his chest and said in a heavy tone: "Adventurer, did you accept the task of supporting the Gate of Floating Life?"

Fuck, it's really different to have an NPC standing behind you, you all know that!Wang Shuang gave him a thumbs up: "The head of the group is wise and powerful, I can guess this and admire it. Now that the head has already guessed it, do you have any good suggestions and opinions?"

"Yes." Kesma stood up, looked Wang Shuang up and down, shook her head and said, "You are really too weak now, it is not enough to deal with the situation at the Gate of Floating Life, you need extra strength. "

Wang Shuang's heart tightened, and he quickly asked, "Extra strength?"

Kesma nodded: "This matter concerns the territory of Lionheart Kingdom and Eternal Night Kingdom, and it is an issue that even His Royal Highness must carefully consider. Although I am the head of the Legion of Radiance, my duty is only to Guard Saiyan City and its surrounding territories, and respond to the call of the Lionheart Kingdom and follow the command of His Royal Highness to go to the front line to fight. Now there is no order from above to me, so for the time being, I only know that the Gate of Floating Life was Our human army has been broken."

"Although I don't know the specific situation, someone in our city must know. My first advice to you is: You set off immediately, go to the Lord's Mansion of Saiyan City, and find the Lord to ask about the relevant situation. His official news should come sooner than I'll hurry up, if possible, you need to apply to the city lord and ask him for some war subsidies, that guy is also a guy who cares about the country and the people, I don't think he will be stingy with money in this regard."

Is there a gold coin subsidy?Wang Shuang's jaw was so shocked that his brother hadn't finished the task yet, so he gave him a subsidy first?I like this mode, even if the mission fails, the big deal is to go back to the dark dragon to be a happy pirate, wait for the biogas and other buildings to slowly produce gold coins, and enjoy the achievements!
No matter how you calculate, I won’t pay you!

Wang Shuang thought for a while, then nodded excitedly: "Okay, I understand." After speaking, he was about to run outside.

At this time, Kesma suddenly seemed to think of something, and quickly stood up and pulled Wang Shuang back, and waved to the soldiers on both sides of the gate. The soldiers on both sides immediately understood, walked to the two doors and closed the door of the office.At the same time, several soldiers in heavy armor around Kesma also closed the curtains, and except for a few lampstands and night pearls emitting faint light, most of the room was dark.

What's the matter? This is, Wang Shuang was confused for a moment, seeing Kesma's stern face, is he going to say something ulterior secret?

Fuck, I'm not interested. My countdown is only two hours and two minutes left. After finding the city lord, I might have to talk a few words to explain it. How can I have time to listen to your secrets?
But Kesma didn't seem to care about Wang Shuang's attitude. She looked straight at him and asked suddenly, "Adventurer, have you heard of blood magic?"

"I've heard of it." Wang Shuang was taken aback and replied casually.

"Huh?" This time it was Kesma's turn to be stunned.

"Ah——I haven't heard of it." Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw the other party's reaction was wrong, what the hell, he misremembered the magic in the stand-alone game he played before!If you say that in Star Wish, it is true that you have never heard of blood magic!
"I'll show you a few things, and don't tell anyone after you read them." Kesma waved his hand, while a guard took out a book from nowhere.The cover of the book is very thick, it looks thicker than Wang Shuang's plush clothes. The cover is covered with a layer of smooth fur. After opening, there are some incomprehensible symbols written inside.

"Is this blood magic?" Wang Shuang glanced at Kesma: "I don't understand, what do you want to show me?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. There are not many characters, so you can learn and learn." Kesma carefully unfolded the cover, flipped through a few pages, and cleared her throat with two coughs.He opened his mouth and spit out obscure notes one after another. These notes seemed to have magical powers, pulling Wang Shuang's thinking and making him feel a force that seemed to tear his brain apart.

Fortunately, this feeling didn't last long, and the other party quickly stopped singing.Wang Shuang saw that the palm of his left hand had been covered with a layer of faint red frost patterns, and these frost patterns were still spraying out fine red powder, as if it was something dangerous.

Blood magic, once you hear the name, it must be very dangerous.But the next moment, Wang Shuang's eyes suddenly widened.I saw that Kesma suddenly pressed the hands that had become bizarre at the moment on the thick armor of a guard beside him.In the next second, the armor on the guard's chest was dented quickly, and then he was slammed into the air, as if he had been hit head-on by a huge iron ball. When he hit the wall, even the wall couldn't completely dispel the force .

In the next second, the wall shattered and the guard was blasted out.It quickly disappeared into the sky filled with white mist in the city.

Wang Shuang's jaw dropped to the floor, what the hell!
"How is it, is it amazing?" Kesma boasted rather proudly.

Is it great?Of course it's great, my brother!It's not that exaggerated to make a movie!However, after the guard was blown away, the other guards next to him seemed unresponsive. Wang Shuang couldn't see their faces, because their faces were covered by thick iron helmets, and even their eyes and noses were covered. The striped iron bars on the helmet are closed.

Seeing that his companion was blown away, why didn't he react at all?Wang Shuang was a little confused. Even if you don't care about your companions, how surprised is there to be such a big hole in the wall?

Kesma coughed suddenly, pulling Wang Shuang back to reality: "Anyway, adventurer, you must have seen the power of this blood magic, what do you think?"

"Strong, too strong!" Wang Shuang gave a thumbs up, and then looked at Kesma expectantly: "But, will the head of the team use it for me? I don't have any money with me right now."

"Haha, you just need to go to the city owner to apply, and the gold coins you can get will far exceed your imagination! You owe this little money first, and you can give it to me when you come back from the Gate of Floating Life." Kex Ma laughed.

Fuck, brother is just being polite to you, do you really collect money?And it is actually a mode that can be defaulted. Do npcs like to give benefits to players first, and then let players do things?

Wang Shuang asked a little speechlessly: "How many gold coins are there in total? Please quote a price so that I can keep it in mind."

"Hehe, don't worry about this, the price is easy to talk about, we will discuss it slowly after you come back from the Gate of Floating Life."

Fuck, aren't you afraid that brother will run away immediately?And you have never dared to say what the price means, are you guilty, or are you saying that the quantity is too large to scare you, so you won’t buy this blood magic book from you?Wang Shuang always felt a little uncertain, and today's Kesma looked weird.After pondering for a moment, Wang Shuang continued to ask: "Then what kind of blood magic can be used, can you tell me?"

"This is no problem." Kesma nodded, opened the book with an extremely thick cover in her hand, flipped through the first two or three pages, and casually dropped three or four pages: "Adventurer, take it, This is about the way of singing blood magic, as well as the spells of blood magic. This time I went to support the Floating Life Gate, as long as these two blood magic are completely enough to deal with."

——Blood Magic·Power: The next hit will cause 300?Deals damage from the attack and knocks the target back a distance.The distance the target retreats depends on the size of your physical attack.Use consumption: 2500 points of blood and 500 points of blood limit.


I'm sorry, it's fine to deduct blood when using blood magic, but why do you have to deduct the upper limit of vitality and blood!If I am happy to use it more than a dozen times, it means that the upper limit of [-] blood points is gone, and the upper limit of blood is directly reduced by one-third!
(End of this chapter)

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